
Jun 5, 2003
Just like there is breast enhancement surgery, penis enhancement surgery and breast reduction surgery (my sister-in-law got that)....there is penis reduction surgery.
!! :O
Everyone on any Penis Enlargement boards is probably flinching at that.
But it's true. I remember seeing it in a mainstream news magazine a few years ago. It even showed an older white guy on a gurney at the hospital - covered of course. He was about to be wheeled into the OR.
As I read the article, I kept thinking, "Damn, how big IS he?" But they never said. He must've been damn huge if he felt he needed surgery to "correct" his condition.
How big would you guys think is "Too big"? If you were that big, would you get penis reduction surgery?
If I were even 9 x 7, I wouldn't get surgery. Maybe if I was over 11" x maybe 8"-plus, or something so crazy I couldn't have sex.
Maybe he was! :O
That is crazy! I don't care how big I was, I wouldn't get it reduced! Well, unless I was about to pass out everytime I got a raging boner :D
What an ego trip that would be. The guy probabbly goes into bars and brags to women: "Well I was naturally 14 x 9 but I had reduction surgery to get to my present size of 9 x 6:D"
lol, that'd be something I would never do!! Ahhhhhh... The pain, the agony.

what about penis enlargement surgery.. has anyone ever thought of getting the one where they cut your suspensory ligament or something?
Originally posted by Hopingbig
what about penis enlargement surgery.. has anyone ever thought of getting the one where they cut your suspensory ligament or something?

I see no point to this, especially for people who know about Penis Enlargement. I would rather go five years of hard work and dedication than let some doctor cut my dick up with a knife.
Originally posted by Hopingbig
what about penis enlargement surgery.. has anyone ever thought of getting the one where they cut your suspensory ligament or something?

I did it in 1999. Lost an inch erect, gained an inch flaccid. Took a few years just to catch up to where I started. And I got lucky, my doctor actually did a respectable job. I have conversed with several guys who are now scarred for life with ruined penises. On the other hand, I have also conversed with a couple who were damn happy with their results. I guess it's a total crap shoot.

And now that I think about it WaxN, I guess I DID have a penis reduction surgery myself!
The guy looked to be about late 40's or so. I could only imagine that he probably divorced and met someone he was crazy about - but couldn't fit his monster into her. Or, if he did manage to wedge it in, it may have hurt her so severely that she shut him off. He probably then regarded his pubic python as a curse, and decided to have the doc do some pruning.
Nonetheless, a "before" pic would have been interesting. Maybe he was one of those genetic freaks that DLD mentioned in another post. But the question is....How freaky?
I remember hearing or reading about similar things as well. Hard to believe, but there apparently are men who've had this done - like you I couldn't imagine any other reason than it causing pain for the partner.

One thing that I read about, this was in an issue of Cosmo, an article by a nurse about wacky things seen in hospital. She told about one guy needing help with urine sample, said his penis was as big around as a coke can and hung halfway to his knee. She placed the cup for him, then went and got another nurse to pick up the sample - just to have someone else see it too, heheh.

What freaked me, she said she'd seen several men who had some kind of implant for ED, and that they would push this button to get an erection? Well, I just searched the net, and lo and behold found this:

<i>Implanted devices, known as prostheses, can restore erection in many men with ED. Possible problems with implants include mechanical breakdown and infection, although mechanical problems have diminished in recent years because of technological advances.

Malleable implants usually consist of paired rods, which are inserted surgically into the corpora cavernosa. The user manually adjusts the position of the penis and, therefore, the rods. Adjustment does not affect the width or length of the penis.

Inflatable implants consist of paired cylinders, which are surgically inserted inside the penis and can be expanded using pressurized fluid (see figure 3). Tubes connect the cylinders to a fluid reservoir and a pump, which are also surgically implanted. The patient inflates the cylinders by pressing on the small pump, located under the skin in the scrotum. Inflatable implants can expand the length and width of the penis somewhat. They also leave the penis in a more natural state when not inflated.

</i> <image src="http://kidney.niddk.nih.gov/kudiseases/pubs/impotence/images/implant.gif">

This was excerpted from the site http://kidney.niddk.nih.gov/kudiseases/pubs/impotence/index.htm#treatment

Hydromaxm.... "Inflatable implants can expand the length and width of the penis somewhat" imagine what a male �naked people movies�star and an unscrupulous doctor could do with this technology.......

Originally posted by WaxN
Nonetheless, a "before" pic would have been interesting. Maybe he was one of those genetic freaks that DLD mentioned in another post. But the question is....How freaky?

That would be awesome to see, a true freak of nature.
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