Jun 3, 2003
Some of you may know that we are shooting the new Matters of Size DVD. This is going to be an extensive DVD containing all exercises, routines, equipment and information compiled over the last 8 years. I will post the exercise shoot list soon but if you have any idea of equipment or exercises you would like us to shoot a tutorial on let me know here. This will all take place this week (wednesday-sunday). If I do not have your ideas by Tuesday they will not be shot.

We plan on shooting very in depth tutorials that will give every user a much better understanding of exercise and equipment and how to use properly. For instance our shoot list for the SizeGenetics will include: A user tutorial showing how to put it together, how to add bars, how to make screw adjustments, how to maintain and other specifics about use. We will also shoot video of the SizeGenetics in action, walking around with it on, exercising with it on, what it looks like under tight pants, loose pants, shorts. We will also create all cross videos for routines that use the SizeGenetics in super-sets. We will show VLC, Velcro, 16 Way Comfort System, and any other modifications and how to do them. We will show how to properly wrap for comfort and intensity. We will also shoot video of passive Penis Enlargement as outlined in SRT. Now, as you can see this is only for the SizeGenetics....we need to do this for all exercises, equipment and routines.

Your ideas are very important and if we don't hear them the videos will not get shot. So far we are including a complete reshoot of Phases 1-5. We will be adding 5 more Phases. We will; be shooting various alternative routines that cover a wide spectrum of user routines that have been successful. In addition to exercise we have shot, there will be all new exercises shot. We will be doing tutorials on the LengthMaster, PowerAssist, PeniMaster Pro, SizeGenetics, Bathmate, Penomet, Hanging, Clamping, Foreskin Restoration, Air Pumping and any other equipment or exercises that are slipping my mind right now.

This is going to need something the Brotherhood takes very seriously, I need you help, input and support. Please post and let me know what you want.

insaneone2;515962 said:
do SSJ.

It would be really great to see it in action.

This is already on the list. Try to think of exercises that I may have missed, or perhaps things you are doing that will help others. Modifications on equipment and such should also be filmed with excellent comprehension. Over the last year there has been a few new exercises, if you are an author of one that has not been filmed please post it here.

For instance Behind the Cheeks Stretching, Squat Stretches, Expressive Stretching, Foot Long Stretches, Sock Stretches, etc. all need to be filmed. If you guys have anything to request now is the time.

BTW, all new video for DVD will be updated on the members site. The format we are planing is going to be very slick and all hosted on the forums. We will be utilizing the latest social networks, including Youtube, Facebook and Twitter. We are planning on a weekly shoot for new exercises or information to keep fresh content fresh. All and all the forum will serve many functions and it will become a much more organized and enjoyable experience.

On a side note, The new LengthMaster is not ready so we will be using the original model to shoot all videos. When the new model is ready we will update those videos as the new model will have different features. The LengthMaster will be made from a special, flexible but strong Polycarbonate. The chamber will no longer be leather, it will be a very, soft, gel compound that will be much more comfortable. All screw sets will be collapsable and all hardware is being changed to surgical steel to conform with medical standards. We are hoping for medical clearance on the device for peyronies disease which will allow us to cover a wide spectrum of Penis Enlargement exercises. The LengthMaster, as many know, is the most powerful Penis Enlargement tool invented, the new model will be much more civilized and streamline allowing anyone to use effectively utilizing all it's features. The LM encompasses hanging, two handed stretching, bundles, PowerAssist exercise, twists and rolls, and other exercises that focus on Expressive stretching.

Sorry for the long windedness but I am trying to take advantage of every second I am in Florida and make you guys very proud of me! The Brotherhood is forever expanding and I am proud to be your leader in this realm.

God speed and love to all
Since I will probably buy the new LenghtMaster, I would really want you to make videos of it, and then I mean all the exercises with the LM.
lazyhanger;515978 said:
DAMN I need to get this DVD.
DLD a video of Blue Whales __________ stretch would be great (together his other "Ligament stretch").

Thanks for the reminder, this is on the list!

MartinGlad;515983 said:
Since I will probably buy the new LenghtMaster, I would really want you to make videos of it, and then I mean all the exercises with the LM.

The tutorial will be extremely comprehensive...it will give anyone a perfect understanding of how it works, why and what kind of gains you can make. The LengthMaster is my baby and I want her to be Penis EnlargementRFECT!
doublelongdaddy;515957 said:
Some of you may know that we are shooting the new Matters of Size DVD. This is going to be an extensive DVD containing all exercises, routines, equipment and information compiled over the last 8 years. I will post the exercise shoot list soon but if you have any idea of equipment or exercises you would like us to shoot a tutorial on let me know here. This will all take place this week (wednesday-sunday). If I do not have your ideas by Tuesday they will not be shot.

We plan on shooting very in depth tutorials that will give every user a much better understanding of exercise and equipment and how to use properly. For instance our shoot list for the SizeGenetics will include: A user tutorial showing how to put it together, how to add bars, how to make screw adjustments, how to maintain and other specifics about use. We will also shoot video of the SizeGenetics in action, walking around with it on, exercising with it on, what it looks like under tight pants, loose pants, shorts. We will also create all cross videos for routines that use the SizeGenetics in super-sets. We will show VLC, Velcro, 16 Way Comfort System, and any other modifications and how to do them. We will show how to properly wrap for comfort and intensity. We will also shoot video of passive Penis Enlargement as outlined in SRT. Now, as you can see this is only for the SizeGenetics....we need to do this for all exercises, equipment and routines.

Your ideas are very important and if we don't hear them the videos will not get shot. So far we are including a complete reshoot of Phases 1-5. We will be adding 5 more Phases. We will; be shooting various alternative routines that cover a wide spectrum of user routines that have been successful. In addition to exercise we have shot, there will be all new exercises shot. We will be doing tutorials on the LengthMaster, PowerAssist, PeniMaster Pro, SizeGenetics, Bathmate, Penomet, Hanging, Clamping, Foreskin Restoration, Air Pumping and any other equipment or exercises that are slipping my mind right now.

This is going to need something the Brotherhood takes very seriously, I need you help, input and support. Please post and let me know what you want.


the ''Accelerated lig lengthening:deep lig jelq'' is helping me a lot to increase the flaccid hang.A video of this exercise will be so helpful for those who are looking for a massive flaccid hang:)
DreamDick;515997 said:
the ''Accelerated lig lengthening:deep lig jelq'' is helping me a lot to increase the flaccid hang.A video of this exercise will be so helpful for those who are looking for a massive flaccid hang:)

Got you. On the list.
Hey DLD any chance the uncut members of the forum are gonna get some love in this new DVD as well? I know I would love to see how wrapping and other exercises using devices such as the LengthMaster and Size genetics is done for the uncut guy. Just something I thought I would bring up...
Sounds great I'm excited to get the DVD. Sounds like you probably have it all covered. I would like to see the supra slammers demonstrated. Maybe the divo suit also. I'm sure you'll show uncle Jim wrap but I like the way the divo suit seems so easy.
Jdcsd;516116 said:
Sounds great I'm excited to get the DVD. Sounds like you probably have it all covered. I would like to see the supra slammers demonstrated. Maybe the divo suit also. I'm sure you'll show uncle Jim wrap but I like the way the divo suit seems so easy.

Divo Suit I do not have but if I could get one send, overnight on Monday we can include it. I will send them a message now.
first of all , this is totally epic and awesome :)
second : i would like dld to include polymetric stretches on the list , it further utilizes the kegel muscle for length gains :)
so excited :)
youngyoda;516119 said:
first of all , this is totally epic and awesome :)
second : i would like dld to include polymetric stretches on the list , it further utilizes the kegel muscle for length gains :)
so excited :)

1) Do not forget about champagne crunches! They are to intense of a stretch to leave off.
2) Not sure if reverse trapped jelqs are on the list? If so those should definitely be on there, doing wonders for my base girth.
3) supra slammers
I agree some videos for uncut guys would be great. I would like to see Uncle Jims Wrap.

acolon85;516076 said:
Hey DLD any chance the uncut members of the forum are gonna get some love in this new DVD as well? I know I would love to see how wrapping and other exercises using devices such as the LengthMaster and Size genetics is done for the uncut guy. Just something I thought I would bring up...
I really like the sound on the new LengthMaster being way more comfortable as many people had issues with the comfort of the old LM.

I'm happy to see you are doing videos for the LM! I believe you are doing videos for the new Hydromax and Size Genetics as well.

Could you show the use of Vaseline with the Hydromax or any Bathmate for that matter? Also, members have discussed in the past on how to properly put on the size genetics and how to properly use it. Could you also show how to properly put on the size genetics and how to properly use it as well? Also, could you show how to properly use Uncle Jim wrapping method? Even though it is a very simple method some people are still struggling on how to properly do Uncle Jim's strapping method.

Some times it is hard to put to use when it comes to exercises and equipment based on written words. I believe what you are doing with the videos for exercises and equipment is an excellent idea. Visual is usually much easier to incorporate than written words!

Thanks for all your hard work DLD and who ever else in involved with the making of the new videos! Also, very excited with the new LengthMaster, other new Penis Enlargement devices and really intrigued about DLD's new super pill!!!

The future of Penis Enlargement looks very bright DLD and it could not be done without you and all your hard work. Trust me your hard work a devotion to all of us does not go unnoticed!!! Thanks for everything, one of your many loyal supporters!
countryboy;516192 said:
I really like the sound on the new LengthMaster being way more comfortable as many people had issues with the comfort of the old LM
I'm very interested in the new version myself... since I struggled with the original version, but made it work.
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