
Dec 20, 2016
Hey guy, I stumbled upon a cool study that some of the theory/ science guys around here might like. It's a study about the tunica of the penis regarding its tensile strength AND at what point the tunica will give in to deformation. This is the holy grail goal of PE IMO (figuring out exactly what causes the tunica to release its elastic bounties and let the CC expand). Check this out and let me know what you guys think. Pretty interesting that it even tells us what kind of pressure the tunica gives out at... I think that's kinda a big deal!

The aim of this study was to determine the tensile strength and the elasticity of the tunica albuginea (TA), and describe morphological structures in the tissue before and after mechanical deformities. Twenty cadavers of men aged between 33 and 83 were examined. Cavernosometry was performed in all specimens. Afterwards in five cadavers the flow rate was increased until a herniation of the TA appeared. A strength about 1500 mm. Hg was found. Similar results were found in four who had an inflatable prosthesis (AMS 700) inserted, and the intraprosthetic pressure increased until a deformity was noted. Slices of TA (thickness 1.3 to 3.3 mm.) from 11 specimens were tested in a tensiometer. The elasticity coefficient was found to be around 10(8) N/m2, and the tensile strength to be 600 to 750 mm. Hg (10(4) to 10(5) N/m2). The difference between the tensile strength achieved in the tensiometer and during saline infusion is possibly caused by the intracavernous framework. Microscopy showed that TA is mainly composed of collagen fibres which are situated in an undulating arrangement, with a few elastic fibres arranged longitudinally which connect the undulating bundles of collagen fibres. When the tissue is overstretched, the elastic fibres are destroyed and the undulating arrangement disappears.

PMID 2304187 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Really a good read it was a study posted in 1990 by Bitsch M, Kromann Andersen B, Schou J, Sjontoft E. It does outlay some good info on why the elasticity is as it is but since it was done on cadavers it doesn't really show how that tissue heals when stretched. Currently we have ways to break down the tunica to allow it to stretch such as bundled exercises it would be nice to know if there was a more effective way disscovered. Has there been anymore info posted about this type of study?
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I'd be curious how we could convert the Newton per square meter equation to our 'boots-on-the-ground' work. I do bundle stretches with my Lengthmaster, and it'd be nice to know at what pressure-level the tunica begins to fail...I just twist and pull until pain ensues (granted, not very scientific)
Big Schwanz Acht;731816 said:
I'd be curious how we could convert the Newton per square meter equation to our 'boots-on-the-ground' work. I do bundle stretches with my Lengthmaster, and it'd be nice to know at what pressure-level the tunica begins to fail...I just twist and pull until pain ensues (granted, not very scientific)

hmm until they invent an xray that can see under the skin like it wasn't there i don't think that will be possible without a microscopy view after the stretch which may require a tissue sample....
Sinthious;731817 said:
hmm until they invent an xray that can see under the skin like it wasn't there i don't think that will be possible without a microscopy view after the stretch which may require a tissue sample....

Well...if they were able to determine at what N/m2 the TA fails, perhaps we could replicate that amount of force w/our LM?
Big Schwanz Acht;731819 said:
Well...if they were able to determine at what N/m2 the TA fails, perhaps we could replicate that amount of force w/our LM?

I don't see why not just replicate the study using a LM, now all we need is a hook up that can get the process started lol
It IS interesting and I've seen this shared before. How do you translate this to usable data? Also, cadaver tissue responds to stimulus differently than living tissue. Experienced PE guys know this stuff works.
Yea that is a god point I suppose...that live tissue might have a different threshold of strength. However, I don't think it is significantly different between the cadaver and live tissue because I'm sure the cadaver tissue was preserved and pretty similar to live tissue during the study... otherwise the study would have been pointless and I'm sure the researchers took that into consideration and tried to make it as close to real live tissue replication as possible.

My train of thought wasn't really using a LM or any flaccid means. I was thinking about what the limit is on the exercise I've been doing lately. What I do it clamp extremely tight and then press my palms down on the top of my shaft with my penis sandwiched between my palms and the toilet seat. This makes my tunica ROCK hard and intense pressure. I just wonder how the unit of measurement in the study translates to me pressing down smashing my erect penis to create pressure on the tunica walls. If it could be converted to PSI or something like that, maybe we could figure out exactly how hard to press or stretch or whatever, and then be able to cause significant "herniation" within a single session of PE. That would be cool.
Xxxi;731831 said:
If it could be converted to PSI or something like that, maybe we could figure out exactly how hard to press or stretch or whatever, and then be able to cause significant "herniation" within a single session of PE. That would be cool.

translated from 600 mm-750 mm HG of force to psi is 11.6021-14.50258 psi but i don't think that will help much as your lungs need to produce at least 14 psi (dependent on altitude) to displace the atmosphere, so when combining that with how fluid reacts and what not is beyond my knowledge. When they do studys like this the tissue is usually flooded with fluids simmular to blood to keep the tissue as close to the same as living tissue so this study does good to test its limits but not how it heals. They likely also went with enough pressure to cause failure where as with living tissue we would be able to feel that limit before and be able to stop that and they don't test how the tissue would heal when stressed like that, probably not even on their minds since this was a study about ED not PE.
KISS is always the best route, twist that penis with your LengthMaster and stretch it to the moon!

Bundled stretching is currently the best method of Tunica deformation.
I've never been great at math so please correct me here:

If the PSI is around 12 like you said, then I should be able to determine the surface area and then know the answer right? Well when I calculated the surface area using an online calculator (1.5in radius and 7.5in height penis dimensions) it told me the area is around 70 square inches!!! That means 12psi X 70 sq in = 840 pounds..... we need that much pressure?! Please tell me I'm wrong here lol
doublelongdaddy;731848 said:
KISS is always the best route, twist that penis with your LengthMaster and stretch it to the moon!

Bundled stretching is currently the best method of Tunica deformation.

And what route is KISS not one i have heard yet, Bundle stretches are great and definitely work the tunica but i think it was more the talk of at what amount of pressure would scientifically be needed for those tissues to break down.
Xxxi;731849 said:
I've never been great at math so please correct me here:

If the PSI is around 12 like you said, then I should be able to determine the surface area and then know the answer right? Well when I calculated the surface area using an online calculator (1.5in radius and 7.5in height penis dimensions) it told me the area is around 70 square inches!!! That means 12psi X 70 sq in = 840 pounds..... we need that much pressure?! Please tell me I'm wrong here lol

There is so much more that goes into it besides psi so that amount of pressure would rip it off instead of anything else, take for example when hanging you can start at low weight like 1-5lbs and feel the stress if you bundle it and you will feel the strain on the tunica even better. As DLD said though Bundle stretches work amazing to break down the tunic to make room for gains
I'm not really interested in pulling and stretching as much as I am interested in internal pressure. I really think creating internal pressure is the key. Just my opinion. If bundled stretches really worked the tunica then we would be able to bundle stretch for an hour a day and grow girth that way. But I've never heard of much CC expansion due to bundled stretches tbh.
Xxxi;731868 said:
I'm not really interested in pulling and stretching as much as I am interested in internal pressure. I really think creating internal pressure is the key. Just my opinion. If bundled stretches really worked the tunica then we would be able to bundle stretch for an hour a day and grow girth that way. But I've never heard of much CC expansion due to bundled stretches tbh.

Bundle stretches alone no you wont gain any girth what happens is your breaking up the tunica making it more malleable so when you do you a Girth program (SRT 5x5x3) set that tunica is already loosened making gains in girth easier than if you didn't do the bundle stretches at all. SSJ and bm in the 5x5x3 sets your forcing the internal pressure outward encouraging gains
I just feel like that is more theory than real life effective technique though. I see soo many people talking about the same exercises already in use, and then find out they are still within a half inch of where they started girth measurement and it's been a year lol, so all the credibility goes away imo. It shouldn't take 6 months or a year to gain a half inch or an inch. We should be able to do that in a couple months. Heck, there are plenty accounts of priapisms yielding MASSIVE gains within days! The exercises we already have are great for now, but I think we should be researching and trying to find the key to deforming the tunica like a single priapism can to to create a megalophallus. We need to find the combination of time/pressure that makes the tunica structure "give up". That's what I'm searching for and I really feel like it is possible to find that formula if we work together as a community and really dig deep. There is a holy grail answer out there. The existence of megalophalluses prove that. We just have to find that answer. I'm so motivated lol
Our current girth techniques that brothers here have been using for years now does work albeit it takes consistency and time, given that the Tunica only has about a 5% elasticity it is difficult to stretch and manipulate that is why it can take as long as it does to make gain in girth where as length is easier. Also you have to take into account that putting too much strain on those tissues could cause scar tissue to form which would be a huge negative. That being said there are a lot of Brothers here that have used those techniques consistently and have fantastic success i would consider that more than a theory as there is creditable proof that it does work. Dont take my word for it look through the Routine and progress threads and you can find many who have had great success.

Now i don't disagree that having more options is a bad thing in fact i am all for it the hard part becomes discovering new ideas that work and are safe, priapisms is a highly debated method and some view it as unnecessarily risky where some swear by it, but half inch to inch in gains are still not possible in days you may get fluid retention that makes it look that way but that is not stretching of the tunica alone. Look into the clamping sections as there are Brothers there that may have some more info than my knowledge has to offer. Whatever you decide just be careful educate yourself as much as humanly possible as you want to increase size safely but not at the loss of erections or worse loss of penile tissue from necrosis.
Sinthious;731853 said:
And what route is KISS not one i have heard yet, Bundle stretches are great and definitely work the tunica but i think it was more the talk of at what amount of pressure would scientifically be needed for those tissues to break down.

Kiss, keep it simple.

How much strength or intensity used would be based on hand strength if done manually, in this case the determining factor would be hand strength. Using a LengthMaster there is no limit so how much intensity used would be based on the users penis and what he can handle. With Bundles it should also be observed that some can get more twists than others, this may be brought into the equation but there are so many factors of physiological difference that an equation would be very hard to come up with.
doublelongdaddy;731882 said:
Kiss, keep it simple.

How much strength or intensity used would be based on hand strength if done manually, in this case the determining factor would be hand strength. Using a LengthMaster there is no limit so how much intensity used would be based on the users penis and what he can handle. With Bundles it should also be observed that some can get more twists than others, this may be brought into the equation but there are so many factors of physiological difference that an equation would be very hard to come up with.
Ah makes sense i hadn't heard of that acronym before.
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