
Jun 13, 2003
I hope that I am typing in the right section. Any way, I need some advice. I am 31 years of age and I am wondering does depression cause a person not to be able to have an erection. Also what can I do to get my erection back. I have not been able to get up or to get hard enough to have sex. I know that I am going through a depression however, I am wondering what to do?

Can someone assist me?


Hey 7, that happens from time to time. It could be depression causing it, I don't know what you might be doing or what has happened in your life. I am not going through any depression and from time to time I have trouble too. Don't let it get to you and you will probably get it up soon. Let me tell you a short story. The best thing you can do if you are having some depression is to get active. Do some physical stuff that takes your mind off of what might be causing the depression. The large muscles, the legs, arms etc. cause testrostone production and if you run, or walk or work out or do somthing that causes your to really push those large muscles, you will see the sexual activity increase. I have see it happen with my close friends who are going through some tough times and I have also experienced it personally. So, do something different and get your mind and body active in other things. Good luck to you. GS
Think this can go both ways. Depression can cause lowering of testosterone, but also, low testosterone can cause depression. Have been studies that show that when you give depressed males testosterone, most get much better.
C7, Depression can not only interfere with your ability to maintain an erection but it can also contribute to obsessive impotence with each passing event. You do not have to be depressed, believe it or not it is a choice. I struggle with depression every day, it is always lurking right when I wake up, waiting to attack but I make a conscience decision to battle it every day. I am never sure why I am on the verge of depression but I push myself beyond it's grips every time it approaches. I could feel bad about things in my life and really let it limit what I do, I'm very poor, I am agoraphobic, I have extreme OCD, I rarely go anywhere, I am often anxious, I am a recovering addict and alcoholic, my crib is close to the size of a Jail cell, DAMN, I could go on for days about the things in my life that have the potential to depress me. If I give in and allow myself to become depressed I already know things are going to get MUCH WORSE. I have to battle this daily and sometimes it's hard but I do it, I fake it till I make it. For me something as simple as turing on my iTunes and listening to my favorite jams gets me going. As much as I sometimes want to wallow in my shit, stay in bed, feel bad about myself, I don't....I grit my teeth, force a fake ass smile and bump some Gangstar and get my day started. For me it is the little things that get me through, the first thing I do is pull up every post on the forum and read what is going on with my peeps. I try to help where I can because I know this will help me feel better about myself while sharing some awareness. I'll strap some weight to my dick and get my daily work done. I will pop in my favorite �naked people movies� and get an awesome girth session in, not even looking for gains, just looking to feel accomplished about getting it done. I have the potential to be very lonely, I am by myself in this house most of the time and if I give in to that it is another trap for depression. I stay busy. When I get my work done I force myself to play, STAY BUSY...Idle hands are the devil's workshop. Sometimes all of this seems so fake and like I am going through the motions but again this is one of depressions tricks...BE AWARE. Try to remain grateful for the things in your life that are good and work hard to change the things in your life that suck.

With sex learn how to say fuck it and move on. Sometimes things are not going to work out right and dwelling on this can compound the issue. If the dick is not cooperating put your efforts into pleasuring your partner in other ways. Believe me, sex does not always have to be intercourse. Spend some time on relaxed foreplay, before you know it the pressure will be off and your dick will start to cooperate, believe he wants to get hard but you are pressuring him too much:D Before you know it he will be begging for attention.
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