
Feb 7, 2012
Hello all, I've visited the site a few times over the last few months. I've always been very skeptic about Penis Enlargement of any forms but have decided to give this a serious go. I am hoping this community will give me the motivation and knowledge I need to get some gains.

First off I am rather small starting size to begin with:
BPenis EnlargementL - 5 1/4"
NBPenis EnlargementL - 4 1/8"
Penis EnlargementC - 4 5/8"
It has been effecting my confidence for years and I hope to be able to change that soon. From viewing the forums I've noticed that most of the posts are from people who already started with healthy penis sizes (6"+) and got amazing improvements. Is there anybody here who has started fairly below average and gotten decent gains? From the posts I've read it seems to be that the more you have to start with, the more you can get out of Penis Enlargement. This may be a misconception on my part, lol but whatever. :p

Second, I am rather busy, but i've read posts how people have stopped thier Penis Enlargement routines for extended periods of time and claim their gains disappeared and they went down to starting sizes. Is there any truth to this?

Thanks in advance,
My official starting measurement was 5.75 bpel. Looking back that was a generous measurement but that's where i started. I am going on one year and nearing my first inch gained. Most of my gains so far are from the size genetics extender.

Gains will be permanent if you keep exercising long enough to cement them. Some people say that extended gains are permanent.
Congratulations Viking86, I too thought Penis Enlargement was a sham till I did my research. There is a wealth of knowledge on this forum and its easy to get information overload.

I get what your saying about the confidence issue,...I was below average back in June and ordered the Size Genetics extender gained a little over an inch.

It does appear that most individuals on this forum are above average length. I guess everyone has insecurities and thats why we are here, to improve ourselves.

There a number paths you can take. The Size Genetic device, the LengthMaster, Manual Stretching, and the Bathmate...although some issues have arose regarding the Bathmate device.

Good luck on your journey.

Welcome! I am new to Penis Enlargement myself, at least in actually getting serious about it, and am small myself. :D I started at 5.25 BPenis EnlargementL also. Most here would say to use the "newbie routine" to get started and to condition your penis. And that is probably very good advice.

If you start looking around this site you will find that it has more information than any other Penis Enlargement site (at least any that I have come across in about ten years of intermittent curiosity and dabbling in Penis Enlargement). There are some incredibly helpful long-time vets around here with a wealth of knowledge and experience if you get stuck or need advice.

Regarding losing gains. I have not seen much of that from the long time members here and I have not seen it in any relevant studies on Penis Enlargement either. (the few studies related to traction and such) I don't think that these supposed or anecdotal losses that are sometime reported are anything significant or surprising. Sure if you take any body modification such as weightlifting, one can experience some loss if you suddenly stop, but if one has spent considerable time working out they definitely won't lose all of their muscle mass. Or if you take a disc out of the lip of one of those tribal people, their lip won't ever return to normal again :D In other words, if you have developed new tissue over time, actually changed the structure of your body in some way, "it" doesn't "remember" what it was, it simply keeps recreating what it is. There would have to actually be a reason for it to atrophy or change or "shrink" or whatever. A cell doesn't know that it was created by Penis Enlargement, so when it comes time to replicate, there is no process that says, no more Penis Enlargement going on anymore, don't replace the "new" Penis Enlargement cells. :D You body simply keeps recreating what it is over and over again. It becomes part of your DNA, actually RNA in this case I think. Sorry, I ramble a lot :D Anyway, ask a real vet about this "shrinking" thing you are worried about. I don't think that someone can lose say 2-4" of penis by stopping Penis Enlargement. Only very short term gains can be lost from what I have read, so if you are in it for the long-haul, I wouldn't give it a second thought.

As to being skeptical about Penis Enlargement in general. You would probably be insane if you weren't. The mainstream consensus is that Penis Enlargement is either fantasy or dangerous. However with some of the "traction" studies done by urologists that are becoming more numerous, that view may be starting to change slowly. As you learn more and more about the stories and techniques around here, and some of the science and studies peripherally around "Penis Enlargement" here and elsewhere, you should come to realize that this is all rather real, albeit outside of the mainstream. Either that, or you will see some vast conspiracy of unconnected people trying to pull your leg for some unknown motive. :D LOL

Like any other endeavor, if you are going to succeed, you will need to be committed and positive. Otherwise, you will not do what is necessary. It is just human nature. Don't expect any "miracles" as this will just set you up for disappointment. Set your initial goals very modestly and your long term goals very liberally. You want to always have success and FUN in the Penis Enlargement journey that you will be on. By setting very modest short term goals, you will be able to have success far more easily. And success, no matter how small, breed further success and commitment. Make it fun! If it is a chore, or is not interesting for you, you will most likely quit before you receive the rewards of your efforts. For me personally, I have to make my Penis Enlargement journey more about learning, self-discovery, and experimentation. That is what makes it fun and interesting to me. That is what will drive me to continue even if I am not getting whatever "results" that I am looking for at any given time. For others, it might be a different perspective. It does not matter what the perspective is, so long as it is one that will propel you forward in your journey. Look at any of the big gainers, and you will see a passion, obsession(?), and enjoyment of the PROCESS of doing Penis Enlargement rather than a focus only on results. For me, Penis Enlargement has taken on the role of a form of entertainment. I enjoy doing it, reading about it, thinking about it, that is what will drive me to success, without being focused on short term gains, losses, or plateaus. With that mindset, even a "set-back" is merely something learned, and thus gained.

I talk too much! :D Anyway, I am a small guy, I have a progress thread if you wish to see a tiny guy's approach to Penis Enlargement, if you need to see someone who isn't already big going through this journey. I wish you well. There is much to learn, experience, and enjoy in the world of Penis Enlargement, not just in terms of your penis, but as a person as well.

Thanks guys!!! I greatly appreciate the feedback. I have a positive outlook on this, and it definitely seems there are quite a few knowledgable people around here so I hope I can stick this through for the long haul. (I have a tendency to trail off and not finish endeavors I start)

But I am starting small goals, looking for maybe .5" over 6-9 months. From what I've read that seems fairly reasonable. I think once I start hitting some length goals then perhaps I'll start looking into girth, etc. Perhaps I'll look into the SizeGenetics extender since that seems to be highly recommended. And good luck irspow, I'll be rooting for you!
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