
Mar 6, 2006
Hi Guys,

I had this topic on my mind since I started PE and somehow got to be obbsesed with it at one point. Progress Indicators, It is possible that the gaining proccess leaves clues that tell us if we're gaining or wasting our time with our routine, well... after almost 2 years of consistant PE with a lot of trial and errors and trying everything from manuals exercises to Extenders, Hanging and Bathmate and more recently a LM I think there are as I experienced then with every routine I've done, and I think it's one of the most important thing we need to understand aout PE.

I made a long search on what other guys wrote on the subject and coudn't find much on it, I turned mos and �other PE site� upside down and it seems that it's something universally accepted by everyone as real but I coudn't find a thread that would cumulate the wisdom of all guys in one discussion. The closest thing I found was in fedora's progress thread where he describes the different states his penis went through right between erect gains would manifest(jelly state, maleable form...)

It seems to be universaly accepted the fact that post-workout temporary elongation or expansion is a good progress indicators, and that there's a pattern in witch gains manifest Flachid hang incrase -> Permanent FSL increase - > EL gains and also that the penis will feel longer and longer after each week, DLD was the first one to meniton this with the DLD Blasters and the the term he uses was "slack" to refer the the A Strech as getting looser and looser as the weeks progressed.

Personally I don't like to wait around cluless 2-3 months for an official erect measurement just to realize that I haven't gained much, I would like to know if I'm gaining or not so I can adjust the routine on the fly.

So, share the knoledge guys, what the clues and signs that you're penis gived you right before a positive erect measurement?

For me it's a combination of lower hang in the morning, longer jelq strokes witch indicate that the tisues had been streched or became more pliable and the blood can be pushed further and a permanent increase in flachid length(this usually manifests before erect gains).

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Well first off another good thread here you are quite the prolific poster
Personally I think going visually is the best way. Fuck measuring constantly because changes happen slowly. I think using the mirror and listening to your partner(s) is the most honest way to gauge progress.
Also I think you have to really commit to an exercise or tool for at least a couple months to know exactly what it does .
acromegaly;607731 said:
Also I think you have to really commit to an exercise or tool for at least a couple months to know exactly what it does .

Yep! For some people this takes mooooooooooore time then most people think.

The session I tried extreme ulis I noticed a definite expansion. The next jump was the first time I did ssj. Then frendos. I just did my first serious expressive flaccid stretching session; also threw in some jelqs just for health you know? my dick feels stiffer than usual. I really believe if you switch up your combination of excercises your dick expands different, and better. Regrettably haven't measuring steadily but I will now. I'm also dealing with a stinging in my head if I press down on it which has me uneasy. I'm no scientist but I need to grow man, so ill start logging my shit to be more professional
I have written on the signs of gains but I will sum it up quickly again here. When first starting PE the first signs of gains will be a more vascular look to the penis due to the increase of blood flow delivered to the penis. There will also be a soreness at the base where the ligaments reside, this is due to the break down of the ligamental tissue giving room to length gains. The next thing men will notice if hair creeping up their shaft and this is due to the skin being stretched, Skin stretch needs to happen before length has room to grow. From here the first indicators of gains will be in the flaccid stretched state, length is easily seen here quickly and should be checked frequently to make sure elongation is happening. At this point there will be a gap between erect length and flaccid stretched length the latter being longer. Over time this gap begins to close but not completely as new gains will always be happening so it becomes important to address this gap through erect stretching. From here the process continues to replicate itself and we become longer and longer.

Knowing that you are gaining girth is in the daily measurement of girth after a workout. With every workout there should be a temporary gain in girth. Due to the toughness of the Tunica it takes time for the expansion to deform the tissue but repeated expansion will eventually cause this. There are things that can be done to help break down the Tunica quicker, the best being bundles stretches. When the penis is twisted in a bundle stretch it allows for the Tunica to break down quicker than with a standard lateral stretch. If you feel ready you can do these semi-erect to quicken the process. For some men girth can be easier to gain while others may find length to be easier. For me it was length at first that exploded but I was slow in girth gains. It took much more intense exercises for my girth to grow. I wish I had the BathMate in those days, it would have sped the process greatly but I relied on erect jelqing and squeezing exercises to cause the expansion. Once I figured out that a temporary gain was necessary to making permanent gains in girth things started to move quickly.

We all will follow this same process through out PE and it all makes sense when you think about it. I know we tend to make PE complicated but it really is a simple exercise in Physics and Math. To become longer you stretch to accomplish this, to become thicker you cause expansion beyond your 100% point. If elongation and expansion are consistent and progressively intense the penis will continue to grow.
Maybe a time-lapse 'before-after' pictures with fixd focal, tripod, lighting and exact same foot stand. and distance.
reviewed by experts
So, we can conclude that the Post-Workout temporaty gains(plastic elongation and expansion) is the most important thing to track and the most important progress indicator? Still, there are many posts by guys that report huge post-workout expansion but no gains at all for months, could be there a missing link?

It's been established that erect measurements fluctuate
. Maybe someone could measure off, mess up their training protocol, and fail to keep temp gains long enough to seize new ones.
Like you say timing your spurts is crucial if you don't have ten years to reach your goals.
The signs gotta be found in; erection harndess,frequency, ligament strength.
Flaccid hang, pliability, veinage. K18 says you should always train when you feel horny to make use of beneficial hormones, other natural chems.
Balance out frequency of use of varied training/healing technique.
Positive, and grateful attitude toward having a fully functioning dick. Good nutrition
tkto;608347 said:
K18 says you should always train when you feel horny to make use of beneficial hormones, other natural chems.
I agree with that for girth !

For the lenght, bone pressed erect lenght gains are precursor of non-bon-pressed gains.
Blueballs;608283 said:
So, we can conclude that the Post-Workout temporaty gains(plastic elongation and expansion) is the most important thing to track and the most important progress indicator? Still, there are many posts by guys that report huge post-workout expansion but no gains at all for months, could be there a missing link?


Which posts are you referring to so I can see exactly what they did wrong? Can you link a few of these posts?
Can't find the now, but I remember about one guy in particular that posted last week saying that he can't make the final Inch if girth stick. He mentioned that he gets about .75-1.0" expansion after his bathmate sessions but no gains.
Blueballs;608283 said:
So, we can conclude that the Post-Workout temporaty gains(plastic elongation and expansion) is the most important thing to track and the most important progress indicator? Still, there are many posts by guys that report huge post-workout expansion but no gains at all for months, could be there a missing link?


I strongly agree with you on your hypothesis about the missing link. I've read similar threads and I always wondered why some guys have such huge temp gains but haven't gained more than me permanently since my temp gains never surpass 0,2" (talking only about girth!). I asked a few times for opinions about this discrepancy but no-one ever answered substantially (maybe cuz no-one had an answer).

I also can't deliver a spec. thread but iirc superman and jekyllnhyde are two examples of this phenomenon. Superman told me that he gets a temp exp. of 0,5" on a regular basis and sometimes even 0,75" (by clamping and pumping mainly) but his overall gains are about the same as mine (and I've gained around 0,6" in a bit more than 1,5 years). Jekyllnhyde achieved a lot of temp exp too by clamping but I remember him complaining about missing perm gains. If one of you guys read this: I hope I don't get the numbers wrong and I def. don't want to offend anybody, just trying to help us and hope that you'll chime in.

What I could add for info is that I haven't lost more than 0,2 cm (that is less than a tenth of an inch) in the past 1,5 months during which I had to take a break due to an irritated vein. So I guess, though my temp gains are low the perm gains I've obtained are pretty solid. Maybe food for thought?
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I think that perm gain is a great indicator of growth potential that a specific exercise or routine has but in order to grow you need to have theese temp gains as frequent as possible to make them permanent, also another ideea that roams around and that I totally agree with is that that you need to constantlly achive higher temp gains or bigger elongated/engorged states over time in order to progress and theese extreme or larger states if achived daily trough PE workouts will become permanent over time witch sounds like the fundamental principle behind all PE but that so many miss or ignore.

Witch brings me to another question, is the temp gain an indicator of the effectivness of an exercise? Lt's say that I do 2 sets of DLD Blasters and then 2 sets of hangind SD, the first will bring me +0.15 temp FSL and the 2 sets of hanging a solid +0.2, can we assume based on this alone that the later approach is more effective and will bring more gains in the same period of time?

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I think a part of seizing quick new gains is using different deformation technique often, to side blind our guy into growing in a different area. All these precisely timed spurts will reap gain quick right dld cuz you were always inventing new ways to train is how u succeeded?
i also think temp gains are a good indicator, atleast for girth. i never really got much temp gain after sessions and never really gained much. recently ive switched things up a little, going more intense and im getting much much better temp gains. i also have gained a bit more in girth and day to day my flaccid is heavier and more 'plump'. so for me anyway, and for girth, temp gains are a good indicator of progress, however you have to distinguish between temp expansion and fluid retention.
Blueballs;609399 said:
Can't find the now, but I remember about one guy in particular that posted last week saying that he can't make the final Inch if girth stick. He mentioned that he gets about .75-1.0" expansion after his bathmate sessions but no gains.

Most likely men become overly excited about a temporary gain that has not been cemented yet. The BathMate/SlowSquashJelq routine brings amazing expansion but it takes consistent expansion to deform the Tunica enough for it to become permanent. As long as the expansion is consistent and the user does not give up the gains will become permanent. I think some men just expect the temporary gains to remain and when they don't they become discouraged. Girth takes time and dedication and consistent temporary expansion.
doublelongdaddy;609598 said:
Most likely men become overly excited about a temporary gain that has not been cemented yet. The BathMate/SlowSquashJelq routine brings amazing expansion but it takes consistent expansion to deform the Tunica enough for it to become permanent. As long as the expansion is consistent and the user does not give up the gains will become permanent. I think some men just expect the temporary gains to remain and when they don't they become discouraged. Girth takes time and dedication and consistent temporary expansion.

i have been guilty of this before! small temp gains i have gotten have had me over excited. my expansion nowadays due to better program is more consistent so its easier to manage. how long would you say it takes on average to cement gains after youve gotten them? (assuming you went on a cementing program)
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