Should you increase jelqs overtime?


Apr 25, 2017
I am currently following the MOS phase 2 . I have been doing this phase for about 3 - months and I was wondering whether I should increase the amount of jelqs i do, if so, how often should i increase the number of jelqs?
I think you should move on to more advanced exercises.

It's kind if like asking "I can do 50 push-ups now, should I increase the number?" No, you should start bench pressing and add weight. Do jelqs to warm up and get blood moving between exercises.

I say get into holds and compression exercises. I don't know the names of all this shit, I just do it :)
seven_wants_ten;733945 said:
I think you should move on to more advanced exercises.


Increasing the amount of jelqs will not break the plateau of a routine that centers around jelqing. Move to a more intense jelqing exercise like the SlowSquashJelq. If you have the BathMate go for the Girth program (SRT 5x5x3) routine. It kicks ass bringing gains very quickly.
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