
May 18, 2004
So I told my little brother about Penis Enlargement tonight, and I could tell he was extremely weirded out....
Maybe he already knew about Penis Enlargement and was pissed that I sent him to Thundersplace (I know what kind of asshole brother am I :D)

Now I feel all fucked inside, that I shouldnt have opened my mouth....

I have told three people altogether, two of my good buddies and my brother,

my first buddy thought it was cool but didnt want anything to do with it,

The next buddy stood up and proclaimed to the mountains:


But actually its the second coolest to him cuz Im gonna ship him off to �other PE site� also... LMAO

I dont really advise telling people about it anyway, cuz that is fuckin stupid, but there is a select few that are not right EGO'd out and deserve the Supreme Cosmic Knowledge

Whichever one of you told this one guy I know about Penis Enlargement (the one with the ego the size of a babies skull, deserves to be impaled immediately)

(thats why we gotta stop tellin people, Im crossin paths with other Penis Enlargementers :D seriously!!!

But I just want to hear from people that have told people about it

Like Kong, you told your son right??? how did that go???

So my post has become a rant, but what Im thinking now is I shoulda tried to get my brother working OUt, before Penis Enlargement, cuz i think i might have warped his mind <:(
I told him. He did it for awhile. He told me he gained about half an inch, putting him over the six mark, and was very proud of it, but he has kind of lost interest. That's okay. You could get warped here if you don't have your head on right, thinking you must be 10 inches or you have a pathetic dick.

Girthwise, I'd say he's a match for me...from what he says-- I've never seen it erect, thank goodness!

He thinks he's huge now, and that's fine with me! I don't have any weird kind of vested interest in his penis size. I only told him because I thought it was valuable info to arm him with, just in case...just like foreskin restoration, which he has little interest in at all.

Thing is, with the knowledge of Penis Enlargement and FR I've given him, he'll know if he has any problems down the road.

BTW, for all you newbies, my son was 17 when I told him, and eighteen now.

I plan to tell my other son about all this too, when he gets old enough. Otherwise, I've told probably a half-dozen male friends about FR and Penis Enlargement. None of them cared whatsoever except one, but that's okay. If their women ever say anything about them having a little willy or something like that, instead of being depressed about it they're going to think, "Hey, what was it Kong said about Penis Enlargement?"
Im glad it went well for him, and you telling him....

Now that I think about it, it was a bad decision....because I mean, I think i have lost my own mind with Penis Enlargement, my flaccid hang rules my emotions!!! ANd I cant even think about living without Penis Enlargement
And handing this down to my brother, who is having trouble dealing with things as it is, without trying to keep sane from Penis Enlargement, its too much
I thought I was handing down a treasure,( when I found out about Penis Enlargement, It was intense euphoria)

but it seems more like a curse of mental instability
I have told noone. I do offer the advice subliminally but then the person has to pick up on what I am saying and search for themselves.

I found this place not because someone told me about it but because I was looking for it. Things always fall into place when you ask the right questions.

As far as if I would ever tell anyone, probably not. I feel knowledge is the most powerful thing a person can have. Im not saying Im greedy with the knowledge just not going to give handouts as I never got one.

So for now in the Penis Enlargement world we are at the top of the pyramid looking down on those in ignorance or who do not care. Those who do care will eventually find us anyways.

Its all our knowledge to be shared or hoarded, do with it as you please.
kausion_420 said:
I have told noone. I do offer the advice subliminally but then the person has to pick up on what I am saying and search for themselves.


Hey Kausion, thats funny man....cuz i do that shit all the time, LMAO

In this one circle of friends I always throw down clues.....
Il be saying jelq and stretch session, gotta go workout.....

They know I dont workout :D

And somehow over time it has evolved into " K guys I gotta go, have to give my cock a good workout tonight, throw in some light stretches etc LMAO

and all the guys and girls think im saying im gonna go jerkoff

Sept one guy, he caught on real quick, Turns out he's a Penis Enlargementer :blush:

One girl even asked if i needed help with my workout routine :cool:
VladtheImpaler said:
Im glad it went well for him, and you telling him....

Now that I think about it, it was a bad decision....because I mean, I think i have lost my own mind with Penis Enlargement, my flaccid hang rules my emotions!!! ANd I cant even think about living without Penis Enlargement
And handing this down to my brother, who is having trouble dealing with things as it is, without trying to keep sane from Penis Enlargement, its too much
I thought I was handing down a treasure,( when I found out about Penis Enlargement, It was intense euphoria)

but it seems more like a curse of mental instability

Ooh, that's not good, vlad.

Penis Enlargement is great, but you have to remember one thing:

Anything over 6 inches is huge!

It really, really is!
Yeah I've told two people about it since I began seeing gains. The first was my

current roomate and best bro from High School just because there just aren't any

secrets with us. That worked out great too, he doesn't really care for it himself as he

is happy with his size (although he was somewhat interested in the killing pre-ejac

methods), but right now in college its so much less of a stress that I know he knows

whats going on and is cool with it. Of course i don't work out in front of him, but if

I'm casually pulling my pants up when he comes back from class its all in stride. The

other person was a buddy of mine since High School as well, he was literally known

throughout the school for being hung like a bullfrog, everyone saw him after football

and morning weights in the shower and some of the assholes had to spread it around

school (girls included). I knew he couldn't be happy cause' he couldn't even begin to

get a girl throughout High School. Shortly after seeing gains myself I took him aside

and explained it to him and that it really worked and then guided him over to RED's

PridePenis (which to avoid any confusion I wasn't a registered member of because, I

don't know, I'm stupid, but I always checked it everyday to read all the info it had to

offer about Penis Enlargement). From what I gathered a few weeks later he must have done it for like

a week and didn't really see any gains, so he stopped. I couldn't understand how

someone like him could pass up such a great opportunity, but perhaps if something

does happen with a girl or whatever down the line (he is admittedly still a virgin)

maybe he will be motivated to look for it again, kinda like what Kong was saying. I

don't plan on sharing it with anyone else in the near future as I would only do so with

very close friends, unless my girl offered to take away sex until I told her why it keeps

getting bigger : )
kong1971 said:
Ooh, that's not good, vlad.

Penis Enlargement is great, but you have to remember one thing:

Anything over 6 inches is huge!

It really, really is!

Yeah, lol, i just read what i typed and that did sound pretty over the top!!!
and isnt the way i feel atoll
I need Penis Enlargement like someone who is into sports needs sports, not like a crackfiend needs crack!!!
When i found out about it I thought it was cool cuz it was a new hobby to do and work towards a goal,for a halfhour a day, and forget about it ....

but the shit i typed, I couldnt beleive i typed that lol, ....my second and third post together made me sound like a Penis Enlargement obsessed fiend that cant separate the real world from Penis Enlargement and his cock....both of which i think i do pretty well, and is...after all, sorta the reason i made this thread in the first place
I've sent very subtle hints to one buddy who I think would like the knowledge. He's a sex addict. Yes, I know that would be feeding his addiction, but haven't you ever bought an alcoholic a beer? Anyway, I never heard anything about it, and he's a talker, so I would know if he did it.

Other than that, I'm pretty vocal about Penis Enlargement on measurection.com which is a board to support guys (many are smaller ones) who have size issues. I know of at least one guy who's doing it now and I wish him the best of luck.
I'm 18 and i started, it's cool.
Funny how i found the place, i was looking up lifting imformation on a supplement i was thinking about using and never did, but this forum came up, then i was like why is there penis stuff at this bodybuilding forum.
I was mind boggled for a while and thought the shit was trying to make money and was fake but that ended after like 3 days of reading tons.
joe_bloggs808 said:
Damn, I wish my old man had told me about the wonders of Penis Enlargement when I was 17!!

Damn that would be 20 years in the game for me!
stillwantmore said:
Damn, you'd probably be at least 7" non bp by now! ;) :p :O

Closer to 3 but thats cool:D
I've told only one person, one of my closest friends, he said it was cool.. but he didn't have any kind of privacy to do it. I'm kinda in the same situation but I find time to do it descretely enough for no one in my house to find out. I can see how hard it is for him being that like 7 other people live in his house.. so he doesn't even bother doing it.
deserve the Supreme Cosmic Knowledge
Thad be lucid dreaming. Get pussy every night if you get awesome at it, once a week if your pretty good, and once a month normal, with a big of dick as you want.

Anyhow Vlad Ive seen you on here for a while, if your bro is weirded oh well, he will either ditch it and regret it by checking it out one day when curiosity wins over, or he'll conform and grow. *shrug*
I've hinted about it before to my friends and I even told my best friend but everyone was like "good for you, I guess" except for him. He just said that he wasn't concerned at all about it and that I shouldn't be either. I only say it when they tell me my Camaro isn't going to make my penis bigger though. I hate it when people do that shit, especially girls. They roll down their windows sometimes and say, "Nice car. You compensating for something?" That will end one day though when I show them that I'm not compensating:D
I one day plan to tell my little brother; I don't have a clue about his size but I do know enough about my family tree to know that the branches are kind of short [if you know what I mean]. Dose someone have a discreet way to mention this to someone else?
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