Jul 25, 2004
I have recently tried the hardcore hanging technique. I can do one 20 minute set of 26 pounds easily but I can't do another set that high, maybe 15 pounds at the most. Here is a couple pics of what it looks like while hanging. The pain doesn't seem to feel too deep, it basically just hurts at the skin level. If I'm doing something wrong please let me know. I also try to position my penis as far down in the hanger as possible but I have to move it up a little because the hinge pinches my bottom skin.


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As you probably know, I don't have any experience with the hardcore hanging regimen. I think Dash is the inventor there. But it appears that you moved up a bit too quick. I am sure he would tell you to move up slowly.

Those pics show what I mean by not giving the soft tissues time to adapt to the stresses.

I do not think you need more sets at 26 lbs, but rather move your max weight down. You were not ready for that.

All the best,

Cool, thanks. Sometimes I just get impatient I guess. I wonder if taking a month off and getting back into it with a lower weight would help with the pain and discoloration? It just sucks because since 12/28/04, I've only gained 1/16" BPenis EnlargementL and I want faster gains than that because that is extremely slow. Those pics also represent exactly how it looks while hanging but shouldn't the head be uncovered by the skin when hanging? It just seems that I can't get the hanger tight enough to where it doesn't anchor on the base of the head. Maybe my flacid size is too small for the Bib starter. I don't know, all I know is that I'm getting a little frustrated at the increased pain/discomfort and drastically slowed gains.

>I wonder if taking a month off and getting back into it with a lower weight would help with the pain and discoloration?<

No. You will have the same problems when you start back up. The good thing is, you will heal while you are still hanging. You can take a day off, but unless you think you are overconditioned, an extended break will only make you have to start over completely.

Right now, you have some soft tissue strength. Just not enough to handle 26 lbs. Move your max weight down some, still providing a bunch of stress, but not so much that your skin and other soft tissue can't handle it.

>It just sucks because since 12/28/04, I've only gained 1/16" BPenis EnlargementL and I want faster gains than that because that is extremely slow. Those pics also represent exactly how it looks while hanging but shouldn't the head be uncovered by the skin when hanging?<

OK, I misunderstood. You are saying that the pics represent what you see when the hanger and weight are on? That is a problem. The pics show the soft tissue damage. I assumed it was solely from the amount of weight you are using. But that may or may not be the case.

That is NOT what you should look like while hanging. The skin moving over the head is not bad. But the position of your hand in those pics, and I assume your hanger while hanging, is much too close to the head. The hanger is not grasping the internal strucures, compressing them toward the head, and forming 'shoulders'. We will need to work on it.

Did you see PA's pics? If you can do something like that, we can probably get it fixed rather quickly.

>It just seems that I can't get the hanger tight enough to where it doesn't anchor on the base of the head. Maybe my flacid size is too small for the Bib starter.<

I am sure your flaccid size is fine. What matters is how you wrap, the adjustments on the hanger, etc. There are ways to get around all of this.

Please give me either pics, or more information on what you are doing. 26 lbs may or may not be too much. Need to get the hanger right first in order to see.

Ok, here's what I'll do. I'll spend a couple nights experimenting with proper wrap, position, hanger adjustment, etc. and see if I can get it to form shoulders, as you say. You see, at first my sessions look like SWM's pics in his homemade bib sticky at the top of the forum, namely the one that shows him hanging. But after I stretch to about 20 pounds my hanger slips forward, covering the head with skin as per pic #2 until the hanger anchors itself on the base of the head. I just don't see how this can be good but I don't know what to do about it. I'm using THERABAND as my only wrapping material and I am able to wrap it around about 4 times loosely. I'm using the exact setup in my sig, only I'm using 26 pounds for one set now. And, honestly, the one set at 26 pounds is just fine as far as pain goes but I can't do another one with that much weight until the next night. The hanger isn't supposed to anchor itself directly on the head, right? It should have skin cushioning or shoulders as you call it? Another thing I do is stretch my penis out as much as I can by the head, then I wrap the theraband at the base. Should I NOT stretch it and just wrap at the base? Thanks for the help,
I'll take some pics tonight in a sequence to show you exactly what happens as more and more weight is applied. I think that will help a lot more than me rambling on and on:)

Oh, and the reason I have been trying to do another set is because I haven't been feeling any lig fatigue the morning after my sets, just fatigue in the glands area. There aren't any ligs that far up are there?
GP do you feel fatigue in your ligs while hanging for that one set?
I don't think so but if I do it isn't noticeable because of the fatigue near and around the base of the head. I even tried what SWM said and pulled straight down between my legs this morning and didn't feel and lig soreness. I should know this by now but the ligs will be felt at the base area if fatigued, right? I wouldn't think there are any ligs near the glans but I could be wrong. Please let me know exactly where the ligs are located so that I'll know if I feel anything from them or not. Maybe I should pull the "Old School" movie trick where they had the Frat hazing from the second floor with the rope, cynderblock, and meter cover, lol. I bet that would stretch the ligs a little bit.
Okay, I took 3 pics tonight but I didn't do a set because I'm not sure where to go from here because pic #2 hurts as you can probably tell.

In pic #1 I'm using about 13 pounds of resistance. I pulled out on the head and started the wrap 1" below the head in the stretched state. I then placed my penis in the hanger with the head directly in front of the head well with the hanger about 1/2" from the top of the wrap. I tightened it as tight as I felt I could safely get it, but I'll explain that farther down in this post.

In pic #2 I stretched it to about 19 pounds, which is the point that the hanger slid forward, pinching the head as you can tell by the pic. Needless to say, this hurts and definitely doesn't feel like a good pain at all.

In pic #3 I've circled a crack in the top adjustment guide but I'm not sure how long it has been there. With the hanger in the current setting, I can't tighten it very tight because the top adjustment washer and nut are about to slip out of the top of the circled part. Plus I think any more pressure would probably snap that part of the hanger. I'm afraid I may have inadvertently destroyed this hanger so I may be buying a new one pretty quick, dang it.
<:( I don't want to attempt any more sets until I have this ironed out so please let me know where to go from here. I can take as many pics as you need so please feel free to let me know what you need pics of. Thanks,

P.S. I apologize if the pics aren't in order but the pic with most of the head showing is pic #1 and the pic with it almost covered is #2. The pic with the crack is #3.


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It doesn't look like you have that hanger on tight enough nor does it look like it's adjusted correctly. It looks like you have more gap on top than on the bottom of the hanger.

Wow. A lot of stuff to deal with. As with PA, I would like to see more pics of your wrapping. But sikdogg is correct, the hanger is not adjusted properly.

But we first need to deal with the crack, unless you have another hanger. Email me, or PM, and we can take care of it.

Let me go ahead and reply to your other stuff, and then you can refer back to this post when the hanger is fixed.

>I'll spend a couple nights experimenting with proper wrap, position, hanger adjustment, etc. and see if I can get it to form shoulders, as you say. You see, at first my sessions look like SWM's pics in his homemade bib sticky at the top of the forum, namely the one that shows him hanging. But after I stretch to about 20 pounds my hanger slips forward, covering the head with skin as per pic #2 until the hanger anchors itself on the base of the head. I just don't see how this can be good but I don't know what to do about it.<

This is because you have the hanger adjusted like this \ /, instead of like this/ \. It will be ok once the hanger is fixed. You will need to start by running out the bottom hex nuts several more turns, OR, reduce the amount of wrap you are using. I do not know at this time which would be better, or perhaps you will need to do both.

Also, I think you will benefit from toeing-out. Call it a hunch.

>I'm using theraband as my only wrapping material and I am able to wrap it around about 4 times loosely<

I really want to see pics of your wrapping. Do you mean four layers? Or four passes? The first would be too much, and the second might be too little.

>The hanger isn't supposed to anchor itself directly on the head, right?<

That is correct. Very bad.

>It should have skin cushioning or shoulders as you call it?<

Not skin. Internal structures of the shaft. Tunica (actually, all the layers of connective tissue) smooth muscle, etc.

>Another thing I do is stretch my penis out as much as I can by the head, then I wrap the theraband at the base. Should I NOT stretch it and just wrap at the base?<

You should stretch it, but begin wrapping at least one inch behind the head, and spiral down toward the base. Do not begin wrapping at the base, and spiral toward the head.

If you begin one inch behind the head, you can pull the excess skin with each pass toward the base, smoothing the skin as you go. This will limit skin stretch.

>Oh, and the reason I have been trying to do another set is because I haven't been feeling any lig fatigue the morning after my sets, just fatigue in the glands area. There aren't any ligs that far up are there?<

No, there are not. I have a hunch, from looking at the pics, and from your description of your wrapping, that you may be stretching only skin right now. Hard to tell exactly.

You should feel lig stress at the base.

As I said, we will need to get you new halves for the hanger before you go any further, unless you have another hanger. But looking at the pics; what I want to see is more head out of the front of the hanger, no matter how much force is being applied. With the head attempting to go into the hanger, it means that you do not have it adjusted correctly, witch is obvious, and that the hanger is not tight enough to grasp the internal structures.

When we get the hanger straightened out, we will be able to remedy all of this.

Thanks for the reply. I'm at work right now so I'll have to refer back to this later on tonight. I'll take pics of my wrapping but when I say four "layers" I mean that I can fully wrap the theraband around my penis 4 times. I think I might just order another hanger because the gel is pretty screwed up too but I'll take some morepics of the hanger and I'll let you decide the course of action to take. Thank you for your help,
Okay I took some more pics. The first 5 or so are of my hanger and the damage that I've done to it. After examining it, I found that the damage is worse than I thought it was.

The last 3 are of my wrapping. The first one just shows how long the wrapping is. The second one shows how I start it, but it is just draped over the area where I start the wrap. I usually start it in the same location, only the end of the wrap is centered on the top of the shaft instead of draped over the side. Anyway, pic three is how it looks when I finish wrapping and it goes around exactly 3 times instead of 4 so thats my bad. I don't have it very tight and I can still piss easily if I need to. I hope this helps and thanks again for the guidance,


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OK, I see some definite problems.

I did not realize your wrap was so wide. That is 3-4 layers of wrap between your internal strucures and the hanger fingers. I would recommend that you cut the wrap in strips, 1.5-2 inches, and starting at your circ scar, spiral down toward the base in one quarter inch passes. That will give you a more solid bundle to attach the hanger. It might take 15-18 inches of the smaller width wrap.

Then, do you realize why the gel is pulling back from the front of the front thumbs? That is THE obvious sign you are not tightening enough for the weight you wish to hang. Rather than grasping the internal structures, the hanger is sliding down to the head (as shown in the pics), and then the weight is on the head and the gel. So the gel tries to move back, and tears off of the hanger.

So three things are causing the hanger to slide down. Your wrapping, which hinders the finger of the hanger from grasping, the hanger adjustments, and the tightness of the hanger. Ain't physics wonderful?

Another tip: After we get the hanger fixed, and adjusted properly, and your wrap worked out, be sure when you attach the hanger to test the grasping strength by manually pulling out on the hanger a few times. This will show you whether the hanger is grasping the internal structures enough, and if you need to tighten more. That little process will save your gel.

As far as the hanger goes, as I said in the PM, you can either send it back in, and I will fix it, or I will send you new halves, and you can fix it.

Thanks for the help Bib. I'm starting to understand what I need to do now but I'm still a little fuzzy on the wrapping. My current wrap is 2 5/8" wide but I have a smaller strip cut that is 1 3/4" wide. I can't tell where my circ scar is but I assume that it is roughly 1" down from the head, as per your wrapping instructions on your site. So I basically need to use the narrower wrap, start 1" below the head, and spiral down in 1/4" wraps until I've got enough wrap to go past the end of the hanger? Here's a pic of what I think is correct so that you can tell if I'm doing it right or not. I just took the pic to give you a general idea of my interpretation of your advice. If I need to tweak it some please let me know. Thanks and sorry for taking up your time,


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>Thanks for the help Bib. I'm starting to understand what I need to do now but I'm still a little fuzzy on the wrapping. My current wrap is 2 5/8" wide but I have a smaller strip cut that is 1 3/4" wide. I can't tell where my circ scar is but I assume that it is roughly 1" down from the head, as per your wrapping instructions on your site<

The circ scar is the rough, slightly darker area about one inch or so below the head. In the pic above, it is just above the top of your wrap, which is fine.

One thing about the wrap in the pic, you may want to start the wrap on the underside of your unit. You want the wrap that bridges the V on the top of the hanger to be smooth and loose. Having the leading edge of the wrap in that V might not be comfortable.

>So I basically need to use the narrower wrap, start 1" below the head, and spiral down in 1/4" wraps until I've got enough wrap to go past the end of the hanger?<

That sounds correct. You should find that the wrap conforms more to the shaft, and that the hanger can grasp the internal structures better.

>Here's a pic of what I think is correct so that you can tell if I'm doing it right or not. I just took the pic to give you a general idea of my interpretation of your advice. If I need to tweak it some please let me know. Thanks and sorry for taking up your time<

You will of course want to tape the trailing edge of the wrap to secure it. The only thing left is to try it out and see what you think.

Will do. Thanks a lot for all the help.
I got the hanger put back together with the new halves. I experimented for an hour last night and the best I could get was 20 pounds for about 1 minute before the hanger anchored to the head again. I tightened the hanger enough to feel pain from it squeezing so I hope that is tight enough. I started by running the bottom nuts almost all the way out equally for a / \ position and that didn't work for more than 5 pounds before the hanger seated on the head. Then I adjusted them almost all the way in equally \ / and that worked for about 10 pounds before the hanger anchored on the head again. I got the most weight by having the bottom nuts adjusted just to the inside of the middle of the screws equally. Tonight I'll go from there, experimenting with more and less wrap, different amounts of toeing out, and different tightness. Its weird because it grips the internal structures hard at first and then it is almost like there is some lubricant there(there really isn't, it just acts that way) and the hanger just lets go of the internal structures, sliding quickly toward the head as more and more weight is applied. When you say that my soft tissue isn't ready for a lot of weight, does that effectively mean that it can't take the tightness needed to hang a lot of weight? Also meaning that I'm going to have to gradually tighten it more and more and be able to endure it before the weight goes up? I'm sure I could hang 10-13 pounds for 20 minutes without a problem but I'm not sure I can do much more than that and not have a lot of pain from the hanger tightness. I'm not a quitter so I'll keep trying this until I get it to where I can hang a decent amount of weight without hurting my head in the process.
Another thing might be my wrap. Maybe I need to try spiraling it down in near 1" increments instead of 1/4" or 1/2" increments. I didn't realize that there was so much to this and that exact precision is necessary for optimal results. Does anyone else have these fitment problems like I'm having? What are the effects of too little and too much wrap? I can see how too much would make it hard to grip the structures, which is obviously my case. But what about just wrapping it around like 3 times all the way down to where there is barely one layer of wrap between the hanger's gel and my skin? Also, does the tightness of the wrap affect the hanger's gripping ability accordingly?
I'm not sure if this is okay or not but it doesn't hurt very much at all compared to all of my previous settings. This is a relaxed pic after stretching with 20 pounds. At this point the hanger won't go any farther forward, even after briefly stretching to 30 pounds for a second or two. Please tell me I'm making some progress, lol.


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