
Dec 12, 2005
I was doing stretching and jelqing for about three months. Not hard-core, but I think I definitely made some mistakes with my jelqing along the way--sometimes let myself get too hard.

In October I noticed some pain the next day after Penis Enlargement when urinating or just a dull pain in my shaft on a couple of occasions. I then took a week off and went back again trying to be careful once I felt ok. But by the end of October I decided I might be screwing something up because I got similar pains again and I had noticed it was more difficult to get/keep erections and control ejaculation. So I stopped with Penis Enlargement.

Then about ten days later I woke up in the morning after sex and my penis was kind of sore and seemed a little swollen. I didn`t think it was anything out of the ordinary because I had this experience on a few othe occasions and everything went back to normal in a few days. I should have let it rest but I had sex again that night and it seemed like the nerves were totally screwed because I came right away. I should have stopped there and let it rest but I masturbated the next day. Well the next day after masturbating I was sure something was not right, so I didn`t have sex or masturbate for the rest of the week. However, gradually over the course of the week, my penis contracted, I lost all night wood, and it became nearly impossible to get erect. Pain set in in the shaft.

I freaked out and went to the urologist. He did an ultrasound and a doppler ultrasound and said everything was ok. He injected a hormone to induce an erection and said it was fine, but I noticed that it was kind of spongy feeling. (I had been noticing that my erections were a little spongier during the previous few weeks, and this was part of the reason I decided I should quit). Now when I do get an erection, they are kind of spongy. I can get only maybe half erections at night/morning (the urologist gave me a cloth ruler to measure). It takes a lot of manual stimulation to get it up. And once it up it is hard to keep it up. My dick seems to have lost its form--it is hard and contracted when turtled up, limp and lifeless when relaxed, and I know the circulation to the head is limited because it is sometimes cold. The urologist also noticed this and gave me drugs for microcirculation. When relaxed, my limp penis feels lighter and much weaker than before.

I tried to have sex last about ten days ago and could get only about a 75% erection. I could maintain this during sex but it wasn`t easy, and I felt I had little ejaculation control. I tried to take it easy and just had gentle sex, trying to hold off orgasm, for about five minutes. After sex I noticed that it took a long time for the blood to flow back out of my penis. It flowed out gradually, and appeared partially erect for quite a while. My penis was also much redder than after a normal episode of sex--maybe like there were some broken capillaries leaking blood or something. Since that episode of sex, the pain in the shaft came back, but seems to be subsiding. There is still color change though from bruising or bleeding under the surface or something.

It has been over four weeks now and I am really scared. I have been to the urologist about four times. Based on his tests, etc. He says there is no serious damage. But there is obviously a problem if I have gone this long with no real nocturnal or spontaneous erections, and I can only keep about 3/4 erect for sex.

I have also noticed that when I become aroused my perineum starts to burn a little. I am not consciously flexing the muscles, but maybe there is a reflex that is tensing them up. Instead of getting a full erection, I just get maybe a 1/4 erection and a burning sensation in my perineum.

It has been five weeks now. I have been taking supplements: multivitamin with extra C and E, arginine, fish oil, choline, pycnogenol. Nothing is getting better. The pain isn`t bothering me today, but the change in structure is the same. And I feel like a full erection is almost hopeless.

Please help with any advice. However, if you are going to say it is psychological, please do not bother. I am 100 percent sure that is not the case. Thank you.
Don't say psychology doesn't influence this. You are very worried and anxious and that is always a big influence for sexual stimulation.

About the physical part, I say get a second opinion from another urologist. I really can't tell if this is about veins, nerves, BC muscle or something else. Another urologist may have a fresh take on this.
probly should tell the doc how u hurt it as well.. There is psychological issues with this as well, thinking about it makes it even worse. I dont' see a problem with the blood flowing out after sex slow mine is the same way.
I also have spongier erections after Penis Enlargement'ing. It takes a lot of manual stimulation to get an erection, and erection firmness is less than it used to be. I'm unsure how Penis Enlargement might cause softer erections.
orbital said:
I also have spongier erections after Penis Enlargement'ing. It takes a lot of manual stimulation to get an erection, and erection firmness is less than it used to be. I'm unsure how Penis Enlargement might cause softer erections.
over work might be a factor..
I just recently overcame a similar situation..It all steams from over working your PC muscle..The only fix is to not kegal and practice on keeping your pc muslce relaxed..also apply heat and ice everyday until the pain and discomfort subsides..When it happened to be I was so worried mainly because I had not control over my ejaculations. After searching on google I found this site and it has helped out tremendously..http://www.herballove.com/library/resource/prematureejaculation/premature_ejaculation.asp...look under weak pc muscle..kegals are good in moderation, but you must leave kegaling JUST to your routine and try not to keep those muscles tense all of the time. By following the advise on this web site you should feel alot better in 2 weeks by 4 or 5 weeks you should be back to normal..Until then DO NOT Penis EnlargementRFORM ANY KEGALING EXCERSISES FOR AT LEAST 8 WEEKS...
I just recently overcame a similar situation..It all steams from over working your PC muscle..The only fix is to not kegal and practice on keeping your pc muslce relaxed..also apply heat and ice everyday until the pain and discomfort subsides..When it happened to be I was so worried mainly because I had not control over my ejaculations. After searching on google I found this site and it has helped out tremendously..http://www.herballove.com/library/resource/prematureejaculation/premature_ejaculation.asp look under weak pc muscle..kegals are good in moderation, but you must leave kegaling JUST to your routine and try not to keep those muscles tense all of the time. By following the advise on this web site you should feel alot better in 2 weeks by 4 or 5 weeks you should be back to normal..Until then DO NOT Penis EnlargementRFORM ANY KEGALING EXCERSISES FOR AT LEAST 8 WEEKS...
I don't kegel much at all and still have this problem, and the people behind herbal love are mostly full of shit. Beware Dr. Lin!
It's not really the kegaling..After reading the article I noticed that I was tense thoughout the day. Now I pay more attention and try to relax. This has fixed my problem...kegals are fine.. my problem was that by tensing up in advertently I was tearing my muscle down and had all of the problems he has stated..The big thing is that you just can't stop kegaling you have to focus on being relaxed all day long..Before doing this I was having problems for about 3 months..now I am better.
Hi orbital and tman. Could you guys please give some more details on your problems? I sent you each a pm so if you would like to pm me back that would be great. This problem is really messing me up and I need all the input I can get from you guys or anyone else. Thanks a lot.

I had all the symptoms of the first post and I believed that I too had leaky veins. However, even before tman08 posted his response I noticed that I continually flex my PC muscle all day. I have gotten into the habit of trying to relax this muscle as much as possible because of fears of more pronounced premature ejaculation. I will give this routine a go and let everyone know of my progress. Thank you tman08 for your reply, I has eased my fears of ED and premature ejaculation...I think I just got a boner.

I don't kegel much at all and still have this problem, and the people behind herbal love are mostly full of shit. Beware Dr. Lin!

I used to laugh at Dr. Lin also, but the more and more I learn about this subject the more this ideas are validated. I no longer think Dr. Lin is full of Sh*t, and will be doing his ballooning method once my PC muscle and some scar tissue has been healed. This episode has really scared me and Dr. Lin has done his researched and helped tons of people recover from damage caused by "penile Exercises". Also, I fully believe this poster at �other PE site� and the almost mystical orgams he has learned from Dr. Lin http://www.thundersplace.org/forum/showthread.php?t=27522&highlight=sweet+rewards

I will post back with my PC muscle relaxation and healing routine.

Check out my posts. I've detailed most of my problems in them. I'd rather not retype everything.

I don't know why this happens to only a small number of us. I've been cataloging the number of people who come to message boards and compalin about softer erections. Right now I have around 25 unique user names from both mattersofsize.com and thundersplace.com after reading around 100 posts in the injury forums of both sites. That isn't really very many at all, considering that both sites of tens of thousands of users. Even if we were to assume that not many people report the problem, and perhaps quadruple the number of people who have some degree of ED, 100 out of 50,000+ is almost negligable. I don't get it...
I have gone through the forums looking for serious injuries, as well. I don`t get it either. Like I said in my original post, I know that I was sometimes too erect when I jelqed, but I was consciously trying to avoid this. It isn`t like I was trying to jelq at a high erection level. As I got too erect I would stop and let it subside, but sometimes I know I was almost fully erect before stopping to let it go down. The guys I have corresponded with think their problems were due to being too erect when jelqing, so I am assuming this contributed to my problems. Also, not to belittle your problem, orbital, or anyone else`s but I feel that I am in a very bad state that is beyond just weak erections. In addition to the fact that it takes a lot of manual stimulation to get erect, my flaccid penis has a really limp and lifeless structure and my skin has actually become leathery and taken on a browner color. The urologist sees nothing abnormal about this but it has to be a sign of serious damage and really scares me. And like I said, I really didn`t overdo the exercises. I usually only did 100 jelqs, and never more than 120, along with some flaccid stretches and occasional kegels. It was nothing like some people do. And it is weird because the major damage never set in until about ten days after quitting Penis Enlargement. I just don`t know what to do about this. Everything I see says that urologists can`t help. I know mine hasn`t. All I know is that it`s ruining my life.
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