
Feb 16, 2006
My name is Mike... I am 24 years old. My penis is around 7 nbp and over 7.5 bp. (It used to be smaller before Penis Enlargement) For the past 6 years I have been OBSESSED with my penis and getting it larger. It has taken up my life, has resulted in great depression and anxiety, and has affected almost all areas of functioning. I have been diagnosed with Body Dysmorphic disorder, and although I feel alot better now I am still struggling. I can't imagine a life without a big penis! I dont know how a man can function and live and work and etc... without a big penis... I am also obsessed with getting peyronies disease and spend hours in the bathroom each day measuring myself over and over again, thinking that my penis has shrunk.... Please DLD, and everyone else, let me know if you can relate to my story... Is there anyone in here with BDD, depression, anxiety, drug addiction.... It seems that the only person I can really relate to is you DLD, but I want to reach out to more people. I am sure that a lot of members here have body dysmorphia that was never diagnosed. I mean some people really obsess over Penis Enlargement and penis size here... BUt really the quesiotn is, can you still function, does Penis Enlargement and penis size thoughts take over your mind? Thank you.
Hi Mike, ...

and spend hours in the bathroom each day measuring myself over and over again, thinking that my penis has shrunk

That's not dysmorphia, Mike, .. it's ego-dystonic ObessiveCompulsiveDisorder.

(And failure to thrive.)

But it's not that hard to fix ...

Grab a copy of Jeffrey Schwartz's "The Mind & The Brain" as a quick read on the latest retasking methodologies versus OCD -- using the brain's remarkable ability to rewire itself when actually ReTasked (instead of the previous avoidance methodologies, which rarely worked.)

Here's a link

There may be further reading on neuroplasticity as related to OCD around the internet, (check it out), but keep to the point of the book -- that's why i mentioned it....

Avoidance will not recede an urge, ... you have to put the mind into an Active task that requires attention and is different.

After enough of that, you can create a new freedom of the will without so deep of a rut with the urge - so you can choose what you want to do instead of being compulsed towards one thing.

Check it out.

I'd also say that 7.5 inches is a heck of a dick, and it's all that most �naked people movies� stars swing when you get past the weird camera lenses and trick photography.

Relax a bit dude, ... you're Big! :)

i can relate to your anxiety man...

i got myself in a bit of a bad state a while back... basically just smoked way too much green, was smoking 14-18gs a week, to myself... + then the weekends smoke my friends stuff etc etc... blazing every day for 3 years, has definetly had it's knock on effects... use to suffer from extreme paranoia, social anxiety, and had quite a few panic attacks the last times i smoked...

aint blazed in 15 months... still going strong... things have improved so so much, but i just wish i could go back in time and not be so retarded...

it is all my own fault for letting it get on top of me, and in no way am i hating on anyone else who enjoys the herb...

praise jah
one love
yeah i used to smoke alot of weed too... and a whole lot of other drugs as well... I stopped the drugs,, but still addicted to my penis... its another addiction and its making me go nuts.... and BDD is an obsessive compulsive spectrum disorder by the way... and its not about vanity... atleast thats what the experts say
for real... can't hate on the drugs though, in small quantities, done safely, in well controlled enviroments, they can be great... however if you do go OTT, you have to expect some sort of concequence...

i also suffer from mild OCD, however it has nothing to do with my appearance, more so the appearance of things surrouning me... everything has to be lined up straight, parrellel to everything, same distance apart, etc... just a bit of a neat-freak i guess... atleast i don't suffer from a real bad case from it, and touch-wood it won't escelate to somthing more extreme either...
Hey Mike, sorry to hear that your having problems with Penis Enlargement. I can admit I got into this a couple of weeks ago, and the first two days of doing the exercises I could NOT get Penis Enlargement out of my head. I have realized, now that I have been on a set exercise schedule, that Penis Enlargement can be a part of my life (and not something I have to constantly think about). This is because I understand the gains will come in time. I can say that I am (at this point :p) jealous of your size, but I'm sure that came as a result of much hard work and effort. Dont forget to stop and be thankfull for the results you have already gained! Good luck man!
Take a PROZAC,that will help u.DLD it is great for OCD to.but be sure that u take some zinc with this,because with prozac your sex-libido will be much much lower.Think about it:D
the best thing to do is to compare yourself with the other d00des in the world I guess..take a shower after the training or swimming u'll see for sure that you are big enough then and might realize that you got more than enough.
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