
Dec 2, 2010
its seems the guys on the site Penis Enlargement gym use routines that are very light and say less is more....while on this site the routines are a liitle bit more heavy....for example the newbie routine on here is far more advance then theirs...can some one tell me why?
kakafocho;427970 said:
its seems the guys on the site Penis Enlargement gym use routines that are very light and say less is more....while on this site the routines are a liitle bit more heavy....for example the newbie routine on here is far more advance then theirs...can some one tell me why?

because the penis is not as fragile as people think and can take more the more you challenge it... is the best Penis Enlargement program on the net, I have done some research and nothing is as easy to understand with beyond the amount of information needed to make gains, you can browse for hours and hours and not even make a dent in all the subjects and discussions on Penis Enlargement. Anything else comes in at 2nd place or less.
Turnover;428018 said: is the best Penis Enlargement program on the net, I have done some research and nothing is as easy to understand with beyond the amount of information needed to make gains, you can browse for hours and hours and not even make a dent in all the subjects and discussions on Penis Enlargement. Anything else comes in at 2nd place or less.

Penis Enlargement Gym is a good site and I like it. Have an account over there, but don't visit it that much. Intensity will always win the show, trust me.
Its really easy to tell. You hear those bodybuilding programs with 80% of max load.
Dont over train yourself. Do them controlled and bla bla.

But in reality if you put shit into it you will get shit out of it (goes both ways)

Eat a shitload of protein. Find a big huge scary dog and roar at it untill it freaks out and leave. Go to the gym. Find big weight and do full body movements. Like snatches or deadlift. And see results come faster than you can say less is more.

I have been on pegym aswell. Nice guys good atmosfere and all. But i was ere for half a year and increased..... No not really.

First 3 months here i increased 1 inch in flaccid.

So you wanna hang out with the ponys or the stallions? Your call :)
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well i did Bathmate hardcore stretches for one time and the next thing i know i lost my hardness....i can get and erection but its very flimsy not hard as it use to be...i took a break for about 2 months and still hasnt gotten any better...very flimsy erect penis.
This sounds like a Penis Enlargement gym promotional thread. I do Bathmate Hardcore stretches everyday and I get hard as a rock. I also Kegel, Jelg, SSJ, and stretch myself manually. Still hard as a rock. I've even got morning woods now which I haven't had in a couple years. If your erect penis is flimsy it means there isn't enough blood flow in it or your not highly aroused yet. Doing proper Bathmate Hardcore Stretches isn't going to break the bloodflow inside of your penis. Point Blank.
no promotional just trying to figure out why im still like this...i was a newbie and just did one session
kakafocho;428106 said:
no promotional just trying to figure out why im still like this...i was a newbie and just did one session

Alrite well theres a number of things that can be wrong. Feel around on the shaft to see if you feel any bumps, inspect it all around to make sure that you dont have any bruising, relax your testicles with a massage and tug them down away from your penis a little bit to see if you notice any sharp pains or anything of the sort.

If you dont feel anything or notice anything, its probably in the mental. Try rubbing yourself to some �naked people movies�, do manual stretching and some jelging beforehand, make sure to get in at least 30-50 quick kegels if nothing else a day to clean your chi. You can always try L-Arginine and more Vitamin C and Zinc. I dont think this is based on the Bathmate or the Bathmate hardcore stretches, I think it was a pre-existing problem because out of millions of people it hasn't popped up before in reviews or anything you know. Try a light workout or the newbie routine and use �naked people movies� to keep yourself hard for erect exercises and make sure you get your kegeling in. Whatever it is I'm sure you can get the blood flowing back inside your member.
Yeah. Penis EnlargementGym have light workouts and then �other PE site� Place claim to know the secret of how to gain an inch in 3 days or something ridiculous, which then turned out to be like 3 days of constant manual stretching. Nonsense.

Go as hard as you feel. If you're sore, take a break, if not, soldier on.

Wait. You're still injured from that one session you did months ago!?
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yes im still injury from that....and ive been doing everything that animalwannabe just said, with a two month break....just is week i started to do very light stretching and jelqing and its still getting worse....and i know is not mental....before the Bathmate hardcore stretches i was hard as a rock, my hardness was there....after that though its flimsy and wiggly not strong at all
kakafocho;427970 said:
its seems the guys on the site Penis Enlargement gym use routines that are very light and say less is more....while on this site the routines are a liitle bit more heavy....for example the newbie routine on here is far more advance then theirs...can some one tell me why?
MOS is meant for the heavy duty dicks. I myself have a got to a quite intense routine just into my third month of Penis Enlargement. :)
wanagrow;428119 said:
MOS is meant for the heavy duty dicks. I myself have a got to a quite intense routine just into my third month of Penis Enlargement. :)

It's true, Matters of Size has always been on the cutting edge of the newest and most powerful penis enlargement exercises and equipment. Guys really need to understand how much MOS, it's members and myself have done for modern Penis Enlargement. Here is a short list of advancements MOS has made:

DLD Blasters
Reverse Kegels
Bundled Stretches
Erect Girth Work
Expressive Stretching LengthMaster PowerAssist
First Penis Enlargement DVD in the World
First Penis Enlargement on Video
The first person to go public for Penis Enlargement: Mike Salvini
Publications: Channel 4, GQ Magazine, Salon Magazine, KING Magazine, Double XL, Playboy and many others.
Mike Salvini: The first man to prove his gains to a major media outlet

The list can go for days and days! We, us, I, are the reason Penis Enlargement is where it is today, period!
doublelongdaddy;428125 said:
It's true, Matters of Size has always been on the cutting edge of the newest and most powerful penis enlargement exercises and equipment. Guys really need to understand how much MOS, it's members and myself have done for modern Penis Enlargement. Here is a short list of advancements MOS has made:

DLD Blasters
Reverse Kegels
Bundled Stretches
Erect Girth Work
Expressive Stretching LengthMaster PowerAssist
First Penis Enlargement DVD in the World
First Penis Enlargement on Video
The first person to go public for Penis Enlargement: Mike Salvini
Publications: Channel 4, GQ Magazine, Salon Magazine, KING Magazine, Double XL, Playboy and many others.
Mike Salvini: The first man to prove his gains to a major media outlet

The list can go for days and days! We, us, I, are the reason Penis Enlargement is where it is today, period!

DLD Doctor Lengthening Dicks
One days you will get an honoring Doctorat at some University, they must :)
doublelongdaddy;428125 said:
DLD Blasters
Reverse Kegels
Bundled Stretches
Erect Girth Work
Expressive Stretching LengthMaster PowerAssist
First Penis Enlargement DVD in the World
First Penis Enlargement on Video
The first person to go public for Penis Enlargement: Mike Salvini
Publications: Channel 4, GQ Magazine, Salon Magazine, KING Magazine, Double XL, Playboy and many others.
Mike Salvini: The first man to prove his gains to a major media outlet

Is there possibly anything you do that is not impressive!?
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