
Jun 12, 2005
Hello everyone- I'm having trouble gaining length cause I have an extremely sensitive penis and stretching irritates my glans. Does anyone have any suggestions? Thank you very much
Since when do u stretch? The first few times I stretched, I also thought I wouldn't be able to maintain that exercise because my glans hurted everytime (btw I think everybody's sensitive there, and I'm uncut, so maybe even more sensitive). But I got accustomed to it, though it's still a bit uncomfortable feeling but not so much that I would worry about anymore.Few hours and all will be fine again.
I've tried on and off for the last few years and have been as gentle as I could and def notice a dfference in sensitivity during sex so I've been very hesitant to stick with my stretching program. Thank you for your reply. I appreciate it
You've noticed a difference in terms of a pain or increased insensitivity? And did it last throughout your stretching breaks or did it disappear? I just wonder because after a stretch session I am usually not that sensitive during sex and can thus last longer. Maybe that's even one reason why Penis Enlargement helps to ameliorate sexual stamina. Would make sense insofar as a frequent external stimulus probably causes a desensibilisation, i.e. increases stimulus tolerance level. That might not be an appreciated effect to everyone. But I guess, there's two sides to everything, Could imagine though, that there's a chance of a lowering of the tolerance level after having quit stretchings for a certain time. Maybe some exerienced Penis Enlargementer coould elaborate on this? I myself have been stretching for three weeks only so far.
I notice decreased sensitivity during sex after stretching and that's with only a minimal amount of stretching. I've been on the fence about stretching cause I do not want to trade sesitivity for more length. I think I will try the Bathmate and see how stretching goes with that. I was also wonderingif length gains could be made with flacid jelqing. Thank you again for your response
Hello everyone- I'm having trouble gaining length cause I have an extremely sensitive penis and stretching irritates my glans. Does anyone have any suggestions? Thank you very much

Get the hydrocortisone cream 1% and apply it to your glans at the end of each day before going to bed.
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Get the hydrocortisone cream 1% and apply it to your glans at the end of each day before going to bed.
This is a must to keep the skin in the best condition.
And also, just sayin, in its own way, decreased sensitivity just translates to better endurance : )
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