
Dec 22, 2006
The other week a little bit of blood came out of my dick while doing an exercise so I decided to take about 2 weeks off for it to heal.

what I'm wondering about is scar tissue, I've heard posters talking before about scar tissue building up from certain exercises and preventing further gains. I've hit a plateau in girth recently at 5.15 for months so I think maybe I've built up too much scar tissue and can't gain because of it.

I don't believe my lack of gains are from not trying, I've clamped for over 2 months now and have done SSJ's for the past couple of weeks.

I guess my question is about the idea of scar tissue, does it inhibit gains, is there any way of telling that you have it (apart from not gaining) and will taking a few weeks off get rid of it, or is it permanent? Have other guys who've hit plateau's broken them by taking a vacation from pe for a couple of weeks?

Thanks for any replies.
newbie54 said:
The other week a little bit of blood came out of my dick while doing an exercise so I decided to take about 2 weeks off for it to heal.

what I'm wondering about is scar tissue, I've heard posters talking before about scar tissue building up from certain exercises and preventing further gains. I've hit a plateau in girth recently at 5.15 for months so I think maybe I've built up too much scar tissue and can't gain because of it.

I don't believe my lack of gains are from not trying, I've clamped for over 2 months now and have done SSJ's for the past couple of weeks.

I guess my question is about the idea of scar tissue, does it inhibit gains, is there any way of telling that you have it (apart from not gaining) and will taking a few weeks off get rid of it, or is it permanent? Have other guys who've hit plateau's broken them by taking a vacation from pe for a couple of weeks?

Thanks for any replies.

Why do you think it is scar tissue? Scar tissue only comes from severe trauma and in most cases Penis Enlargement would never cause this. Was there an incident that led you to believe this happened? Another thing about scar tissue is it usually shows itself through peyronies (bend in the penis) Is this something that has happened?
No I havn't had any trauma or pyronies. I've heard that doing intense exercises can give you scar tissue though, I don't know if that's true or not. My penis is fine, I'm just not gaining.

I've pe'd off and on for 2 years now, doing just light exercises and not really gaining. When I started again in November with heavy exercises I went from 4.7 inches in girth to 5.1 in a month. I've always been lucky in that I've never been injured, my body is really durable. Maybe this is counterproductive to pe and my body reacted and made the tissue too resistant too soon, so if I take some time off maybe I'll be able to gain again?

I just did some searches and found an idea called deconditoning, I guess that's what I'm hoping for.
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