
Active member
Oct 9, 2012
Okay folks, love the Bathmate, love this site, love the fact that everyone can talk open and honestly here. So as it is, I'm a bit over 5" in length and 4.5 in girth. Hardness wise I'd say I'm a 6.5-ish, maybe a 7. So the reasons I bought the Bathmate are obvious.

I've been using it since June 27th. Maybe I've missed a week to ten days total since then but I try it everyday. At first I was going in soft, where I learned recently it's better to go in hard. Up until the point I was going in soft, the maximum length I could get too was between 140 and 150 mm before I had to stop due to pain \ not able to pump anymore.

Since I've been going in hard I'm able to get a hair above 160 mm, which of course I love (sad I know). Since then I've definitely noticed a color change, which I know is par for the course. I've also noticed the doughnut I've read so much about in the past, and thankfully it does go away. My routine pretty much consists of watching �naked people movies� on a spare smart phone to get as hard as possible and then in I go. For about 20 to 25 minutes I'll go between a podcast and �naked people movies� to stay aroused, while pumping as much as I can. At one point of course no more water will pump out, which like I said is a bit over 160 mm. Within a few hours I'm pretty much back to normal and have found that before I get completely back to normal I'm thicker then longer.

So a few questions. First, is it good to do as many kegels as possible? (Remind me, kegels is when you exercise the muscle that helps you stop peeing?) Second, is it a good idea to jerk off within a few hours afterwards? I've done so only a couple times and where I couldn't I get to even my 6.5 hardness I liked how fat it was and I have to say the orgasms have felt a bit better. Now how about using a FleshLight instead by hand?

Also, and this is probably a dumb question but I'm here now so I'll just ask... With the goal to get as big as possible, at one point months from now I'll get to the top correct and will be too fat for comfort right? As it is now I get in hard, get to 150 mm pretty quickly, wait another minute or two, then get myself as far as possible, and then try to maintain it.

Anyway, that's my journey, simple and patient as I go. So any help would be great, as well as any critiques and or I'll be happy to answer any questions to help you help me help someone else as green as me.
Dont quote me 100% on this but in my experience and from what I read...
Kegels are always a good thing and more blood flow in the Bathmate the better.
I see no reason as to why you can no have sex, masturbate, or FleshLight it up after the Bathmate.
I believe you wont be too big until you get 6 inches in girth or 9 inches in length if I am correct.

Also since you have the X-40 you should look into this:

Secondly since you are now an official member, get going on this:

Welcome to Matters of Size.
Love your attitude! That will take you far in this game. Your routine sounds good but I think, as Papi suggested, try using the 5 on 5 method of Bathmate for 5 minutes followed by Jelq/or the like for 5 minutes. Repeat this three times and you will have amazing expansion and little donut issues. Kegels, as already stated, are very important in Penis Enlargement for a couple of reasons. First, they strengthen the muscle group responsible for forcing blood into and engorging the erection. Second, when a reverse kegel is done while stretching it allows for more ligament stretch and little resistance from the same muscle group. In addition, when heavy sets of kegels are performed they serve to fatigue the the penis and allow for better stretch during length work.
Well I just assumed because you put your dick through the ringer so to speak, that it might not be the best right after or even a couple hours after to masturbate. Obviously it's tender and tired, at least for me it is. Not to mention I think I have DGS, so that's hopefully an area that will be fixed by the FleshLight. As for being to big for the Bathmate, well, I can't imagine what it'd look like afterwards, and though I'd be disappointed when it'd revert back, it's still a motivation nonetheless.

As for your pressure suggestion, I'm somewhat confused. Like I said, at one point when I get a bit above 160 mm I can no longer pump water out. I thought that was due to the fact that it's simply the farthest it'll go at that point. So let me know and thanks for your help!
Hey, well yeah, I mean my size has bothered me for years and partially the reason why I'm a virgin (Won't tell you my age... Wait, you already know I have a small dick so at this point, I'm 30!:) I also appreciate the suggestions but I tend to be pretty unmotivated when it comes to most types of exercise. Thankfully I'm naturally thin and do use the treadmill, and obviously I use the Bathmate every night, but it's easy enough to do. Tell me, if I just stuck with that and the kegels, ball park it of course, how long do you think it'd take to see an increase?

Also, and as ya'll know there are plenty of links and references here and on google in general, but do you have a specific source for what you suggested? I should at least know what I'm being lazy about! Thanks for the help!
Hey DoubleLong, let me know what you think about my last post, I am very much in need of your advice!:}
CuriousMate;511018 said:
Hey, well yeah, I mean my size has bothered me for years and partially the reason why I'm a virgin (Won't tell you my age... Wait, you already know I have a small dick so at this point, I'm 30!:) I also appreciate the suggestions but I tend to be pretty unmotivated when it comes to most types of exercise. Thankfully I'm naturally thin and do use the treadmill, and obviously I use the Bathmate every night, but it's easy enough to do. Tell me, if I just stuck with that and the kegels, ball park it of course, how long do you think it'd take to see an increase?

Also, and as ya'll know there are plenty of links and references here and on google in general, but do you have a specific source for what you suggested? I should at least know what I'm being lazy about! Thanks for the help!

You will definitely realize gains with a Bathmate/Kegels routine but there are faster ways to make the gains. Stretching, extending, jelqing, Expressive Stretching, all can add much more size in a shorter period of time. Check out the SRT routine in my signature and read it over. It would be a lot for a newbie but I can help trim back if you like.
Great, thanks for the advice... Obviously I need to get off my ass and really do something about it... I've noticed I can't get hard enough now to get above 160mm like I was before, so I hope that wine pressure thing will help. Also, is it normal to have an itchy dick as well as the surrounding area? Hope that's a good sign I'm making some kind of progress!
CuriousMate;512727 said:
Great, thanks for the advice... Obviously I need to get off my ass and really do something about it... I've noticed I can't get hard enough now to get above 160mm like I was before, so I hope that wine pressure thing will help. Also, is it normal to have an itchy dick as well as the surrounding area? Hope that's a good sign I'm making some kind of progress!

The Wine Vac will increase the pressure but be careful your first few times as it can cause retention if not watched closely. You will find your happy medium after the first few sessions. The itchiness is normal, it is due to the skin expanding...You can use some hydrocortisone to the area twice a day, this will eliminate the itchiness.
doublelongdaddy;512734 said:
The Wine Vac will increase the pressure but be careful your first few times as it can cause retention if not watched closely. You will find your happy medium after the first few sessions. The itchiness is normal, it is due to the skin expanding...You can use some Hydrocortisone to the area twice a day, this will eliminate the itchiness.

When you say retention do you mean fluid retention? And is that related to the doughnut? Thanks again!
CuriousMate;512801 said:
When you say retention do you mean fluid retention? And is that related to the doughnut? Thanks again!

Yes, I am referring to water or fluid retention. The donut is the most likely type of retention men see. This can be dealt with by using the Bathmate Super-Set method of 5 minutes in the pump followed by 5 minutes doing the jelq. Repeat this 3 times for a good workout. You will notice much less retention and much better tissue expansion.
Well I'm sure this isn't the first time you've been told this, but you know your shit. I've definitely noticed a bit more retention as right under the head till a bit mid way down it's fatter and heavier, obviously lopsided in that regard. It goes away of course but tell me this, are there any long term issues or problems associated with that? Also, I've updated my routine to go for about fifteen minutes, in as hard as possible, then out for a couple minutes, then back in for another fifteen minutes. Naturally it's easier to get to 150 mm + after the second time, and I'm inching slowly above 160 mm now. As always thanks again!
I would stay away from long times like 15 minutes. I have learned to be patient because of bruising. When I got used to the Bathmate I would pump the shit out of it and leave it on for long periods of time because I would love how huge fat and swollen I got. But it's not worth it because first of all it would make me maturbate alot which would make me lose my chub and my motivation to finish Penis Enlargement properly. And then I started getting bruised and discolored and I had to take like more than a 6 month break before the discoloring went away and I felt comfortable trying the Bathmate again. I just over-did it. Now I am following DLD's 5 min on 5 min off and jelq routine and promising myself I will stick to it. I was aware of DLD's method and what I should be doing before, I would just get too excited and addicted to having that huge temporary swollen dick. But now I know it's important to resist the temptations and just follow those directions.
Well first yeah, what you say is logical. I know the bruising and discoloration comes with the territory but it still is worrisome. Last night I took off and tonight I was back and did about 15 and then a 20-ish with a couple free in between. It was definitely darker after the first 15 and even though I'm not in pain at all, yeah, color of that kind, especially on your dick, can't really be good.

As for your last part, yeah, I think that's where I am. It's only been the last month or two that I've seen a bigger post Bathmate size and I love it... But like you say you need to resist it and just follow the directions. However because I'm bad when it comes to rituals so to speak, or constitutions, I'm just glad I got into the routine of using a Bathmate to begin with. That's why I asked if I do nothing else but use the Bathmate once a day with one off here or there, with some jelqing, will I see gains soon enough?

Anyway thanks for your input and let me know what you think!
I should also add that I've still got, what, burst capillaries, or more reddish bruising then just the dark purple. I'm not sure what it is but am wondering if I should skip tonight? However I am not in pain in the slightest and am peeing fine, so I've got that going for me!
CuriousMate;514356 said:
I should also add that I've still got, what, burst capillaries, or more reddish bruising then just the dark purple. I'm not sure what it is but am wondering if I should skip tonight? However I am not in pain in the slightest and am peeing fine, so I've got that going for me!

This is the natural healing process of the bruise. Color will go from black/purple/blue/red/yellow than back to the normal color.
Well it's weird, under the head, from about the middle part and to the left it's all red and looks like a cut... Yet I can touch it and it's fine and isn't as noticeable the next day. Tell me, the Hydrocortisone is working great, but I'm wondering should I use some kind of healing skin cream as well.

Also, I have a tendency to go in at an angle, might as try to avoid that. It's usually to the left, and isn't a big deal, but would be curious if you've corrected for this if you've had the same problem.

And finally, what are your thoughts on the Jelq device?

As always, thanks in advance for your help!
And which model is it, is it the hardcore model or the normal most expensive one.
Great, as always thanks for the help... Although now I have a concerning question now... At the base of the penis, on the top side off to the left a bit, a few bumps have formed. They don't hurt, aren't pussy or anything, if anything maybe slightly itchy, it's where the base of the Bathmate sits. So let me know if that's common and or what it could mean... Thanks again!
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