
Mar 7, 2011
First I'd like to say that Penis Enlargement is workin for me! I've been Penis Enlargementing for around 2 1/2 months! I started out with a BPenis EnlargementL of almost 7 inches and a girth of about 5.25 inches, I'm not a BPenis EnlargementL of 7.75 and a EG of 5.5! Flaccid gains (I always measure non-stretched) I started with about 3inches flaccid and now its about 4 inches! With that said, I have a tendency to after my fairly intense workout of jelqing and stretching to shrink in flaccid length for a hour or two! And It will stay that way unless I give it a few good stretches! What am I doing wrong? is there a way to prevent it!?
Yup, Uncle Jim's Strapping Method is the shit, it brought my flaccid size very close to my erect.
Turnover;428578 said:
That is from fatigue.

Correct. Fatigue will run rampant on erection quality. This is why some guys need more rest than others.
I am on a intense no-rest day schedule! Should I start takin a rest day every now and again?! Like 5 on 2 off?
I don't feel good about myself when I take rest days.
Rest days are purely up to you, I never have taken rest days and my gains have always been great. Some guys feel the break helps them repair and recover or they feel that too much Penis Enlargement interferes with their erection quality. I say go for the 7 day a week routine and cut it back if you are experiencing negative effects.
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