
Oct 19, 2014
Hello, I've been following PE exercises for a while. I started PE about a year and a half ago in April 2013. Since then all I've seen is negative results. I've tried everything from jelqing to clamping to hanging to kegels and edging and numerous stretches and girth exercises including the newbie routine. When I first started I used to get red dots all over my penis and have temporary gains, this being a good thing which led me to believe that in time my penis would grow bigger. However, a year and a half later, after lots of time and hard work I still haven't seen any gains. Not only that, my I feel like my dick only got fucked up even more. My dick used to only curve up now it bends and twists to the left when flaccid and erect. I don't even get red dots anymore because I feel like my dick has gotten so used to these exercises and they don't effect me like they used to. Also when I get erect, it feels like there a thin hard wall around my penis covering all the smooth muscle and it feels different than it used to. I don't know if my tunica hardened too much or what, and I'm really confused on why it feels this way. Also, I don't last as long as I used to. I've tried to keep persisting and hoping it will change but it really gets discouraging putting in hours and hours of my time and getting no positive results. Can anybody shed some light on this or have any good advice as to why these things are happening?
What was your exercise/routine?

The bend seems like a tunica issue if it bent overtime.

EDIT: I mean time length, x number of days, weight levels, intensity, #of reps, and all that jazz. When I mention the above.
Drive;613689 said:
Hello, I've been following PE exercises for a while. I started PE about a year and a half ago in April 2013. Since then all I've seen is negative results. I've tried everything from jelqing to clamping to hanging to kegels and edging and numerous stretches and girth exercises including the newbie routine. When I first started I used to get red dots all over my penis and have temporary gains, this being a good thing which led me to believe that in time my penis would grow bigger. However, a year and a half later, after lots of time and hard work I still haven't seen any gains. Not only that, my I feel like my dick only got fucked up even more. My dick used to only curve up now it bends and twists to the left when flaccid and erect. I don't even get red dots anymore because I feel like my dick has gotten so used to these exercises and they don't effect me like they used to. Also when I get erect, it feels like there a thin hard wall around my penis covering all the smooth muscle and it feels different than it used to. I don't know if my tunica hardened too much or what, and I'm really confused on why it feels this way. Also, I don't last as long as I used to. I've tried to keep persisting and hoping it will change but it really gets discouraging putting in hours and hours of my time and getting no positive results. Can anybody shed some light on this or have any good advice as to why these things are happening?

bends and twists to one side or another i believe are caused by imbalanced PE sessions if a person is doing more time in one direction or more intensity to one direction. please share pics.

I always use a time when doing directional work to know i am getting equal work. and weights or electronic scales for intensity measurements
Well gains are quite possible i want to prove my self that soon gonna reach something amazing i have been exercising for years and i havent seen good results either is a long story, but try the SRT routine. warming up is something i consider way too important you have to let the penis get ¨malleable¨ enough, im almost sure that you know about it.Thats a quite strange phenomena i think, if you have been disciplined and you have exrcised correctly i dont understand why you havent gained,a year can give you quite important gains! maybe you tried to make quick gains and didnt happen.Get more info about the exercises,DLD and the bros can really help you out.Dont quit analyze what could have happened.If you think theres a damage fix it try to find out how it happened,Dont let that situation beat you.From my experience i would say im the worst gainer ever.My gains are ridiculous evenso im still here,struggling,learnin,and wanting to exercise everyday,PE requires discipline,faith,a positive state of mind.And you have to know what are you doing everytime you exercise.I can almost assure you if you start a good routine,exercising correctly you gonna get gains. Dont let that experiience bring you down.i freaking hate not being able to give you a clearer message but my english is abit too primitive hahaha
I feel you homie. I haven't seen gains any of the times I've tried PE. But I'm still going at it.
A lack of gains after that long is pretty much unheard of unless there was a great lack of intensity or consistency in training. What is your exact routine? Lets see what we can do to get you gaining and try to find out why you have had problems gaining in the past. I wish we could have helped you months ago but I see you have only just joined.
dmoney101;613726 said:
I feel you homie. I haven't seen gains any of the times I've tried PE. But I'm still going at it.
wtf dmoney101 no gains at all ?
shortdick;613835 said:
wtf dmoney101 no gains at all ?

He will gain if he stays consistent. Money has had problems remaining consistent but I think we can help inspire him to stick with it this time.
doublelongdaddy;613825 said:
A lack of gains after that long is pretty much unheard of unless there was a great lack of intensity or consistency in training. What is your exact routine? Lets see what we can do to get you gaining and try to find out why you have had problems gaining in the past. I wish we could have helped you months ago but I see you have only just joined.

I've been following PE forums for a while, but after this long, I finally decided it was time to join and get some feedback and advice for my specific problem.

I started with the newbie routine. Warm up and down for 5 min with a cup of hot water. Basic manual stretches. I worked my way up with jelqs, starting from 50 a day and adding 50 more each week until I did 300 a day, 5 days a week. I would mostly jelq with my left hand because it felt more natural, maybe that has to do with my dick bend. After 3 months I progressed to more intense girth exercises such as SSJ's, Uli's, and pretty much every other girth exercise you can think of. I tried it all. Along with the girth exercises I also experimented with every manual stretch you can think of (BTC, V-stretch, A-stretch, etc). I will admit I wasn't always consistent with my exercises during this time. There were quite a few days I would skip, but I figured it would help my dick heal. These were the days I would still get red dots and temporary gains. Around 8 months into PE I did nothing but Supra Slammers for another 3 months. I was pretty consistent about Supra Slammers too. Even after this intense exercise, I felt like my dick was getting used to the exercises.

After nothing was working, I decided to try hanging, and built a homemade hanger from a ruler and string. I followed the hanging routine like it said in the hanging guides, but I quit after about a month and a half because after I got past like 10 pounds the hanger wouldn't stay on my penis. I'm uncircumcised so I feel like that caused problems with my hanger slipping off. During my hanging stage was when I noticed that my dick was first starting to curve. After I quit hanging I tried going back to girth exercises but I still felt like they weren't doing anything for me at all.

So after being discouraged I took a 3 month decon break during the summer to see if that would help. I finally got back into PE this August but this time decided to try clamping. Ever since then I've been clamping, 4 days a week. I got really great expansion at first but now I feel like my penis has gotten used to it just like the rest of the exercises I've tried. And now I'm here, confused and discouraged, but still believing and persistent. I just want to fix all these problems that I've been having with PE.
Your dik is too intelligent for this shit. U have to surprise him, mine is a little more impressionable so I don't think I need to switch the technique around too much. U gotta side blind him bra hit him with different stuff at precise moments. Use your intuition, when he feels strong then take him into battle. If he ain't feelin to hot then take it a little easier. I know doin your stretches everyday suks, but stay persistent. If you left-hand jelqed a curve then right-hand jelq it straight
jacob5414;613729 said:
you only gained girth?

Only temp girth gains after I pump. Nothing that sticks around.

shortdick;613835 said:
wtf dmoney101 no gains at all ?

I may have made FSL gains because there was one time when I got super hard and reached a new EL record, but aside from that time I'm still the same size.

doublelongdaddy;613851 said:
He will gain if he stays consistent. Money has had problems remaining consistent but I think we can help inspire him to stick with it this time.

That was always my problem. Now I'm wondering if my over consistency is the new problem lol. Typically skinny guys' bodies take longer to recover, so I could be overworking. I do get at least 2 days of not pumping though lol.
Drive;613689 said:
Hello, I've been following PE exercises for a while. I started PE about a year and a half ago in April 2013. Since then all I've seen is negative results. I've tried everything from jelqing to clamping to hanging to kegels and edging and numerous stretches and girth exercises including the newbie routine. When I first started I used to get red dots all over my penis and have temporary gains, this being a good thing which led me to believe that in time my penis would grow bigger. However, a year and a half later, after lots of time and hard work I still haven't seen any gains. Not only that, my I feel like my dick only got fucked up even more. My dick used to only curve up now it bends and twists to the left when flaccid and erect. I don't even get red dots anymore because I feel like my dick has gotten so used to these exercises and they don't effect me like they used to. Also when I get erect, it feels like there a thin hard wall around my penis covering all the smooth muscle and it feels different than it used to. I don't know if my tunica hardened too much or what, and I'm really confused on why it feels this way. Also, I don't last as long as I used to. I've tried to keep persisting and hoping it will change but it really gets discouraging putting in hours and hours of my time and getting no positive results. Can anybody shed some light on this or have any good advice as to why these things are happening?
I would recommend buying a lengthmaster, bathmate, and a size genetics extender if you don't already own them. This will cost a fair bit of money so maybe start with one and buy the other two down the road. These tools are very effective, so much so that manual work does not have to be done as often or even at all if you so choose. I cut way back on manual work since buying these devices although I still like to do some manual stretches after my bathmate sessions because my penis is thicker, making for a better grip and tissue expansion and also because my skin is dry from the shower. I am confident that if you use these devices diligently and properly, along with any manual work you choose to do, you will gain. I have already gained a half inch both directions in about 3 months using these, and I consider myself very much a hardgainer. Oh, and just for extra "juice" you could take a high quality male enhancement supplement for hormonal support and overall better energy and mood. And to go all out you could work out and eat healthy and you will be a strapping physical specimen in no time. I wish you well.
tb007;614011 said:
I would recommend buying a lengthmaster, bathmate, and a size genetics extender if you don't already own them. This will cost a fair bit of money so maybe start with one and buy the other two down the road. These tools are very effective, so much so that manual work does not have to be done as often or even at all if you so choose. I cut way back on manual work since buying these devices although I still like to do some manual stretches after my bathmate sessions because my penis is thicker, making for a better grip and tissue expansion and also because my skin is dry from the shower. I am confident that if you use these devices diligently and properly, along with any manual work you choose to do, you will gain. I have already gained a half inch both directions in about 3 months using these, and I consider myself very much a hardgainer. Oh, and just for extra "juice" you could take a high quality male enhancement supplement for hormonal support and overall better energy and mood. And to go all out you could work out and eat healthy and you will be a strapping physical specimen in no time. I wish you well.

Which one of these devices would you recommend I get first? And which supplement would you recommend?
tb007;614011 said:
I would recommend buying a lengthmaster, bathmate, and a size genetics extender if you don't already own them. This will cost a fair bit of money so maybe start with one and buy the other two down the road. These tools are very effective, so much so that manual work does not have to be done as often or even at all if you so choose. I cut way back on manual work since buying these devices although I still like to do some manual stretches after my bathmate sessions because my penis is thicker, making for a better grip and tissue expansion and also because my skin is dry from the shower. I am confident that if you use these devices diligently and properly, along with any manual work you choose to do, you will gain. I have already gained a half inch both directions in about 3 months using these, and I consider myself very much a hardgainer. Oh, and just for extra "juice" you could take a high quality male enhancement supplement for hormonal support and overall better energy and mood. And to go all out you could work out and eat healthy and you will be a strapping physical specimen in no time. I wish you well.

Which one of these devices would you recommend I get first? And what supplement would you recommend?
Drive;614285 said:
Which one of these devices would you recommend I get first? And what supplement would you recommend?
I want to say get the bathmate first because it is the best thing for instant girth and then you could do manual stretches right after but with your curve it might be uncomfortable or even make it worse. I'm not sure how that would affect it. So maybe get an extender first and wear it as much as you can, like 8 hours a day if possible, and hopefully that will straighten you out a bit. Doing jelqs and stretches with a focus on correcting your curve will help too. If all that doesn't help straighten it then you may want to look into surgery but that should be a last resort. As far as supplements, you could try Dld's Titan pills. I've never tried them but I'm guessing they're good quality. I take VigRx Plus and occasionally Semenax and they work extremely well for me. The only problem is they are ungodly expensive, even when you buy the year's supply which is the cheapest way to go. I make mine last way longer than a year though. More like 2+. The important ingredients to look for are Korean red panax ginseng, tribulus terrestris, damiana, ginkgo biloba, maca, horny goat weed, saw palmetto, arginine, carnitine, and zinc. Even old school enzyte works pretty well for me.
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A good progression in tools for a new guy would be first the BathMate to enhance your jelqing sessions, then the SizeGenetics to get in more stretching each day and finally the LengthMaster to get in more powerful stretching after the hands can't do the job any longer. From there, if budget permits, the Phallosan would fill the night hours with very productive stretching. My goal for SRT is to make it a 24 hour workout.
Drive;614285 said:
Which one of these devices would you recommend I get first? And what supplement would you recommend?
Get the size genetics first I would say. I gained an inch just using that alone. But most important is to get whatever you will be able to use the most and the most consistently for your schedule and the amount of time you have. If you only are able to do an hour of stuff a day then the LengthMaster would probably be best to get first. If you can wear the size genetics for 4+ hours a day then get that first. But I would make those your first 2 purchases
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