
Jun 20, 2016
Think I got a little over zealous with the bm and ssj's the other day.
Got loads of red spots that sting to touch on the shift and foreskin, almost looks like a bad heat rash.
Hey-ho learn by the mistakes and move on. I have rested over the weekend but think I may need another day or two for it to clear up properly.
Quick question for you guys though... I have been using a moisturiser with alo vira after my sessions and to do the testicular health massage thing... Would you class this as good practice or should I be using something else?

Thanks in advance
Wow...I don't even know what the "testicular health massage" thing is...I really should educate myself more on these matters, but I've always been a freestyle kinda and know just enough to be dangerous, then let it rip....I like to work out and I've made many comparisons between PE and weightlifting/ can follow 1,000 different routes advocated by 1,000 different people, but I fully believe ultimately you have to blaze your own trail. The human body is so incredibly complex that it's difficult to ever accurately say "do this and this will always happen" for anything physiological. Common sense will save your ass in most situations.

I started using a Bathmate around a month ago and luckily have not gotten any red spots. I use the Wine Vac mod...and definitely push the can get very painful, but common sense should tell you whether that pain is going to cause problems or if it's just extreme discomfort that you have just deal'll never get to where you wanna be if you never do things you've never done...I did notice after the first few weeks that the ball area was becoming almost chafed (which is probably exactly the same thing you're describing as a heat rash) and looked like it could definitely use some moisturizer.

I myself started using a moisturizer with aloe vera that I use after every Bathmate session. I also bought a moisturizer that is collagen/elastin based...although I'm not sure that's anything more than a marketing ploy...but I mostly use the aloe vera one, and it has definitely helped the ball region.
It's actually called the DLD testical health massage and stretch. I have pretty bad turkey neck and this massage and stretch is supposed to go a long way to getting rid of it... I also have a very tight sack and would rather have a pair of free hanging balls to go with my growing penis. Most of the above I think is due to me being over weight though (currently around 330lb & 6 ft tall) I have a pretty serious fat pad so everything kinda either gets buried or pushed straight out instead of hanging like it should.
Through regular exercise and diet I am hoping to get down to a sensible weight over the course of the next year so this should also see me make gains in my PE journey (fingers x'd) 😀
ThinkingBig;698952 said:
It's actually called the DLD testical health massage and stretch. I have pretty bad turkey neck and this massage and stretch is supposed to go a long way to getting rid of it... I also have a very tight sack and would rather have a pair of free hanging balls to go with my growing penis. Most of the above I think is due to me being over weight though (currently around 330lb & 6 ft tall) I have a pretty serious fat pad so everything kinda either gets buried or pushed straight out instead of hanging like it should.
Through regular exercise and diet I am hoping to get down to a sensible weight over the course of the next year so this should also see me make gains in my PE journey (fingers x'd) 😀

Nah need to cross the fingers. If you want it to happen, I mean REALLY, deep down want to make it will manifest that into reality. That's not just a bumper sticker...if you want to change something about your life, you will make it happen. There are less than 1% of humans on this planet who legitimately can't do the things they'd really like to might be health issues, resources (primarily money but there are others), or even circumstances...but for nearly everyone else...if you want something, the only thing holding you back is yourself. You are the star of your own movie...and there are no get one chance to do and become everything you can possibly conceive. Don't cross your make that shit happen!
ThinkingBig;698952 said:
It's actually called the DLD testical health massage and stretch. I have pretty bad turkey neck and this massage and stretch is supposed to go a long way to getting rid of it... I also have a very tight sack and would rather have a pair of free hanging balls to go with my growing penis. Most of the above I think is due to me being over weight though (currently around 330lb & 6 ft tall) I have a pretty serious fat pad so everything kinda either gets buried or pushed straight out instead of hanging like it should.
Through regular exercise and diet I am hoping to get down to a sensible weight over the course of the next year so this should also see me make gains in my PE journey (fingers x'd) 😀
is one of the best sites for health :)!
ThinkingBig;698952 said:
It's actually called the DLD testical health massage and stretch. I have pretty bad turkey neck and this massage and stretch is supposed to go a long way to getting rid of it... I also have a very tight sack and would rather have a pair of free hanging balls to go with my growing penis. Most of the above I think is due to me being over weight though (currently around 330lb & 6 ft tall) I have a pretty serious fat pad so everything kinda either gets buried or pushed straight out instead of hanging like it should.
Through regular exercise and diet I am hoping to get down to a sensible weight over the course of the next year so this should also see me make gains in my PE journey (fingers x'd) 😀
Man, I was right there with you. 6' and 330. I've maintained at 205-210 the last 7-8 months after spending 6-7 months losing it. It did make a difference, but the fat pad still hangs a bit from lose skin. I lost my weight through a ketogenic diet and if you need any help or advice feel free to ask on here or shoot me a pm. You will not regret losing the weight. I was already good with women as a bigger guy, now I can't seem to keep them off of me, I have tons of confidence and through PE I've gotten my bpel up to 7 and eg to 5.2, upwards of 6 right out of the bathmate, which I always try to get in before getting with a lady. I'm a whole new person and will never look back. You can get there to, and like I said any advice or anything you need let me know I'm happy to help.
ThinkingBig;699130 said:
Pre pump
After 1St pump 5mins

Sorry trying to upload photos...
Red spots still on shift but after pump and ssj, penis looks bruised. Should I take a longer break until red spots have totally cleared? I've already lost around 4 days of PE
ThinkingBig;698926 said:
Think I got a little over zealous with the bm and ssj's the other day.
Got loads of red spots that sting to touch on the shift and foreskin, almost looks like a bad heat rash.
Hey-ho learn by the mistakes and move on. I have rested over the weekend but think I may need another day or two for it to clear up properly.
Quick question for you guys though... I have been using a moisturiser with alo vira after my sessions and to do the testicular health massage thing... Would you class this as good practice or should I be using something else?

Thanks in advance

Red dot are almost unavoidable and in almost all cases they disappear within 24 hours. There are ways to reduce this. One is warming up with heat, this will prepare the penis for work and get blood flow even. Another in pre-pumping in the BathMate as suggested. A very light pumping with warm/hot water for 2-5 minutes will also prime the penis. Now if following the SRT routine of Girth program (SRT 5x5x3) you will greatly minimize this as there are 3 breaks in the training that allow for distributing the blood evenly. Also, after training a warm down is very important in avoidance of these red dots. Deep tissue massage is the best thing to do.
doublelongdaddy;699163 said:
Red dot are almost unavoidable and in almost all cases they disappear within 24 hours. There are ways to reduce this. One is warming up with heat, this will prepare the penis for work and get blood flow even. Another in pre-pumping in the BathMate as suggested. A very light pumping with warm/hot water for 2-5 minutes will also prime the penis. Now if following the SRT routine of 5x5x3 you will greatly minimize this as there are 3 breaks in the training that allow for distributing the blood evenly. Also, after training a warm down is very important in avoidance of these red dots. Deep tissue massage is the best thing to do.

Thanks for replying DLD. I abstained from PE for four days and although the did subside a bit when I started again today I got really dark discolouration, it was as if the red dots just sort of merged together and spread right around the shaft. I usually do my sessions in the bath and use the water to warm everything up and also pre pump for a couple of minutes as you suggest, today I air pumped with the vacu vin mod but I used my rice sock for 10 mins and did some light stretching and jelqing before I started any pumping, i could see the discolouration whilst in the tube but kept it on for the full 5 mins when I came out it looked like it had gone 10 rounds with Tyson lol, I jelqued and got the blood circulating and it all kinda merged instead of being blotchy. I then went into some light ssj's gradually building up the pressure, again I could see the blood moving through and darken everything but it was uniform so carried on with the same for two more sets. I ended with 45 mins of edging and allowed my self to bust a nut at the end coz I didn't fancy having blue ball syndrome for the rest of the day! Lol.
Then I warmed down with the rice sock for another 10 mins and then did the testical health stretch and massage with some moisturiser with aloe very in it.
After all of this, the spotting was gone BUT only because it seemed to have spread under the skin and all merged together so I kinda had a redy-purpley pumped dick lol. However... Now it is back to red spots.
I understand that the red spots are to be expected but should it spread like I have out lined above or am I causing bleeding under the skin and potentially doing more harm than good?

Sorry for the long post but wanted to give you as much detail as possible without coming across as a total knob head! Lol 😁
What usually happens is the red dot will merge and drop in the dermal layers and disappear. Where discoloration becomes a factor is in over pumping or Clamping with too much pressure. Try shorter sets in the BathMate, maybe a 3 minutes in the BathMate and 5 minutes SSJ x 3. See if this solves the problem. I asm glad you are properly warming up and down, that plays a major role in the avoidance of color change. In some cases men will just take the discoloration and live with it as long as they have gotten bigger. I do not suggest this but my point is discoloration happens when too much pressure is used. RedZulu came up with a very good idea as far as discoloration is concerned. He stated that those who over pumped in the beginning, carelessly need up with permanent discoloration. This is when I created the 5x5x3 routine, to make sure this does not happen. Try the shorter sets and get back to me.

Brilliant thanks DLD 😀
Do you think I should still go for max pressure at the shorter time or back off on that a little too?
My flaccid seems larger since starting, my eq is very good and my Mrs is starting to notice (apparently it was hurting a little thismorning) 😀 lol
Work up to your maximum over a few days. You will know when you are there and then stick with this. The most important thing right now is to study and learn SRT so you can reap the benefits of it. Look it over and ask me anything you like.
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