SiliSleev not as tight


Jan 5, 2016
I don't know if it's a problem or I just did soemthing wrong but I want to ask anyway. I already have a PF and a week ago I used it during the night. It was always pretty uncomfortable, so I tried wearing the SiliSleev under it for testing. It was still not good but I could sleep through the nigh, but I still ordered a Silistrecher a few days ago anyway :) .

I noticed the problems with the sleeve the next day than I wanted to do manuel stretches. I usually just grip under the vacuum bell, so far its the best way for me. The problem was that the vacuum couldn't stand my grip, the day before it worked perfectly.
After taking it off I noticed that the SiliSleev was bigger than before. After I got the delivery I tested the tightness on my thumb.
The sleev fit over it but when you wanted to pull it off again the sleev did not want to let go, the suction was pretty good. Now it barely touches the thumb if I do it again.
Is that normal wear or did I do something wrong? Like I said, I ordered the Silistrecher because I'm just not happy with the PF, but if the same problem occurs with the sleev that is on the stretcher I would be a poor man.

I don't know if it's important or not but the problem is with the long 1'' Silisleev.
Is there any damage to the sleeve itself? Did you see any holes or rips? For the amount of time you’ve been using it I would say this is not normal. Let me know more information.
I don't know if it's a problem or I just did soemthing wrong but I want to ask anyway. I already have a PF and a week ago I used it during the night. It was always pretty uncomfortable, so I tried wearing the SiliSleev under it for testing. It was still not good but I could sleep through the nigh, but I still ordered a Silistrecher a few days ago anyway :) .

I noticed the problems with the sleeve the next day than I wanted to do manuel stretches. I usually just grip under the vacuum bell, so far its the best way for me. The problem was that the vacuum couldn't stand my grip, the day before it worked perfectly.
After taking it off I noticed that the SiliSleev was bigger than before. After I got the delivery I tested the tightness on my thumb.
The sleev fit over it but when you wanted to pull it off again the sleev did not want to let go, the suction was pretty good. Now it barely touches the thumb if I do it again.
Is that normal wear or did I do something wrong? Like I said, I ordered the Silistrecher because I'm just not happy with the PF, but if the same problem occurs with the sleev that is on the stretcher I would be a poor man.

I don't know if it's important or not but the problem is with the long 1'' Silisleev.

Try using the .75 (20mm) that came with the SiliStretcher - All Day Penis Vacuum Stretcher and Weight Hanger. Are you rolling them up and leaving them rolled up? This will cause them to stretch over time.
I used the sleeve (the bigger of the 2) that came with my Mtyvac maybe 4-6 hours straight at a time and I noticed that after the 3rd time of use it has somewhat started to lose the orIginal shape already. So I begin to wonder how long these sleeves will last on a normal use? I haven't been here long enough to read all the feedback about the sleeves so pardon me if this is redundant question. Thanks!
I think that as more feedback comes in, it has emerged that these sleeves are awesome for regular use, keeping elongated for healing, preventing the turtle, but they take a beating at times with equipment.

They are good quality, but in the long term a new sleeve is being released that will deal with equipment, is designed for that, so these can be for the lighter stuff.

This has all come about from trial and error with user feedback, all products are made better by the men that use them, and FEEDBACK.
@REDZULU2003 Do we know when the new sleeves (duromax?) will be released? Are they designed for the Bathmate?
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@REDZULU2003 Do we know when the new sleeves (duromax?) will be released? Are they designed for the BM?

They are supposed to come in sometime next week according to lightning. There will be a very big announcement when that happens.
We received samples today but there are a couple changes to be made. Should be soon.
Sorry for not posting, life was busy. DLD, I checked the sleeve, no damage, I always was pretty careful with the handling. I always unroll them to their original state after use in order to prevend any deformation. I would like to use the 0.75 but it's to tight. It's painful as hell to take the 0.75 off, I tried it a few times but overall it feels just a little bit to tight to wear overnight.
I was just astound that something like that happens only after two weeks, I got my SiliStretcher today (only after nearly a month of waiting) and I will test how the sleeves on the stretcher are..
You can stretch the .75 silisleevs out by putting them over a tube/pipe that is a little thicker for 24hrs and then test.
I will give that a try Lightning, thanks. Just out of curiosity... I know it's not the right thread. I watched the video on the Silistrecher side in the shop and read your instructions in the user manuel. What is the right way for the vacuum? In the video you can clearly see that the sleeve is sucked into the bell and it's a lot more than a half twist. I will use your manuel as a guide, I do not want to damage my sleeves in any way.
The videos need to be updated. Use the hand written manual. Piston 50% retracted then apply sleeve to penis, then half turn of vacuum knob.
I will do it that way, thanks again.
I have one more question, I have looked in the different topics and in your manual for an answer, but i couldn`t find one.
You wrote that in the beginning you should use moderate tension and increase it from there over time. Thats all well and good but what exactly is low, medium and high tension with the Silistretcher?
It`s easy to know with the PF because of the colors but here I`m not so sure. I bought the Siliscale to make it a little bit easier but I thought some instructions would come with the package.
I will do it that way, thanks again.
I have one more question, I have looked in the different topics and in your manual for an answer, but i couldn`t find one.
You wrote that in the beginning you should use moderate tension and increase it from there over time. Thats all well and good but what exactly is low, medium and high tension with the Silistretcher?
It`s easy to know with the PF because of the colors but here I`m not so sure. I bought the Siliscale to make it a little bit easier but I thought some instructions would come with the package.
You’ll be able to tell by using your SiliScale, You will need to know what your minimum is, what your moderate is and what your maximum is. This is different for everyone so you’ll need to find what’s best for you. The SiliScale is much more accurate than the colors on the Phallosan.
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