Some theoretical stuff with a hot take


Jul 14, 2019
Most big gainers are bullshit and they're not motivational or inspirational at all. So hear me out: I'll start with a natural bodybuilding analogy. People who are new to weight lifting can gain between 1.5-2.5lbs of lean muscle a month (that's 18-30lbs in a year), while advanced lifters can end up gain as little as 0.0-0.1lbs of lean muscle a month. When you reach your "natural limit" or your "genetic potential", it just becomes impossible to gain anymore. PE is very similar.

Most people can gain about 0.6-1.2" in length, that's it, after that they're completely done. If you look at various different extender studies that span a year, gains just completely stop after about 6 months of use. This is an ACTUAL trajectory of gains from an ACTUAL study: Month 0-1: Gain of 0.94cm, Month 1-3: gain of 0.44cm, Month 3-6: gain of 0.38cm, Month 6-12: gain of 0.06cm. That's a 6 month period of ZERO gains (month6-month12). The reason you completely stop gaining is because of tunica/ligament/tissue toughness that's built up as a result from the stretching/extending, making it nearly impossible to gain.

Genetics is nearly everything when it comes to this stuff. When extenders stop working, you're mostly donzo most of the time. Some people just simply have a thinner more elastic tunica making it possible to gain more compared to having a really thick one. To illustrate some of my points about genetics, in some of the extender studies they record the "biggest gainers". In the phallosan study there were what? 20 participants? and the biggest gainer gained 1.5"? Assuming that is the true rarity of such a gain (it could've obviously been unluck or luck depending on random chance), but roughly 5% of the population can gain 1.5" from phallosan. In one of the andropenis studies they recorded a participant that gained 5cm (1.96"). Heck, I even personally know three people who I 100% trust that have gained 2", one of them with picture proof, and they all did it with extenders only. They all gained really rapidly in the start (half an inch or more the first month). When the extenders stopped working, they all tried hanging and gained absoultely nothing.

Honestly if someone here has been around for a really long time, and subconciously or conciously been able to "compile" a lot of data in their mind/head of what people do to gain after they've reached their "natural limit" (can't gain from extenders anymore), I'd love to hear it. This is what is "MOTIVATIONAL", and "INSPIRATIONAL". I honestly don't care if some random ass "big gainer" gained 2 inches from an extender. This isn't of interest to me. Also, this is just my personal POV, but it seems like people cap out at about the same gain from manual stretching and extenders. So both "data points" are good.

So far, I've only really heard of a couple of ways to offset this supposed "toughness", and they're as follows:

1) Just quit completely. Quit for months if not years, as this has been said to "loosen" up some of the toughness, making it possible to gain again.

2) For people stretching manually or hanging, add constant heat via heating lamps.

3) Shock loading with hanging. This is where you add a way heavier load than normal for a shorther period of time, probably very dangerous though.

4) Just try to power through the plateau (Unlikely to work from my personal opinion, espeically if you're trying to power through with an extender.

Apart from that I've heard people propose hanging in general as it can up the force, but I'm a bit skeptical, since three of the people I know who gained massively from extenders (good genetics), gained nothing from hanging after they reached their "genetic potential". On top of that, it actually seems like time is way more important than force. The phallosan guys even mention this on their own site. "Desired success is mainly achieved by consistent application over time and not merely the amount of tension". I feel like due to the penis strenghtening and adaptation to the time and tension of the extender, you'd eventually have to extend 24 hours a day with slowly increasing tension to gain, similar to when they lengthen a persons leg.

So I'm actually a bit curious about this last point here. Have anyone actually tried to extend for absurd hours? Say you use a traditional extender during the day and phallosan at night? Clocking in 12-15, maybe even 18+hrs a day?
I know what you mean. I am one of those who have been in this for 2 decades and reached my maximum potential a long time ago. Years. I stay here because I am deeply inspired by this, and really intrigue me the possibility to find new ways to surpass that genetic potential. You know in bodybuilding there are anabolic steroids and HGH. That is what definitely makes the person pass way beyond any genetic potential. But they have ZERO effect on penile size.

Therefore, I am in a constant investigation to find that "anabolic steroids and HGH" for the phallic apparatus. Something that wether is chemical or device or the combination if both, can make a difference. Right now there are very nice procedures available but theyre expensive.

In the past few months I have tried different stretching routines with no positive results. In fact, the strength that I need to apply in order to "feel" work, is tremendous. Using my 2 hands to pull at full force, a force that literally almost rip my glans off my cock. Nothing. No more growth. The tunica and SEPTUM are the dead end. I am really trying to organize myself to buy an US machine because I think there is something least that is currently being used in horses to grow their foot ligaments so in theory it HAS to work in a ligament such as the septum.
Like I have tried to tell guys for a long time now, this is a very individual journey. Most guys who find PE start out with a VERY healthy dose of skepticism. Even if they supposedly have "a friend" who has made gains that they believe "with proof". Were we there for the gains to witness them happening in person? Likely not. Unless you yourself have seen your own permanent increase/s in size, you would be unlikely to believe in this "stuff".

The documented studies on extenders working....ONE study I know of which is just re used over and over by different companies to sell their extenders, likely used a group of men who were complete penis enlargement virgins. They therefor, gained the typical 'newbie gains' any guy can gain from literally ANY method, or device early on.

YES, gains become harder to make over time as the tissues adapt to the resistance applied. Most extenders cap out at around 5 pounds in applicable resistance. Regardless of adding more extension rods, you are still only applying the same tension. The solution is for most men anyway, more resistance over time as the tissues adapt. That's been my own first hand experience with PE, weight hanging and the experiences of the men I have coached with hanging. Those who come to me who have "tried everything" usually have not. They have usually painted themselves into a corner going off some bro science they read online. The typical thinking being, they needed to add more and more time to their hanging routine rather than forcing new stretch with more weight over time.

Bottom line from my experience over the years of being around this stuff; there's always a solution for a "hard gainer". I have only met maybe 5 men over the last 20 years who I felt "couldn't gain" after a certain point, but I was not there in person with them to see what they were actually doing, or if they were actually using my advice, or if they were just saying "yea yea man....I'm doing that....." without actually implementing my advice.

Something else to keep in mind with PE. Many men start to lose their initial motivation after they start to make some gains. The ambition of gaining three inches for example dwindles down to "I gained an inch, that's cool" after they realize this stuff takes more and more commitment AND work and effort the longer you do it. Very similar in that regard to working out in a gym. You might start out with big dreams of a rock solid six and a half pack abs, 18 inch arms, squatting 600 pounds for reps, being a total beast....but then after realizing all the work and total lifestyle change reaching those goals would actually settle for just looking good and a more sane approach. ;)
In fact, the strength that I need to apply in order to "feel" work, is tremendous. Using my 2 hands to pull at full force, a force that literally almost rip my glans off my cock. Nothing. No more growth. The tunica and SEPTUM are the dead end. I am really trying to organize myself to buy an US machine because I think there is something least that is currently being used in horses to grow their foot ligaments so in theory it HAS to work in a ligament such as the septum.Similar idea,yeah obviously you're way bigger than me tough lol
I have a size in mind have to spend the next six months or so exercising , learning,as still says I was motivated at first I'm still motivated, I feel more realistic nowadays time,life gets on its way,even lack of PE knowledge etc..
In fact, the strength that I need to apply in order to "feel" work, is tremendous. Using my 2 hands to pull at full force, a force that literally almost rip my glans off my cock. Nothing. No more growth. The tunica and SEPTUM are the dead end. I am really trying to organize myself to buy an US machine because I think there is something least that is currently being used in horses to grow their foot ligaments so in theory it HAS to work in a ligament such as the septum.Similar idea,yeah obviously you're way bigger than me tough LOL

And Im sure you still have plenty of room for growth!!
@stillwantmore Thats a great reply brother!! You sure have the demographic experience to talk about it. One thing that I always knew could have potential and make a difference for me, is hanging. I did hanging in the beginning 20 years ago, then never again. The reason why is that I have been unable to find a good attachment/grip for a hanging device. The LengthMaster - Penis Bundle Stretcher & Weight Hanging is awesome for stretches and other exercises but me personally definitely cant use it for hanging. Perhaps is because I have too much foreskin getting caught, I dont know. Neither I have tried buying an expensive device specifically due to the possibility that it will not work for me and I cant return it. I have actually been waiting for years for some new concept of hanger is born, something that can replace the classic grip by squeezing the shaft. Vacuum hanging is not an option for heavy hanging. The pressure build up in the glans is too big.
Yeah I believe so but I need real traction that device you mentioned before could be amazingly useful if I could get it LOL

Yes however, if I was you I would make sure that I deplete all the conventional methods first. That means, grow as much as possible with the proven routines and exercises. Only once you reach a point in which there is no more growth, then start applying other novelty ideas.

It is similar to the approach in bodybuilding. A top professional bodybuilding coach will NEVER advice anabolic steroids as a priority for growth. He/she will make sure that diet is spotless and exercise is completely mastered. Once natural gains are depleted, then comes the use of anabolic steroids, ALWAYS using the minimal effective dose of the known basic compounds developed for human consumption. Contrary to popular culture in which people without knowing how/what to eat nor knowing how to exercise, buy in a locker room the most potent anabolic steroids made for cattle in order to grow as fast and as much as possible. Sure they grow, only to shrink back to square one with horrible life long side effects, erectile dysfunction and raisin nuts.
Considered hanger @Jackxxx ? Not very expensive a I'd work with you to see if we could get better results.
I'd honestly be very interested to see if you could gain from hanging at this point Jackxxx. Whatever you end up doing, please keep us updated on your progress, it's now it gets interesting.
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