Questions SRT/tools - new


Feb 10, 2021
Hi - I apologize in advance for the length...

So I have gotten back into PE training, back in November and bought an extender (quick extender pro), but after adding some extenders, the holding device was causing bumps on my glans. After researching, I combined the QEP and bell device from the Phallosan extender and it was much more comfortable and didn't cause bumps. This issue I am running into is that since I'm combining two separate products, there is slippage, and it doesn't hold well. I am averaging about 6 hours a day, sometimes more sometimes less. With that being said, I started reviewing the SRT - Suppressed-Restricted-Transposition Theory thread and found it compelling, but had a few questions on the routine and tools.

Current Stats:
  • 5.5" BPEL
  • 4.5" EG
1st Stage Goal: within the next year
  • 6.5" BPEL
  • 5.25" EG
2nd Stage Goal: long term
  • 7" BPEL
  • 5.5" EG

Before I begin with questions, I wanted to give a perspective on my time to commit, lifestyle, etc so I can tailor it as best as possible. With COVID, I am currently working form home 99% of the time, occasionally go in to the office, and I will be at home for the next 6-8 months. I am hoping to push as hard as possible during this time since it'll give me the best opportunity to use every strategy while being in the privacy of my home. With that being said, I am also looking to be able to ADS during work (if possible) etc so keep that in mind. I have a girlfriend, so all of PE is stealth and she doesn't know, I am doing this more for me than for her. I am not looking for massive gains, at least to me, but I believe my short term goal is attainable, and even with that, I'd be larger than average and happy if I cemented there. So, I see her 1-2x a week (and all weekend) so any stretching over night is limited. I have plenty of time to wear an extender or ADS during the work day, doing manual stretches and girth work during the day as well. Goal is a 5 on 2 off with ads and 6 on 1 off with manual work.

Below are some initial questions/summary of my understanding

Summary of the program - am I right?
The goal is to stay in an extended state for as long as possible after training to cement gains. Stretching in the AM, then ADS for as long as possible. Girth in the afternoon/night, then cock ring. ADS over night?

  • Which ADS should I go with? Silistretcher or stealth stretcher?
    • SRT talks about the silistretcher, but the stealth seems to come with an extender and I assume more stealthy? Why is it more stealth than the silistretcher?
    • When you're doing ADS, do I use the extender or do I use the straps to extend? (like strapping it to my knee with tension)
  • Do you use the ADS over night or a silisleeve?
  • Is the LengthMaster necessary to start or can I start with manual stretching and buy the lengthmaster later (buying everything at once is a lot)?
  • Similar as above, do I need a vac or can I use manual girth work and then use the siliring?

That's it for now, I assume I'll follow up based on responses. Thanks.
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Hi - I apologize in advance for the length...

So I have gotten back into PE training, back in November and bought an extender (quick extender pro), but after adding some extenders, the holding device was causing bumps on my glans. After researching, I combined the QEP and bell device from the Phallosan extender and it was much more comfortable and didn't cause bumps. This issue I am running into is that since I'm combining two separate products, there is slippage, and it doesn't hold well. I am averaging about 6 hours a day, sometimes more sometimes less. With that being said, I started reviewing the SRT thread and found it compelling, but had a few questions on the routine and tools.

Current Stats:
  • 5.5" BPEL
  • 4.5" EG
1st Stage Goal: within the next year
  • 6.5" BPEL
  • 5.25" EG
2nd Stage Goal: long term
  • 7" BPEL
  • 5.5" EG

Before I begin with questions, I wanted to give a perspective on my time to commit, lifestyle, etc so I can tailor it as best as possible. With COVID, I am currently working form home 99% of the time, occasionally go in to the office, and I will be at home for the next 6-8 months. I am hoping to push as hard as possible during this time since it'll give me the best opportunity to use every strategy while being in the privacy of my home. With that being said, I am also looking to be able to ADS during work (if possible) etc so keep that in mind. I have a girlfriend, so all of PE is stealth and she doesn't know, I am doing this more for me than for her. I am not looking for massive gains, at least to me, but I believe my short term goal is attainable, and even with that, I'd be larger than average and happy if I cemented there. So, I see her 1-2x a week (and all weekend) so any stretching over night is limited. I have plenty of time to wear an extender or ADS during the work day, doing manual stretches and girth work during the day as well. Goal is a 5 on 2 off with ads and 6 on 1 off with manual work.

Below are some initial questions/summary of my understanding

Summary of the program - am I right?
The goal is to stay in an extended state for as long as possible after training to cement gains. Stretching in the AM, then ADS for as long as possible. Girth in the afternoon/night, then cock ring. ADS over night?

  • Which ADS should I go with? Silistretcher or stealth stretcher?
    • SRT talks about the silistretcher, but the stealth seems to come with an extender and I assume more stealthy? Why is it more stealth than the silistretcher?
    • When you're doing ADS, do I use the extender or do I use the straps to extend? (like strapping it to my knee with tension)
  • Do you use the ADS over night or a silisleeve?
  • Is the LengthMaster necessary to start or can I start with manual stretching and buy the lengthmaster later (buying everything at once is a lot)?
  • Similar as above, do I need a vac or can I use manual girth work and then use the siliring?

That's it for now, I assume I'll follow up based on responses. Thanks.

SRT is based on not only the best exercises and equipment couple together but the deep understanding that not only do we need to address growth but we need to address healing and when we do this in the proper way we see growth so much faster.

The SiliStretcher - All Day Penis Vacuum Stretcher and Weight Hanger and The StealthStretcher are the same, the StealthStretcher comes with a rod system. I can put a routine together for either. And if you’re into traction stretching you will want to get the StealthStretcher but if you’re not interested in traction go with the SiliStretcher.

There are many ways you can wear your ADS. When you receive your product I suggest you go through the whole gamut of every single function it does. Do you want to get the most out of your equipment as possible. Since you’re looking for stealth PE you would probably want to go with the belt system as that will be very stealthy.

for overnight use I only suggest these items, the SiliStretcher, a sleeve, Ace wrap or VLC. If you’re going to go with the SS I suggest you set alarms through the night for the first week to make sure everything is copacetic. But if that seems to be a problem you can go with the sleeve or any of the other things I suggested.

the LengthMaster - Penis Bundle Stretcher & Weight Hanging Should be the very first tool anybody buys that is going for length. It takes manual stretching to a new high giving you unlimited intensity with awesome grip. You can implement it at any time. So you can start out with manual stretching and then switch over when you want.

if you’re going to do SRT you want to do all of it. Probably the best part of SRT is the 5×5×3 because it brings immediate expansion of up to an inch in one session. This is temporary but totally usable with your wife. And eventually this temporary growth becomes permanent and new temporary growth appears. SRT is very well thought out to address every possible angle of growth.

If you need any other help please just let me know
The SiliStretcher and The StealthStretcher are the same, the StealthStretcher comes with a rod system. I can put a routine together for either. And if you’re into traction stretching you will want to get the StealthStretcher but if you’re not interested in traction go with the SiliStretcher.
  • I'd love to discuss a routine; honestly, I only did the rod system because it's the first type of extender I found out about. I'm fine going with either, but I do want to be able to use it at work, so that's the priority since I go back to the office in 5-7 months time
for overnight use I only suggest these items, the SiliStretcher, a sleeve, Ace wrap or VLC. If you’re going to go with the SS I suggest you set alarms through the night for the first week to make sure everything is copacetic. But if that seems to be a problem you can go with the sleeve or any of the other things I suggested.
  • I'm fine using an anti-turtling device I have at home. I could be open to SS, but worries me as I wake up often to pee, maybe not a bad thing, but more focused on during the day.
Probably the best part of SRT is the 5×5×3 because it brings immediate expansion of up to an inch in one session. This is temporary but totally usable with your wife. And eventually this temporary growth becomes permanent and new temporary growth appears. SRT is very well thought out to address every possible angle of growth.
  • this is using a vac and for girth work right? how long do the gains last, especially if I want to use them during sex until they are cemented? For example, I would do girth work at 4/5pm, shower, get dressed, then head to her house. Sex wouldn't happen until 9/10 that night.

Happy to take this over private message/email to discuss routine and what products I need to get started (at least first 6 months). Thanks for the help!
Actually just send it to my email at Give me a day to get back to you
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