
Apr 13, 2007
Ok, so I have been doing Penis Enlargement for about 3 weeks now. I have used the newbie routine and have gained about 0.25 in both girth and length when erect. I know that DLD recommends sticking to the routin for at least 6 weeks, but for some reason, it seems that I am kind of stuck at my stats.

I think perhaps one reason might be that I measure too many times a week and it just doesnt seem to get larger<:( . However, I have also seen other people post here that the newbie routine has not been very useful for their gains. So do you guys think that I should perhaps start phase 2 exercises, or should I keep going with phase 1 for a while. I definetly do think that jelqing has been useful towards my girth gains. However, I was also thinking about clamping as I have heard many people talk about that here.

Also, from what I understand, flaccid length (FL) could be SO variable right? I mean it is funny, because some days I wake up and my flaccid length is like 4.25' and other days it is barely at 3. I know that FL could be temp. dependent. I also think one big factor affecting FL is whether my testicles retract back toward my body. This happens due to cold temp. or when I get nervous or anxious (e.g. having a stressful day). I have seen that my penis looks much smaller and pointy when my testicles retract.

I know this might sound funny, but do you guys know of any exercises that could relax the testicles?

I know this post is probably all over the place and that I should have posted in the newbie section :blush: . But I would appreciate any input.
fuck no, 3 weeks aint shit. Look man measure every month. No sense in measuring every other day, that just get you discouraged. keep with the newbie routine.
Relaxing the testicles? Get a soaking hot cloth and wrap it around your dick and balls. Keep it good and warm to hot--don't burn yourself--and do this for at least ten minutes.

Another possibility is DLD's reverse kegels.
you will always gain jelqing but as youre penis gets bigger it just slows down,because of youre pensi volume,,everytime you put length on and girth youre penis is bigger so to see more significant length and girth gains it takes longer,that is because youre penis is longer and fatter,,,ere for example,,,imagine a small sky scraper and a large sky scraper buildings,,,you dont need as much scaffholding for the small one (that is you building girth and length)but for the large sky scraper youll need more scaffholding,,,,building lenght and girth around your building (penis)so you will always be putting on but as you go along it slows down,but if you do this every month you will always be putting the same amount buildup on,,its just not as noticable on the tape measure ,keep doing it,but it is noticable to a bird(biatch girl)thats why just measure once a month and you will notice the gains rather than every day you will be gaining just as much but you just wont notice it because your penis is getting bigger but your thinking your slowing down but youre not,,,but when you want to concentrate on length and make some quick gains you just hammer the length,,girth takes timeit is harder to measure because when you put the tape measure round you dick,think about all the volume up the side and round it will add maybe to 1/8 in girth,but that would be the equivelent to alot more in length because building length on top of your penis is quick because your only at the top,were as around the penis its all the way round and to the bottom,maybe you could concentrate on a bit more length and you will notice things quicker wow i done some babblin then,:O
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