
Well-known member
Aug 27, 2009
Hey DLD, i just started using erect stretches becaus i just think that it would be cool to see if i can get some erect length from these, but lately i've been having trouble stretching .
i have 2 issues ,
one is that when i stretch erect i always loose the blood trapped in the glans quickly so my stretches are always really short , and 2
i just cant seem to really tell if im stretching it enough becaus it dosent realy feel like the same stretch as flaccid stretching , when i stretch erect its hard to tell becaus it just feels like its soild and not realy moving .
So i just wanted to ask you , if you could tell me how hard i should be pulling (stretching)? and how tight my grip below the glans should be?
any info or tips would be greatly appreciated , thanks DLD.
Hey Jekyl,
You have exactly the begining stat like mine :). I dont do the erect stretch because i have not focused on length. I only do stretch when im ballooning (edging) and what i do is one hand holding the glans and the other hand making an ok grip at the base and pull out. every time i do that i feel like my dick getting longer. I have not measured my dick since i started Penis Enlargementing seriously about 2 months ago. I will go buy a tape measure this weekend and see if any gains.

sorry for my bad english if you dun understand!
Sorry DLD to chip in and also await for your wise advice!
Hey vodaneil, thats pretty cool i've never seen anyone with the same stats as me!
im now 7'' bpel and 5''' girth but ive been pe'ing on and off very VERY loosely and just focusing on stretches and a little clamping to maintain my girth!

SO, i finaly woke up and realised that i wanted more and its time to realy commit, i've created my own girth routien wich brings me over half an inch of girth every session and i am just looking for something that will bring me erect length gains becaus flaccid length does not really matter to much to me , so i though of erect stretches .
Also, for some reason i dont get a good stretch like i did when i first started with flaccid stretching i just dont really feel that im getting anywere with it anymore so its time for something new, im just hopeing that i can figure out a way to make these erect stretches work and really make some erect length gains , Well i wish you good luck vodaneil, keep me posted !!! tell me what exercises your doing and what kind of gains your making , and i will do the same !!!
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Thanks for your kind words Jelkyl.
definitely will measure my dong this weekend. Yeah we always want more. I remember 5 years ago when i first stumbled on the �other PE site�' site cuz my vietnamese girlfriend commented that i have a small dick and have nothing close to her other boyfriend and her boyfriends dick as big as her wrist. She was dating 2 of us at the same time but more attached to the other guy. i didnt care much about the commitment with cuz i just wanted to have a fuck buddy.
That comment really bothered me but i hadd not done Penis Enlargement yet cuz she still came back and asked for more and spent lots of her free time having sex with me everytime we hung out. So i presumed that she just bragged about her boyfriends's dick. But it really made me feel insecure cuz i always feel like i have a small dick, actually a skinny dick :D.

Ive spent more time doing Penis Enlargement recently cuz my current girlfriend is caucasian and feel her quite loose. So i just wanna feel the gap :D and make my long time dream come true which is a 7x5.5 dick :D.
i tried the __________ stretch 2 days ago and did not feel the stretch so i guess it does not work on me.

What is your routine for girth excercise. i only do manual. the basic jelq works good on me. i just created the slow jelq for me and i feel it really good but the after excercise discoloration is obvious.
Wish you will gain one inch in length soon
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erect stretching is the bridge between the flaccid stretch length and the erect length. This number is always changing relative to your gains but the gap can be close when you stretch erect as it converts the flaccid stretched gains into erect ones through stretching the tissue while it is erect. I also suggest every guy stretches erect at least one session a week, it makes conversion so much quicker.
Hey Vodaneil, Ya i know what it feels like to be told your small and thin when i first started i was 6'' long and 4 and a half inches around so i felt quite insecure , plus a girl that i had slept with once had told someone i was small , but the truth is that my length wasnt so bad its just the girth you wouldnt believe how much girth alone can make a difference , when i first started and i was getting from 4.5 to 4.8 it was a huge diffrence i thought i was so much bigger !
then after time my length inreased again and im at at 7'' bpel and 5'' eg and now AGAIN my dick looks skinny becaus of my length , but now after a girth sesson im at 5.5 - 5and 3/4'', and im just gonna say that it looks mighty big , i can garuntee you that i wouldnt get a( your small) from a girl unless she was a size queen becaus im definetly over average !
but anyways the truth is , and as hard as it is to hear it , its that 6'' long is average becaus the girls never complained about my length it was always about my girth! so im telling girth alone makes a huge difference , but to be honest i love the fact that im7'' long becaus its always nice to be above whats considered to be average no matter how truthful or untruthful thats stats are!!!
squashes (basicaly ssj exept you dont need the bottom hand becaus the clamp does that for you),and some other compression exercises .
but my little thing i do is i hold each exercise for 1 min then open the
now my girth routien is actualy quite simple it involves a clamp but thats it !
so what i do is i get fully erect and put and clamp all the way ,
then i will preform different exercises like, shaft squeezes , head clamp up almost all the way restimulate kegel hard then clamp again, so i treat each exercise like its own set, and the cool thing is that after your first exercise when you open the clamp the wrap doesnt come off because of the compression from the exercise,and becaus i only open the clamp 3/4 of the click to make sure its still a little tight!
ill do this for about 20-30 min and thats it !
i always get good expansion , im just trying to figur out how to cement it!
also my goal is to be 8.5 bpel and as thick as i can be lol so ive been doing some length stretches , ive recently started trying erect stretches becaus i feel like they will bring me better gains but i have been having a little difficulty with them thats why im just waiting for dld's response,
but let me know if you find any thing that brings you good length gains!
awsome thanks dld, but how do you keep the grip or the blood from leaving the glans ?
and also i would just like to know how hard i should be stretching becaus im having trouble identifying that feeling i should be getting from erect stretches.
thanks dld!
Thanks Jekyl,
What you told me about the girth is so true! and funny that we all ended up in the same way for Penis Enlargementing. LOL.
i always wanna try clamping cuz i have heard so many guys talking about its the best for girth growth. But there is no way to find a horse clamp in Vietnam or ASEAN countries.
So i have to wait till my dick conditioned and i will ask my close friend in States to buy a bunch of them :D. so far, i just created the hand clamping :) for the same purpose but my hands get fatigued very quickly :(

About the length excercise, yeah i will start soon as you said we dont accept being average. LOL
Use string as a clamp! Put something padded ie sock around your penis then tie around that for comfort. Tie it at the base.
good job vodaneil let me no how it goes! also newbiefor9 is right!
u can use a string and some cloth as a wrap , just make a slip knot or lupe knot and it will make it easier to adjust.
this is the method redzulu used befor he found the cable clamp.
but i would suggest getting a cable clamp once you get the chance.
their easy to use and highly effecient!
vodaneil sorry about the big post for some reason it cut out a bunch of the stuff i wrote about what my girth routien is , so here ill re-write it! lol
Ok so , what i do is i get fully erect and put the wrap on ,then i put the clamp on very loosly just enough to keep the wrap from unraveling , now i stimulate my self until fully erect, kegel hard, and the clamp all the way as tight as i can , leave about 2-3 teeth left showing on the clamp , thats how tight i like to clamp!

NOW , that im clamped what i like to do is different types of compression exercises like , clamped ssj (wich is basically just squashing the head with one hand like you normaly would , but you dont need the base hand becaus the clamp does that for you!) , also diffrent shaft squeezes like at the base, below the head, and in the middle of the shaft!
these all work great for expansion.
But i think that the reason i do so well is becaus i go about clamping a little differently than most do .
you see intead of putting the calmp on and doing exercises over aperiod of 10-15 min with the clamp being close , and having to kege blood thru a closed clamp .
what i do is , treat every exercise like its own set , so once im done the squeeze i open the clamp about 3/4 open just enought so that the blood fills quickly and easily while i stimulate, but its also still tight enough that it keeps the wrap from unraveling! and then once fully stimulated i kegel hard again , close the clamp hard and do another compression exercise!
it works great , its really not as much trouble as you think it is , and it becoms easier, plus it allows me to hold a compression exercise for over 2 min if iwant , wich i think is what brings great gains! becas your hands dont get tierd!i will usually go for 30 min . Hope that helped !
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Thanks Newbiefor9 and jekyllnhyde360.

Yeah i will try string soon if i dont get any gains from jelqs.

Hey jekyllnhyde360, thanks for the detailed routine. Just bought a rule and a measuring tape today. i will take a day off of Penis Enlargement and will measure on Sat.

I just tried a new jelq today. I called it Twister jelq. I felt a good stretch and my penis got engorged well after the first stroke. I know it had to find anything else new really in Penis Enlargement but let see if the twister jelq will work on me.
I've been doing the basic jelq and feel really good. it helps me get erect and maintian the erection well. But one thing is the skin moving forward as well as the hairs moving forward to the shaft which looks a bit ugly and i feel sore at the base. So the solution is every stroke i have to use one hand to hold the skin back but i dont feel the jelq as great as before.

Do you have any advice for that.

Thank you

YA i know vod jelqs are notorious for being problematic with skin and turkey neck and all types , but one thing i used to do is i would tie the balls off with a hair elastic or a string , this method works quite well im mean theres still a bit u have to hold back but it really does help keep the skin back from riding up the shaft!
Just BE CAREFUL if you start to feel numd , or start to turn purple or really blue or BLACK stop , take off the elastic massage the balls and reaply it less tight , it might get a little cold and red thru out the set thats fine it never hurt me but watch out for if it starts to hurt then you've had it on to long or to tight, i was in the same place and thats what someone on here told me to do and it worked well!!!
Another thing to do is get a cock ring or wrap a tighter hair elastic around your flaccid penis and then stimulate and it will keep the extra skin from riding up the shaft also , theres a little extra benefit to this method it creates almost like a clamp effect but not quite, what im mean is it also makes your penis a little thicker and able to hold more blood , and as we all know the more blood being compressed the greater the expansion , then the greater the gains ! also with this method it's alot easier to keep the blood from running thru the base hand becaus when you tighten your ok grip at the base it acts as a secondary barrier! hope that helped!
Many thanks fot the advice Jek.

Just took the first measurement today. so the BPenis EnlargementL is 6.25 seem like I gained .025inc. If i push really hard till it hurts the BPenis EnlargementL is 6.5. No girth gain yet :( but i can feel a healthier and fuller dick. So i guess the basic jelq did help me gain but i will keep it as a warmup and retain the erection as well.

I hope my twister jelq will help me gain girth and length soon. I will throw in some SSJ soon as DLD said its the best jelq.
How long do you uasually measure your boy Jek?

Thanks again
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