
Mar 8, 2014
I have lost 0.25 inch in erect length, and my erections don’t last as long. I don’t even really get morningwood anymore. Before I tell you what happened, I totally take full responsibility. I realize doing PE may be a risk, and I took that risk, and sometimes it just doesn’t go your way, and that’s why it’s a risk.

So here’s what happened.

Around January 25, 2014, I started using the Phalloson Forte. After 6 weeks of use, it really started to hurt. My penis got really dry and skin would peel off. I then started to use Neosporin every day, but that didn’t really help. While I was using the PF, I would make sure to take 2 days off a week. So after those 6 weeks of using it, I stopped using it and then tried the Size Genetics to see if it would be any better. After another 6 weeks, it really started to hurt so I stopped that as well. Towards the end of the 6 weeks of using the SG, I noticed that skin above the SG strap swelled. Anyway, so after totally stopping the two devices around May, I noticed soon after that I wouldn’t get hard rock morning woods, at best, maybe 30-40% erect. Once in a while I’ll have a full boner, but once I get out of bed, the boner goes away in seconds. Not only that, I lost 0.25 inches in length in erect length as well as stretched flaccid length. I haven't done any PE since the end of May 2014.

My main concern is that my penis shrunk. When I give myself a full 100% erection, I am 0.25 shorter in length.

Here are my questions?
1. If I were to do PE again, (this time I want to do manual exercises), would I have to start my gains from a smaller size?

2. Is the 0.25 inch in length I lost gone forever? (For example, instead of 4 + 2 = 6 inches, it would be 3.75 + 2 = 5.75 inches)

3. Or did I do permanent damage, and I can not longer get a bigger penis?
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I'm honestly amazed when I see threads like this. A guy suspects he's maybe doing something wrong, but keeps doing it anyway. Then, he's obviously got an injury of some kind, but rather than seek out an actual professional like a urologist, he hops on a PE forum and asks random strangers with no credentials what to do, or to guess what's wrong with his penis when they were not there to witness things first hand. Seriously, go see a professional, it's your penis and at this point in time, you only get one.
sounds like too much too fast. the penis is protecting itself by not going full erection.

some time off should cure the problem.

if you can still get an occational erection (shortly though)

i wouldn't worry.

if there is any pain or anything like that. please go see an expert (no that is not DLD)

and please listen to this sentence: "PENIS ENLARGEMENT IS A MARATHON NOT A SPRINT!" sorry. but keep this in mind. it takes time to get used to this kind of stretch

good luck with the penis

and keep the thread updated. so we know you are good.
... The title of the thread... When I read it and saw it was you who posted I was like " Damn that clamping " LMAO!
Whenever I stop PE for a few days, I notice a that my erection is smaller in length. For example, I had been doing PE for almost two months, and then I had a double ear infection and was bedridden all of Spring Break. I felt so bad that jelqing was out of the question. I'm starting again today, though.

On the dry skin, I think I know exactly what you mean. Once, I masturbated somewhat late and didn't wash the lotion off (was too late to shower). The next morning, my entire penis was hard. The skin was dry and hard for about a week, and I was able to peel it off after a few days. After all the dried skin was gone, though, I noticed an increase in erect length (maybe like 0.25, but still noticeable). I tried it again a couple of weeks later and it went back to normal, though.

Probably, none of this is going to help you. I, like these other guys, think you should see a doctor or someone professional. I'm just giving my experiences with some of your symptoms.
1. calm down becuz worrying is worse for your penis and also a cause of shrinkages...
2. go to a urologist
3. if not then wait and let it heal for some time...try redzulu hot and cold therapy for healing of tissues...
Calm down and understand that there is very little that can permanently harm the penis. The penis is extremely resilient and can pretty much heal from any issue. I do agree with the others, see your doctor and get a professional opinion. Any loss you may have had can easily be gained back once you find out the matter you are having. Good luck and I look forward to some good news from the doctor.
Hey guys! Thank you for your responses. I didn't think I was to harsh on my penis, but maybe I was. It's hard to balance between pushing your penis a little bit to over doing it. Anyway, I will go to someone who is a professional and see what happened to cause my penis to shrink. I want to continue my journey to getting a bigger penis. Thanks again guys for giving your input!
Also, just one tip to add. For dry skin from stretching (which happens to me regularly as well) try using hydrocortisone Cream not Neosporin. Neosporin is a anti-bacterial cream, with bacitracin in it, which causes dryness. Hydrocortisone is a mild steroid cream which will promote healing of skin irritation, dryness and reduce swelling.
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