Jun 14, 2013
I feel like right now my suspensory ligament is what is holding me back from making any more length gains. When I stretch it gets so taught and when I feel around on the rest of my dick nothing else feels tight at all. I haven't been able to figure out yet what is going to be the best exercise to really attack this lig. I'm hoping it's no longer stretchable. I know it's my lig because I can trace it back to my pubic bone. It's so tight I can actually pluck it. So now I'm wondering if this is holding back on length gains won't it also prevent the hidden inner penis from coming out. There has got to be something to get this lig to stretch. I hope I haven't toughened it up so much that now I'm won't able to stretch it any further. Does hanging attack this lig even more then BTC and DLD'S length blaster?
Why don't you just do some DLD blasters?You will go pass the ligaments and stretch further.
ChilDsh;661172 said:
Why don't you just do some DLD blasters?You will go pass the ligaments and stretch further.

Ok you're going to have to help me here because anatomy wise I don't understand. If the suspensory lig is attached to the pupic bone and the shaft of the penis and when it's stretched is tight how does doing kegals then RK to exhaust the kegal muscle "go pass" the suspensory lig. I just don't understand that. The lig is still the same length, how does going past it allow for length gain if you're not stretching the "rope" that's holding everything back?
I look at it this way, if you tie a rope to the back bumper of a truck then to the front bumper of another truck. Now pull it tight then take another rope, a little longer than the first , and tie it to the same bumpers. Until the first rope is stretched you're not going to do anything to the second rope, it's just going to hang there. That's how my dick feels. I've got this "rope" holding back the second "rope ".
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Hanging is best. Especially when you do it sitting down and occasionally leaning back to emphasize the ligament stretch.
tb007;661176 said:
Hanging is best. Especially when you do it sitting down and occasionally leaning back to emphasize the ligament stretch.

I've toyed with the thought of hanging and was even going to ask on here who is using hanging, why they chose hanging, and what gains they have made hanging. I'm also waiting til I get my LM (hopefully in the next couple weeks ) cause I think it'll be the best tool to use for hanging. Do you hang? If so, why did you choose hanging and what gains have you made hanging?
Muffbuster;661180 said:
Wise choice on the Lengthmaster! Make sure you learn to wrap properly hanging with the LM, I can't emphasize this enough!
Thanks, I'll be sure to do that. Can you recommend a good wrap or guide me where I can find one on here? Also do you hang and if so what kind of gains have you made? Why did you choose hanging?
There's a catagory on wrapping. I use a double wrap,short ace & then a longer ace wrap. I've only been hanging about 6 wks using
Stillwantsmore's guidelines. It takes getting use to & at times a little uncomfortable. My routine at the moment is as follows.;
Warmup-10 mins with rice sock
LM basic stretches( do bundled first)
Hang 1-2 sets for 20 min each set
Phallogenitcs for 4-5 hrs
3 hrs phallosan .
This broke my plateau & gave me 1/4 EL gain in 2 months ymmv
I just tried using the phallosan bell, wrapping behind the glan & around the condom with the LM attachment bolted together & it's more comfortable for me.
Muffbuster;661190 said:
There's a catagory on wrapping. I use a double wrap,short ace & then a longer ace wrap. I've only been hanging about 6 wks using
Stillwantsmore's guidelines. It takes getting use to & at times a little uncomfortable. My routine at the moment is as follows.;
Warmup-10 mins with rice sock
LM basic stretches( do bundled first)
Hang 1-2 sets for 20 min each set
Phallogenitcs for 4-5 hrs
3 hrs phallosan .
This broke my plateau & gave me 1/4 EL gain in 2 months ymmv
I just tried using the phallosan bell, wrapping behind the glan & around the condom with the LM attachment bolted together & it's more comfortable for me.
How much weight did you start off with and how much are you using now?
All great advice but the most important thing to be done was not mentioned. No matter how long the ligaments are they can always be stretched from a low point all the way back between the cheeks. I was told by Bib early on that, due to my erection angle, I could not make any more ligamental gains. This did not sit right with me and I was surprised that he did not think of this advice. An erection angle will NEVER go beyond straight down so in every case where ligaments are deterring gains Behind the Cheek stretches can be used to further the length.
doublelongdaddy;661196 said:
All great advice but the most important thing to be done was not mentioned. No matter how long the ligaments are they can always be stretched from a low point all the way back between the cheeks. I was told by Bib early on that, due to my erection angle, I could not make any more ligamental gains. This did not sit right with me and I was surprised that he did not think of this advice. An erection angle will NEVER go beyond straight down so in every case where ligaments are deterring gains Behind the Cheek stretches can be used to further the length.
So if I'm reading this and understanding you correctly you're saying BTC stretch is the best exercise to attack the suspensory lig by either manual exercise or with LM assistance? Correct?
I don't hang nearly as often as I should but I try to hang at least once or twice a week for 40 minutes each session. I started with 10 lbs. and now use 20 for the majority and will add a 3 lb. dumbbell intermittently. So 23 lbs. max so far.

I use the lengthmaster and wrap with sports prewrap, self-adhesive bandage, then sticky ace wrap. I change it out every 3 weeks or so.

After the 40 minutes of hanging I manually stretch for 20 then oftentimes I do a jelq/girth session right after that for about 30 minutes. I also wear a phallosan or phallogenetics combo for most of the day. I've gone from about 6 inches nbp length to a little over 7 nbp length in about a year.
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I started with 2.5 pounds for one 20 min set & now up to 10 pounds for 2 sets. DLD you're right about the angle as I sit on my bed while I hang & always leaned back. As far as what BIB said & all these theories(LOT,TGS) I never bought into them & don't think anyone should take them as gospel 'cause someone always comes along & proves them wrong! The 1/4 inch gain I got in 2 months is great after a long time not gaining anything. I think with the routine I'm using now with consistency should give me the "1 1/4 i need to reach the magic "10 bpel in another year.
IVEADREAM;661209 said:
So if I'm reading this and understanding you correctly you're saying BTC stretch is the best exercise to attack the suspensory lig by either manual exercise or with LM assistance? Correct?

BTC are,imo,the best stretch for ligaments....when i'm doing BTC stretches i can feel my ligaments burn as hell.
Well all this has definitely got me more interested in hanging. I've been reading threads in the hanging forum as well and one sticks out "hard core hanging " by dashdeming. It's a sticky and it was very interesting. I definitely liked the fact of the time spent doing the exercise-20 minutes a session. With someone that has a lot of time constraints it is very appealing. So much so that I'm considering giving it a try for about 6 months and see how it goes. The only question now though is what to buy to use as a hanger. Money wise right now the hanger 2 looks good but I'm torn between it and the LM. I know the LM is more versital and can be used for other exercises but if my concentration for the next 6 months is going to be hanging do I need it right now? That's my dilemma? Has anyone tried both and have a preference when it comes to being used as a hanger?
I'd go with the LM as it's the most versatile PE device ever. The hanger is less than 50.00 w/shipping & it supports the forum & can be picked up at a later date. Eventually I'll get one as soon as I go back to work.
Muffbuster;661297 said:
I'd go with the LM as it's the most versatile PE device ever. The hanger is less than 50.00 w/shipping & it supports the forum & can be picked up at a later date. Eventually I'll get one as soon as I go back to work.
I agree that the LM is more versital than the hanger so it brings up the question if I can hang with the LM why would I (or you) need the hanger at a later date?
ChilDsh;661306 said:
LM all the way bro :) Not only you have a great hanger,you have a great stretching tool too :)

The LengthMaster will do every important stretch necessary for a routine that follows the guidelines of SRT.

Bundled LM Stretches: Tunica Stretching
LM Rolls: Ligament to Internal Penis
Basic Stretching: Shaft and Ligamental
PowerAssist Exercises: Fulcrum and Assisted Stretching
and it is also a Hanger
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