Safe Ball weight


Feb 2, 2013
I really like the idea of wearing a weight around my testicles BUT I worry about the risk of going sterile.
Can anyone suggest a method of safe weight choice for avoiding? I wondered about a light (how light?) wedding ring type?
I experimented tying my testicles off the other day and it felt amaze ha

Check out the donut weights at the chaingang site. The sizes that would be best are the 30mm x 20mm which is the smallest, if you want a little breathing room get the 32mm x 20mm and if you want the most loose but not have it fall off get the 34mm x 20mm . If you want a weight to stack on top get the 40mm x 20mm. Any questions please ask.
many thanks il take a look. Ideally i want a snug fit but light so no impact on testicle health
How has it been working for youCat?
I really like the idea of wearing a weight around my testicles BUT I worry about the risk of going sterile.
Can anyone suggest a method of safe weight choice for avoiding? I wondered about a light (how light?) wedding ring type?
I experimented tying my testicles off the other day and it felt amaze ha


If I were you, I will do testicle massage.
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