supplements/foods I take/eat for penis health


Nov 18, 2018
There are tons of foods and supplements that help the penis in different ways whether it be harder/more frequent erections, increased semen volume, faster healing of penile tissues among other benefits I can't think of at the moment (=. These are a few things I take and have noticed a difference, if you guys have anything else to contribute or just to put down a few things you take, I'd love to know about it, so I could try it out for myself.

I take pygeum, saw palmetto and lecithin for increased volume. Ashwagandha for erection quality plus volume. zinc every now and then to make sure natural test levels are up. Half a tsp of borax which produces a natural viagra effect for most men, look into it on youtube. (sounds crazy I know it's in the laundry section but it's natural and mostly everyone today is lacking boron, plus it's safer than table salt) For foods I use celery juice for semen volume. Beets for harder more frequent erections. Chicken liver for harder more frequent erections.
There are tons of foods and supplements that help the penis in different ways whether it be harder/more frequent erections, increased semen volume, faster healing of penile tissues among other benefits I can't think of at the moment (=. These are a few things I take and have noticed a difference, if you guys have anything else to contribute or just to put down a few things you take, I'd love to know about it, so I could try it out for myself.

I take pygeum, saw palmetto and lecithin for increased volume. Ashwagandha for erection quality plus volume. zinc every now and then to make sure natural test levels are up. Half a tsp of borax which produces a natural viagra effect for most men, look into it on youtube. (sounds crazy I know it's in the laundry section but it's natural and mostly everyone today is lacking boron, plus it's safer than table salt) For foods I use celery juice for semen volume. Beets for harder more frequent erections. Chicken liver for harder more frequent erections.

I have taken Saw palmetto before, it's great for skin and boosting testosterone. I have pygeum in my drawers but havent used it yet bc I think i will get too much precum!

Do you think the saw palmetto and pygeum would help with length gains, if so it might be worth the extra precum :) ?
I would also advice you buy pharma grade Borax and not from the laundry section because it might contain contaminants. Like with DMSO I use 99,995% pure pharmaceutical grade and not industrial grade DMSO.
I'm not sure if the pygeum will help with the length gains but I did hit my max length while pumped while using it not sure if there is a connection or not, but also there is no pure or pharmaceutical grade borax it all comes from mines, mostly from california though there are other places but it would be costly to add anything to it, its 100% natural and pure. You can easily find this info online and youtube as well. 20 mule team from the store is great to use and other people I know use it as well.
I don't feel like writing everything again, so;
Supplements I've used

Celery juice sounds pretty good, I have celery seeds that I have added to some soups and other dishes I've had.
Saw palmetto I had a longer time ago, might want to save that for later years. :-D

Pygeum and Lecithin I've also tried, I could get some lecithin again, it's good for brain health as well.
Pygeum didn't create more precum for me, I've always been very low on precum.
I used to be able to spurt a lot but lately I've had issues with this; I'm getting blood work done to see if there's anything there. (As diminished ejaculations aren't my only trouble at the moment ...)

I wouldn't really see Pygeum and Saw Palmetto helping that much with length gains, other than in a "placebo" way.
L-Citrulline or those other supplements that aid with blood flow would be my pick.

That Borax is quite interesting, I'll have to look into it, but at the moment I have a pretty good stack of supplements.

Edit; Just two minutes into Googling and I've lost interest towards Borax. :D
Thanks for the advice! I think I want to try out the l-citrulline, I'm curious as to what you found about borax that would make you not want to try it?
Been using L-citrulline and arginine for a while and usually add a cayenne capsule and one maca root 1/2 hour before workouts.

For a daily nitric oxide booster, I found a single combo pill that has become a daily supplement for me:

There is nothing hidden or proprietary about it and you could source the ingredients separately- I have just been lazy ;)

I definitely notice a blood flow boost.
I think I want to try out the l-citrulline.

L-citrulline works very well for EQ. I take doses of 5000 mgs of free-form l-arginine combined with 1500 mgs of l-citrulline. Make sure these are free-form.(very important) It gets pricey to buy these separately since ideally you need to take multiple daily doses so look for a formulation that contains these two amino acids. I use CardioForLife and spike it with extra l-citrulline. The body converts l-arginine to nitric oxide in the artery wall. You must have adequate levels of nitric oxide in order to get and maintain an erection. L-citrulline is converted to l-arginine by the body so when you mix the two you get a longer lasting production of nitric oxide.

I take pygeum, saw palmetto, maca root, shilajit, epimedium, muria puama, tongkat ali and DHEA.

I also take another supplement containing celery seed extract, lecithin and bromelain. These work very well together. The lecithin and celery seed help increase semen volume (which translates into more orgasmic contractions) and the bromelain decreases refractory time.

I remember seeing an interview with Peter North years ago where credited his consumption of celery before his scenes with improving his volume although he admitted his massive loads were mostly hereditary.
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I remember seeing an interview with Peter North years ago where credited his consumption of celery before his scenes with improving his volume although he admitted his massive loads were mostly hereditary.

I saw that same interview and i think he also talked about how he had such good erections because of an exercise he did using a book draped over his penis while doing Kegels.
Thanks for the advice! I think I want to try out the l-citrulline, I'm curious as to what you found about borax that would make you not want to try it?

Well, overall, I did very quick Google search and there were notes about toxicity etc., of course there are few variants of Borax, but overall I'll skip it. I've tried Sodium Bicarbonate (baking soda) for certain things. I even made a deodorant that had it, but finding the correct ratio is tricky. It's effective on skin but can easily cause rashes.
I'm not debunking Borax totally, there are so many different solutions in this world. One man doesn't have all the right answers. :)

L-Citrulline is great though, I've used it with success without L-Arginine. Combining the two in my opinion is a bit of an overkill, but it can be done.

Randolpho mentioned Bromelain! It's supposed to deliver sweeter tasting ejaculations as well, from what I've gathered. Overall it can also work against inflammation. A nice supplement.

Which Lecithin you go for Randolpho? And others? I did have some good varities, no soy or anything, most lecithins out there are soy-based, from what I've looked, maybe I've hade blindfolds on.
Which Lecithin you go for Randolpho? And others? I did have some good varieties, no soy or anything, most lecithins out there are soy-based, from what I've looked, maybe I've had blindfolds on.

The lecithin I use is made from sunflower. You want to steer clear of the soy varieties because in high doses it can elevate estrogen levels.
my lecithin is sunflower as well but surprisingly I've seen some people say that soy works better for them, but I steered clear from it because of what Randolpho was saying about soy. Arkaijila I'm not trying to convince you to take borax but just want to state that everything has a toxicity level and like I said before salt has a much higher toxicity level, too much of anything is never a good thing, too much water can kill a man, but like you said I know that you are not trying to discredit borax. MCBLZ I want to try out arginine again as well I used to take it when I was like 18 for workouts.
aDiscipleofGod and Randolpho, great to hear about the sunflower variety; that's what I took as well when I had it. Definitely the scary stories of soy have reached me as well. ;)

aDiscipleofGod, Very true! Too much of anything is usually lethal, even water as you mentioned. Borax is very hard to get here in Finland, so that's another thing, I don't see myself ordering it either.
It's good that you brought it up as it has made conversation and that's a good thing!

Anybody keen on bee related products? I've used bee pollen, honey, bee bread, propolis ... Bee pollen is supposed to be great for some seminal output! I did have good runs with it, but I'm having few problems, looking to get them sorted out though.
Arkaijila I was taking bee pollen and royal jelly and I liked it alot though it was a few months prior to me starting PE It came in vials and I also was taking ginkgo biloba which also contained some bee pollen, at the farmers market where I live I can get raw royal jelly from a man who sells honey, I'm thinking of contacting him for some of that. I would love to try these things out again now that I'm going to be in PE for the long run! Randolpho what do you think about shilajit, I was taking it before when I was vegan because energy levels dropped and for awhile while I was taking it I was back to normal felt great but I ran out and then things got back to normal, mine was in the actual resin form, do you take it in tablets or another form? Now that I have left veganism behind PERMANENTLY I wonder how it would effect me.
Anybody keen on bee related products? I've used bee pollen, honey, bee bread, propolis ... Bee pollen is supposed to be great for some seminal output! I did have good runs with it, but I'm having few problems, looking to get them sorted out though.
Oh yes! I take ~800 mg of Swedish flower pollen extract daily. Really good for the prostate with that beneficial side effect of the added seminal output. Many holistic doctors prescribe it instead of those high dollar toxic alternatives pushed by Big Pharma. I discovered its benefits several years ago when i tried a semen volume formula I stumbled on in an adult entertainment shop. The product is called Xplozion. I was analyzing its ingredients trying to figure out what ‘made it tick’. It has pygeum, maca, pine bark extract, swedish flower pollen, zinc, vitamin B12, C, E and niacin. It’s a really good product but it’s best to take it every day for best results even though they sell two capsule packets for an hour before sex experience.
Oh yes! I take ~800 mg of Swedish flower pollen extract daily. Really good for the prostate with that beneficial side effect of the added seminal output. Many holistic doctors prescribe it instead of those high dollar toxic alternatives pushed by Big Pharma. I discovered its benefits several years ago when i tried a semen volume formula I stumbled on in an adult entertainment shop. The product is called Xplozion. I was analyzing its ingredients trying to figure out what ‘made it tick’. It has pygeum, maca, pine bark extract, swedish flower pollen, zinc, vitamin B12, C, E and niacin. It’s a really good product but it’s best to take it every day for best results even though they sell two capsule packets for an hour before sex experience.

thank you for reminding me! I need to buy some (called cernitol in my country).
Oh ja, du är svensk? ;) Your brother from the neighbour.

Bee pollen and other bee related products are great. I have even used honey on a surgery cut and it aided the healing a lot! There is one farmer nearby me, honey from there is great. But pollen I need to get from a superfoods store usually.
And it's usually granules, not too much powdered stuff around.
I do have a manual capsule maker and I've capsuled maca, ashwhagandha and other stuff though.

Interesting story about that Xpolozion and good job on breaking it down to your advantage!
I hear that manuka honey is supposed to be the best honey to consume health wise, anyone here ever have any? Arkailija do you take the bee pollen for prostate and volume increase or are there other benefits also?
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