
Jul 17, 2008
HELLO EVERYONE! I am completely psyched to be here. First off, let me say that this is an absolutely wonderful place. So many men around the world have insecurities and issues regarding their size, how to enlarge safely, etc., and from what it looks like, this forum is the place to be. Thanks for creating it and for your support!

I am a relatively new member of Matters Of and, as much as I've wanted to be consistent in practicing Penis Enlargement, I regret to say that I haven't been so (going on 5 years). I would jelq, say, for a week, try other things, and then stop. Currently, pubic bone pressed on penis top (just like DLD says to do), I am 7 inches long. I am already extremely happy with my girth.

My goal is to get to 9 inches ERECT (not interested in flaccid length although I know that this is an added bonus). I have a LOT of internalized cock (the gremlin between the balls and anus); I measured it and it's about 4-5 inches. I believe wholeheartedly that I can get to 9 erect. That's why I've signed on.

Before I ask my question, let me tell everyone what I own/have bought over the years to help me in my Penis Enlargement quest:
-Membership to MattersOfSize
-The Orange Penis EnlargementNIS ASSIST WRENCH that MattersOfSize sells.
-A DR. KAPLAN Penis EnlargementNIS PUMP (engine driven; two cylinders <1 fits over balls and cock, the other just cock)

And, before I ask my question, a very cool urologist friend of mine (who is a sex addict and all about getting bigger) says the following: "Sure, your cock grows with weight pulling, stretching, pumps, etc: IN THE FLACCID STATE! Carefully read the literature on all these devices that guarantee permanent penis growth: then NEVER say permanent ERECT penis growth! All that happens is your flaccid size stretches."

So this is where I'm at: desperately wanting to get to 9 ERECT, hearing from friends who are physicians saying it's a load of crap, and having materials on hand to try and grow and the money to purchase whatever else might work that I don't have.

MY QUESTION IS (FOR ONLY THOSE Penis EnlargementOPLE WHO HAVE GENUINELY GAINED ERECT LENGTH ONLY): What do YOU suggest I do every day to make the 9 INCH ERECT fantasy a reality? I mean specifics. I mean that I'm not full of shit and I will take a plan of action that has genuinely worked for someone else and STICK TO IT as long as it takes, even if it takes a few years.

For the record, I'm 32, 5'9 and about 15 pounds overweight.

Thanks for listening and I am really looking forward to hearing what you guys have to say. PLEASE HELP!

All the best,

Welcome! You should have enough to get started. You could start with the newbie routine and maybe 30-40 min of total pumping. Visualize your goal to keep focus. Lose the weight. Pills are scams. I'm not a physician but I will start nursing school in the fall and have gained over an inch of permanent EL.
How long did it take for the permanent EL (I'm assuming that means ERECT LENGTH)? What's the newbie routine? And split the 40 minutes daily between both cylinders?
Welcome aboard. The time it takes to grow has many variables, amount of time put in, consistency and sometimes some people just grow faster than others. However rest assured there are thousands of people here that would disagree with what you friend states. I myself started Penis Enlargement over 3 years ago, well kind off. I did one year of Penis Enlargement and stopped for 2 down to lazyness and i can tell you that the gains i had gained through Penis Enlargement are still here today. If im honest i did loss some of my Erect Length and Erect Girth however if i had taken up some maintenance routine im sure this would have been a different matter.

I would suggest trying DLD newbie routine to get you into shape, its what im currently doing. It can be found the the newbie section upon the website.
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