
Jul 29, 2012
Hey guys,

I'm new to this site, but not new to PE. I am writing to you guys, looking for a different point of view on my PE situation. I'm pretty much at the crossroads of my PE career. I've looked for a while on the forum, but there's so much information... I don't know where to look and what to think.

So if you don't mind, I'll talk briefly about my PE career so far. It'll try to make it as short as possible.

I was born with a 5.5 BPEL and 5.5 EG. I did gain about 1.5 inch of length and 0.5 inch of girth about 12 years ago, using pretty much what is prescribed in the newbie routine, manual stretches and jelqing. Then I started hanging 10 years later, using bib hangers (starter and now regular) for 2 years, without much success. Got about 3/8 in BPEL in about 2 years. Worked my way up to 25lbs hanging BTC, but still not much success. Main problem is the fluid build-up I get after a 2-3 sets, that keeps me from doing much more than 4 sets a day. That is not enough to bring on gains in the long run. Bigger has helped me tremendously. This guy is a saint and I only have good words for him. But it seems that despite all my efforts and bigger's advice, reaching fatigue and everything, the results aren't there and I can't get rid of fluid build-up.

So here I am, looking for a different point of view on my PE situation. I'm currently hanging BTC about 10 hours a week, using a regular bib hanger. I don't jelq at the moment. I'm 30, uncut, with a pretty good diet and I exercise quite a bit. I'm 7 3/8 BPEL and 6 EG. My LOT is around 8 o'clock and I have a medium exit point. I'm looking for a last 0.75 to 1 inch of erect length, then I'll have reached my goal. No girth gains needed, unless it is a "side effect" of length gains. To be honest, I don't really know what routine I should do. I've read about so many different routines using all kinds of tools and materials.

I'm highly motivated and ready to put some money in if needed.

So if you were in my shoes, what would you guys do ?

Your advice would be very appreciated. Thanks in advance!

Welcome to the Brotherhood Weezerd! Going for length only gives you lots of time to dedicate and focus on the gains you want. The best routine going is the SRT Routine and this routine can be done as a length only routine by simply canceling out the girth exercises. SRT focuses on eating as much temporary gains as possible and retaining them for as long as you can. I suggest reading through the thread to get a better handle on it's mechanics. It can be done manually or with equipment. The hottest piece of equipment out now for length work is the LengthMaster and this will work great in SRT. An inch of length can be tacked on in under 6 months with consistency. I wish you the best of luck.

Thanks for your reply. I'll read all that and get ready to start ASAP.
Do you think my hanging experience could slow my gains, since I've probably developed fairly tough ligs (I hang 23-25lbs BTC only) ? Won't they be harder to fully stretch ?

And what about the SizeGenetics, the Power Assist or the Penomet (or Bathmate or Hydromax, whichever I should get for length) ? Which would help the most with my gains ? Can you place them in order of usefulness for length gains please ?

Also, should I keep hanging until I receive the tools I will order ? Or should I let everything (ligs, skin, etc.) fully heal ?

Sorry, lots of questions heh...
Thanks a lot!


Thanks for your reply. I'll read all that and get ready to start ASAP.
Do you think my hanging experience could slow my gains, since I've probably developed fairly tough ligs (I hang 23-25lbs BTC only) ? Won't they be harder to fully stretch ?

And what about the SizeGenetics, the Power Assist or the Penomet (or Bathmate or Hydromax, whichever I should get for length) ? Which would help the most with my gains ? Can you place them in order of usefulness for length gains please ?

Also, should I keep hanging until I receive the tools I will order ? Or should I let everything (ligs, skin, etc.) fully heal ?

Sorry, lots of questions heh...
Thanks a lot!
Whoops! sorry guys about the multiple post.. just getting used to the way the forum works
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If I were you, I'd take a solid 2 week break to let your penis decondition from all the hanging. Then start experimenting with different manual stretches until you figure which ones are your favorite. Make a routine out of doing those stretches for an hour or two throughout the day.
If I was you- and I see that you are keen on purchasing some equipment I would go for the Phallosan Forte. Let your penis decondition for about 2 weeks (meanwhile read and study as much as you can around) and would order ADS and an Extender (both of your taste, I will shoot for a length only routine next month and will purchase Phallosan Forte ADS (known as the best ADS on the market) and the SG (known as one of the best extenders around) extender). That way you can incorporate then into your routine. A simple example of what I think on doing is to hang in the morning (you know the way it works- you got a mid skin exit point, so you want to target your ligs, and you know you have to reach fatigue and ride the wave afterwards) BTC for about as much as you can (since you got a problem with hanging too much), then put on the extender to maintain the stretch and let your ligaments heal actively, AND before I go to sleep I would put the PF on to keep me extended. Through the day I would take my SG off to restore circulation and do some BTC rotary stertches and put on my extender again. This routine I see as a great length routine- you are following the principle of SRT (and SRT is a LAW of PE rather than a principle), targeting your ligaments in a great way (not only hanging BTC, but you can modify your PF to stertch BTC overnight as well). This is a great way to target the ligaments for you. Once you stretch out your ligs to your desired length- just go for internal penis stretch (using the LM or some other piece of equipment) (expressive stretching) and I believe this is where your goals will be met. I remember a thread of DLD where he said that expressive stertches are a great way to gain a lot through your PE experience. I have to run now, but I hope I helped. Just remember to slowly and gradually increase intensity and not let your penis adapt to the sterss you cause it. All the best, Zam :)
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Weezerd;600087 said:

Thanks for your reply. I'll read all that and get ready to start ASAP.
Do you think my hanging experience could slow my gains, since I've probably developed fairly tough ligs (I hang 23-25lbs BTC only) ? Won't they be harder to fully stretch ?

And what about the SizeGenetics, the Power Assist or the Penomet (or Bathmate or Hydromax, whichever I should get for length) ? Which would help the most with my gains ? Can you place them in order of usefulness for length gains please ?

Also, should I keep hanging until I receive the tools I will order ? Or should I let everything (ligs, skin, etc.) fully heal ?

Sorry, lots of questions heh...
Thanks a lot!

For length the best tool for manual work would be the LengthMaster, it is the ultimate grip and stretch tool out. It allows for hanging, two handed stretching and fulcrum stretching. The SizeGenetics is an excellent tool for getting in PE when you don't have the time since it can be worn under the clothes. These two tools are the most popular and both have brought great fans to many men. In girth work the best tool is the BathMate and when it is used in conjunction with the SlowSquashJelq it becomes super powerful. You can read on the routine used with the BathMate in the SRT thread.

Hanging is fine and will not effect gains in a negative way, most people who hang gain well with it, especially at the weight you are using. I am not convinced that hanging, or any other stretching causes a toughening of the ligaments, if anything they work to break them down.
doublelongdaddy;600170 said:
In girth work the best tool is the BathMate and when it is used in conjunction with the SlowSquashJelq it becomes super powerful.

Does the bathmate help much with length ? Or is it almost only for girth gains ?

doublelongdaddy;600170 said:
Hanging is fine and will not effect gains in a negative way, most people who hang gain well with it, especially at the weight you are using. I am not convinced that hanging, or any other stretching causes a toughening of the ligaments, if anything they work to break them down.

Allright. I was asking, because bigger has always been a fan of don't-ever-let-your-body-heal, because he said if the ligs and tissues had too much time to heal, they would get stronger, therefore harder to deform for future gains.

Finally, I should get the LengthMaster and the SizeGenetics for now, unless I missed something. Is there a way to combine both to save on shipping ?

Weezerd;600292 said:
Does the bathmate help much with length ? Or is it almost only for girth gains ?

Allright. I was asking, because bigger has always been a fan of don't-ever-let-your-body-heal, because he said if the ligs and tissues had too much time to heal, they would get stronger, therefore harder to deform for future gains.

The BathMate is mainly for girth but using the exercise called BathMate Hardcore Stretches the pump becomes a formidable length machine.
doublelongdaddy;600456 said:
The BathMate is mainly for girth but using the exercise called BathMate Hardcore Stretches the pump becomes a formidable length machine.

i just did the BM stretches 30 mins ago...WOW. i am hooked now. I remember when i tried them in the past it it was very uncomfortable. it was uncomfortable at first but tolerable then the intense inner penis stretch felt amazing
You need to do more manual work, instead of waiting for some hanging weights to do it. If you want to hang, do it during ADS parts of the day.
Allright, thanks for your input guys!

So far I will be buying the LengthMaster and the Size Genetics for now. Maybe the bathmate later.

And what about the "side" products I will need ?
I've seen I'll need hydrocortisone cream, maybe a cockring (not sure for length though..). What else ?

Also, is it possible to combine purchases to save on shipping ?

Thanks guys
Weezerd;600548 said:
Allright, thanks for your input guys!

So far I will be buying the LengthMaster and the Size Genetics for now. Maybe the bathmate later.

And what about the "side" products I will need ?
I've seen I'll need hydrocortisone cream, maybe a cockring (not sure for length though..). What else ?

Also, is it possible to combine purchases to save on shipping ?

Thanks guys

Get yourself some ACE Bandage for healing in an extended state and it is also very helpful in wrapping. A cock ring will be helpful in keeping expansion high after training. If you plan on jelqing you may want to try some vaseline as a lube. What do you plan on doing for a routine?

I'll do what's explained in the SRT post, unless you have a better idea. I will probably jelq too to keep the internal pressure on the tissues. I already have ACE bandage and vaseline. Planning to buy the SG and the LengthMaster so far, with hydrocortisone.

Like I said earlier, I'm only going after length. I'm at 7 3/8 BPEL and 6 EG and main objective is to get to 8 inches BPEL. I might continue PEing after if it's going well.


I've been wondering for a while...
How useful or important would protein synthesis be in the process of PE gains ? Probably pretty important.
So what about those anabolic steroids which will boost protein systhesis by 3-4 times+ ? I know you can't advise to take steroids, but do you think it could help achieve faster gains ?
Weezerd;602091 said:

I've been wondering for a while...
How useful or important would protein synthesis be in the process of PE gains ? Probably pretty important.
So what about those anabolic steroids which will boost protein systhesis by 3-4 times+ ? I know you can't advise to take steroids, but do you think it could help achieve faster gains ?
Anabolic steroids build hard muscle. Gh and igf will grow soft tissues at medium to high doses (it's expensive btw), but you will also grow your nose and feet and other things you don't want to grow.
Although anabolic steroids will give you stronger erections.

Also I'm wondering what you're using the cortisone for? It is my understanding that prolonged use will actually shrink the genitals.
Anyways good luck your stats are already great
Hi acro,

Steroids : I was more talking about milder steroids, like stanazolol or oxandrolone, not the hormonal ones, which can really mess up a guy in no time.
Cortisone : well I dunno, DLD talked about using hydrocortisone cream after every length workout.
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