
Jul 17, 2008
I know that I HAVE, in the past, SOMEWHAT overthought all of this: these following questions are bugging me to no end and I get conflicting info about them. In other words, I would rather not be asking them and I feel that knowing the answers will help me and others.

I have attached 7 pictures of myself in the stretcher: these are to help anyone who wants to help be as specific as possible in their advice for me. I have read and re-read all of my exchanges with Rick at SS and moregains123; I have what I believe are the final questions I need answered for a long time, if not forever. I am dedicated and believe in the product and believe that I will be successful in making Penis EnlargementRMANENT ERECT GAINS.

Aside from a request that you answer the bolded questions specifically, I would love it if you shared any anecdotal advice general or specific about anything you feel I need to know. Also, any advice on my current workout.


Everyone says that I am supposed to feel fatigue in my ligaments (above my penis) from stretching. Everyone has said that, sometimes, you don't feel fatigue for hundreds of hours of hanging, stretching, etc before you finally "feel it". It has also been said that growth is not directly expressed from FEELING fatigue, that you gain before you feel it.

Look at pictures 4-7: 4-6 show where, after using the stretcher at 6 pounds (springs fully compressed), I feel all at once in all three sections a BURN in the muscle (I poke my finger into the skin/muscle and it is a soreness unlike any other; a burning soreness). In between the two rod base spots (4 & 5) and on top and bottom of 7 (taint), I feel SOME discomfort, but nothing like I do in these three spots. It is NOT the epidermis or some sort of external rash/abrasion; all internal. This is after 1.5 hours or so and, throughout my stretching, the springs will actually become less compressed and I tighten them back to 6 pounds (or so it SEEMS that the springs are less compressed because they seem loosed, less compressed to my naked eye than they did before, and my penis always stretches and accomodates the increase).

All in all, I don't know if its the constant pressure of these end points on the device causing the sensation.

1. Is this real fatigue I am feeling? If so, how can I tell? If not, what am I doing wrong?

2. How much does this have to do with the fact that I am stretching between SD and SO? Does THIS position create the quickest fatigue?

3. The general instructions from you and others who have used the HD successfully have said to: 1. Wear it at as high a weight as possible for as long as you can without dying and then 2. Wear it at half the weight to "ride out the fatigue". How am I to do this when I am not feeling fatigue? Is this burning that I am feeling a sign to take it off or just reduce the weight?


When discussing positions to stretch in with Rick at SS, he stated:
1. Stretching SD produces quick, "fake" gains (all ligs),
2. He chose to stretch SU because he wanted his erection to go straight up past his belly button (which is a classic point of reference as to how LONG someone is, agreed: girls talk about it all the time/one reason why guys that take cock pics have their shirts on when they to it so as to look larger), and
3. Between SD and SO is the "best way" to stretch because it works both the tunica and ligs.

But isn't a gain a gain? How is it that if, say stretching down all the time, I gain a PUBIC BONE PRESSED measurement of 2 inches in length, that my penis would not go past my belly button anyway, even if I had to prop it up?

To put it a better way: Let's say I have a ruler in my hand. And let's say there are three men who start off the same erect length (pubic bone pressed length measured). 1 of them stretches SU, 1 between SO and SD and 1 just SD. All of us boast an inch gain in erect length. The only measurement I talk about from here on out is a TOP-OF-Penis EnlargementNIS, PUBIC BONE PRESSED ERECT LENGTH MEASUREMENT.

1. Will all three men, using a ruler and doing a pubic bone pressed measurement, have made an 1" gain using THIS measurement (the true measurement of an erect gain)?

2. If SD gains (purely ligaments) are not "real", yet when I get an erection and measure I have gained in external length, so that I look and feel larger than I was before (and, I am assuming, measure longer), how is this LESS of a "real" gain than if I was to stretch in other directions?

3. BIB (Bigger) said that the only way to maximize your Penis Enlargement gains is to first exhaust and stretch out completely your ligs and THEN attack the tunica, if for no other reason that the ligs have to be completely exhausted before the tunica can be "gotten to fully". Comments?

4. I would like my penis, when having made gains, to go up past my belly button. Are you saying that I have to do SU, that its going to be all tunica being stretched, and that still I will be able to make a PUBIC BONE PRESSED measurement of the full gain?
There's a �naked people movies� star named Criss Stokes:

In this link, if you look at the bottom of his penis, it curves out from underneath, as though his taint has been pulled out from below. His ligs haven't been stretched out because his penis shoots straight up. Is THIS what a SU gain looks like? Under these circumstances, if this man stretched SU, would his gains be measured from the TOP to his PUBIC BONE or from the sack side?

1. Is it necessary to wear a medium stretcher throughout the day to maximize and speed up gains, or is it counter-productive? My current workout is jelqing for 25 mins, wearing the HD at 6 pounds to exhaustion (mentioned here as the burning in the three areas) and then going down to 3 pounds for 30 mins and every bathroom break doing 30 rotary stretches.


All the best,



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Bump. Does anyone use the SS that can help with these questions?
I only looked at the photos: the burn is from the base at 6 lbs and the angle you're using. I wouldn't use that angle as I had the same experience. I would put it more SO maybe by one notch.

As I said in another post it can take me 6 weeks to hit fatigue hanging 10 to 15 pounds and using the SS HD. You just have to let that happen when it does and not obsess on making it happen. It's part of the journey and when it happens you'll know it but it doesn't mean you aren't making progress. I usually add a quarter inch to my FSL and an eighth to my EL before fatigue sets in.

If you're using 6 lbs for a couple of hours you're going to get results! So let it be, watch a movie, forget about it. (But I would definetly change the angle to a little more SO than SD.
DLD: Much love! Thanks for the bump and the shout out!

moregains123: Great advice, and thanks for being honest about looking at just the pics. I will adjust my angle.

Is there any way, whether today or whenever you have a chance, you could answer the questions? Reason being is that (and I feel DLD agrees; when does he ever bump a post!) ANYONE using the Static Stretcher would be hard pressed to find someone with more knowledge and expertise as you, moregains123, and these are questions which I'm sure a lot of people want to know the answers to.

If not, no worries. Just wanted to put that out there my friend! :)

All the best

doublelongdaddy;348930 said:
Bump. Does anyone use the SS that can help with these questions?

PS: DLD! Many of these questions, especially about angles and growth, are begging to get your expertise as well!
1. Doesn't sound like fatigue, sounds like muscular tissue being stretched. Stretching the suspensory ligament and feeling it would require BTC or a lot of SD. For me it might be 6 weeks of 20 hours a week of hanging and 120 hours of HD SS before true fatigue sets in. Then I make every effort to keep that going (which isn't that hard to do).

2. My experience says that the feeling of fatigue comes in different forms. The suspensory ligament (BTC), the attachment points of the CCs (OTL) and the tunicae (SO) can all ache and give the elusive feeling of fatigue. Which ache depends on angles and time. Weight to a lesser degree if time is great, otherwise vice versa.

3. I wouldn't let it get to burning that sounds like it's being overdone. I'd switch the angle or reduce the weight. I prefer coersion not brute force. I've worn that device 6 hours straight without even noticing and had a motherfucker of a tunicae fatigue and an 8 inch flaccid afterward!

1. I wouldn't refer to the BTC lig gains as fake but I know what he's saying. You're not growing dick as much as you're exposing more of what you've already got.

2. SU is a tough angle that I could never get comfortable with.

3. I agree between SO and SD: it's my best angle with the HD SS. For hanging I always use angles too and usually prefer SOL or SOR. I stay away from SO because it engages too many strong tissues.

The BTC gain will move the entire penis downward due to the fact the suspensory ligament (which holds the penis up toward the body) as been lengthened thereby allowing the penis to move away from the body.

1. The measurement is a gain. It's just that Rick wanted his results to lengthen his erection toward his belly button. To each his own. I had this discussion with him but I went ahead and gained using BTC. I just got sick of the angle and since I gained I became a true believer and started to focus on modeling a dick versus just yanking out some gains via the SL (Suspensory Lig).

2. As said before it changes the distance between your penis and your body.

3. That's an approach with the idea being to loosen the ligs so they no longer engage and hold weight in certain angles which usually address the tunica. But here he's talking about hanging exclusively. ADS extenders operate on somewhat different concepts than hanging. They prefer to trade time over weight. They also try to coerce all tissues to grow in concert. If you can hang, go with Bib's technique.

4. As I said SU was a no-go angle for me. Perhaps you could try SO/SU. I like SO with the HD SS because it's perpendicular to my body and I feel this gives the HD SS the best constant leverage. I think Bib would say this guy's ligs are looser than most guys, but also let's face it: he's got a big dick.

1. I don't know the answer for sure but I know it'll certainly help because any stretching is better than no stretching. What you're doing sounds fine to me I think you just need to keep at it. Just be careful you don't ruin your life in this pursuit.
I am preparing to purchase HD SS and I am having a question: how big is this advice? I am planning to wear it during work and I am not sure if it is small enough that no one would notice it.

Hi.I have a question for you Moregains123.OK,so after reading all of this very useful and interesting information,would for instance someone be able to do the HD SS in just the straight down angle(to hit ligs)and then when those were all taxed out,then hit the SO to build from the tunica,would this be a more efficient way,especially if used after hanging done in the respectable same ways?Thank you.I really appreciate it.
All I was saying is I prefer the SO position with the HD SS. You can certainly use it as you've described. If you look at the anatomy I htink you'd better understand how these tissues play together. The suspensory ligs are best affected by downward force (BTC, SD), the tunica is best affected by perpendicular (SO) or upward force (SU). Although the suspensory lig can be pulled in SO if it's tight, Bib often suggests hanging BTC to lengthen this before going SO. It's an effort to get the suspensory lig out of the way during SO.
MoreGains123;348990 said:
All I was saying is I prefer the SO position with the HD SS. You can certainly use it as you've described. If you look at the anatomy I htink you'd better understand how these tissues play together. The suspensory ligs are best affected by downward force (BTC, SD), the tunica is best affected by perpendicular (SO) or upward force (SU). Although the suspensory lig can be pulled in SO if it's tight, Bib often suggests hanging BTC to lengthen this before going SO. It's an effort to get the suspensory lig out of the way during SO.

It's amazing how having other minds in the mix brings up even moe questions that need answering. I don't know about you, DLD, but moregains123 deserves a moderatorship.

1. If you need to exhaust the ligs FIRST ("get the suspensatory lig out of the way") , then how is SO effective if you STILL have tight ligs?
2. If I want to get a BONE PRESSED ERECT LENGTH increase of 1" THE FASTEST WAY POSSIBLE, using just the HD SS, what's the best angle?
3. You say that SD exhausts just the ligs and "just reveals more of what is there". What's the difference between THIS type of legit gain and a tunica gain? Do BOTH gains measure the same BPenis EnlargementL?
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stevie7inch;349500 said:
1. If you need to exhaust the ligs FIRST ("get the suspensatory lig out of the way") , then how is SO effective if you STILL have tight ligs?
With SO and tighter ligs (meaning ligs which are tight enough to be engaged with an SO angle) it simply means you're tugging on all the tissues at the same time.

stevie7inch;349500 said:
2. If I want to get a BONE PRESSED ERECT LENGTH increase of 1" THE FASTEST WAY POSSIBLE, using just the HD SS, what's the best angle?
If your ligs are high and tight then lower angles will give you results the fastest due to the fact ligs are more easily stretched.

stevie7inch;349500 said:
3. You say that SD exhausts just the ligs and "just reveals more of what is there". What's the difference between THIS type of legit gain and a tunica gain? Do BOTH gains measure the same BPenis EnlargementL?
You've asked this question several times and I don't know how to answer it other than the ways that I have. Stretching the ligs gives a legit gain but it isn't growth of new penis as much as it's allowing more to appear outside the body. In the attached illustration I've attempted to show how a gain is achieved by stretching the suspensory ligs.The suspensory lig is show as having stretched like a rope. This now allows more inner penis to be revealed. It now allows more downward and forward movement because it is longer.


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MoreGains123;349503 said:
With SO and tighter ligs (meaning ligs which are tight enough to be engaged with an SO angle) it simply means you're tugging on all the tissues at the same time.

If your ligs are high and tight then lower angles will give you results the fastest due to the fact ligs are more easily stretched.

You've asked this question several times and I don't know how to answer it other than the ways that I have. Stretching the ligs gives a legit gain but it isn't growth of new penis as much as it's allowing more to appear outside the body. In the attached illustration I've attempted to show how a gain is achieved by stretching the suspensory ligs.The suspensory lig is show as having stretched like a rope. This now allows more inner penis to be revealed. It now allows more downward and forward movement because it is longer.

I see. Forgive me, moregains: you've been awesome and I'm a knucklehead. The GROWTH of "new penis" is only accomplished, then, with tunica stretching.

Having said all this:

Since I want immediate BPenis EnlargementL increases, I should stretch SD with the HD until I can 't gain anymore and THEN do SO for more gains (tunica), correct? In terms of showing people that I have gained, I want to be able to show these increases via pictures/videos of my dick measured fully erect from the top (BPenis EnlargementL). Stretching the ligs first and revealing more will show this kind of increase, correct?

Thanks again moregains.
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