New to this and so lost and anxious


Aug 16, 2018
Hi guys. I’m in my low 30s. I have so much going on in my life that every time I try to research pe, I read different things and on most boards, people give vague answers and I never even fully figured out how to properly stretch, Jelq anything simply since the info out there is so confusing to me. So many people saying many different things. Usually when I read about this, I see guys posting very advanced stuff and I have no idea where to start. I’m very desperate at this point and am willing to just pay to be guided to the right information. I was so confused that I purchased a bathmate x30 xtreme because I thought it was a surefire way to just have one device and not have to worry about all the complicated things written on so many forums. I haven’t found any stickies that were clear and easy to follow. They all were confusing and I never learned how to Jelq and stretch. I used the bathmate for a few months and did get the temporary pump from it but then I see everyone saying it does nothing on its own and I simply quit. I am willing to pay for help. I would be so thankful if someone can clearly guide me on how to go about this. I have no idea how to do the exercises. Also with prolonged use, will the x30 xtreme give permanent gains?
This whole thing has caused me so much grief and stress which is why I’m coming off so anxious and weird here even though I’m a good guy without a bad bone in my body. I have had two woman tell me I’m really small. I am about 6.4 inches erect and my girth is something like 4.7. I do know that these women weren’t lying as they did want to be my Freind after just they weren’t interested in sleeping with me any further. I didn’t ask them about their past but they both were honest with me and one said it nicely, I would of preferred you be a little thicker. This sucks because I’m in great shape so these women seem to think I’m going to be big down there and I’m not. I have no clue what to do from here. If you guys on here can clearly help me, I would be so Greatful. I also see that their is a paid membership section to this site. If I sign up, is that how I get the info I need? I will be more than happy to sign up. Thank you so much in advance to everyone.
Hello my friend or should I say my brother because you have just joined the greatest brotherhood online. I understand your frustration with vague answers that do not address the questions you’re asking. I also understand the frustration you feel due to your lack of gains and a definite lack of trust in those giving you advice. Let me start by saying I’m not one of those people and you won’t find many here in the brotherhood. We do our best to help each Let me start by saying I’m not one of those people and you won’t find many here in the brotherhood. We do our best to help each other.

On the physical portion of your questions and since you own a Bathmate I recommend you look at the SRT - Suppressed-Restricted-Transposition Theory routine which contains an incredible Bathmate work out callEd the Bathmate 5×5×3. This delivers girth at a very fast pace. All the issues surrounding pumping do not exist due to the layout of the routine. All you will gain is pure tissue growth. You will also find excellent length programs in SRT that are extremely powerful! Please read through SRT ask any questions you may have.

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Shred81 welcome to the greatest pe forum on the planet! I’m sure someone will send a link to the different basic stretches and jelqing methods etc what I will speak on tho is the bathmate I owned the original Hercules which is less powerful then the xtreme but a great starting pump you got the xtreme which is even better bc you can grow with the pressure. Anyways idk if this helps but I am living proof that the bathmate alone gave me half an inch permanent growth of non consistent use. I’m here to tell you to not give up stay consistent. also when you’re ready and read your body carefully the gains in the bathmate come from being 100% erect I’ve been using bathmate for a while now and I always go erect. Idk how much time or money you have but invest in 2 other devices: 1. LengthMaster - Penis Bundle Stretcher & Weight Hanging and 2. Phallosan forte there are tutorial videos here that teach you how to properly use the lengthmaster and I think someone will hopefully be linking videos to phallosan tutorials
I can understand where your coming from, probably allot more difficult coming into Penis enlargement online these days then it was for me back in 2003 as so much bullshit does exist, and sites spring up everywhere offering plagiarized advice, poor quality products, and just lies.

MOS hasn't been perfect over the years, but we are at the top of the natural penis enlargement tree, and know the game so well with guys on here that literally helped start this whole movement online! that is no bullshit.

The bathmate does and will work on its own, its a medical graded device. If a user followed the rather basic routine that comes with the bathmate, in time they will grow.

It annoys me when you have had such anxiety caused by others online, which is due to others fucking ignorance ... those that say you cannot gain from the bathmate are thinking about the old day pumping methods [unless they are completely full of shit], that were dry pumps [no water just air] ,and no doubt they have seen stories, images online of guys that over pumped with huge bloated horrible looking dicks. I have seen these, its a fetish in some circles believe it or not.

These guys then take that experience, and put a negative across the whole fucking genre. Hydro pumping is different, its much safer ... this is FACT ... why? because the company that made bathmate spent tons of money testing it so the device could be accepted by medical professionals as an aid for penis enlargement, and erectile dysfunction.

You cannot pump to dangerous unsafe levels while using a bathmate, the water will not allow it .. this is science, the vacuum will not rise unless your erection becomes larger first, so water can leave the device to increase the pressure.

What I'm going to suggest to you ... very simply, but so effective is to read the first post on how to perform DLD Blasters. This exercise is a PROVEN champion for length gains, no bullshit .... you can google it, find it on many existing penis enlargement forums already.

Doing that exercise alone will help you gain length ... it does not need to be complicated when your new. I increasingly find guys being too complicated when they have no need to be, keep it simple. It gets more complicated when you've been doing it awhile and find it harder to gain.

If you want to learn about a very powerful girth exercise, again proven to increase girth. Look at the thread on slow squash jelq or SSJ

So if you wanted to make things very easy and simple, to concentrate on length you could do just the blasters, or just girth you could perform just the SSJs.

DLD has a newbie routine which explains everything incl what to do and when to do it.
That may be worth looking into, well worth it.

If you need any help please ask us and we will help.

Signing up for the pay site and being a member is something to consider, because you gain access to all the actual videos DLD filmed for his exercises, and routines.

Hand on heart, if you try just the DLD blaster for lets say 7 days ... see how it goes for you.
If I had to recommend a purchase, it would be the pay site, and/or lengthmaster possibly the power assist instead as its cheaper but doesn't have the hanging attachment to it.

Its not about flogging products to members, that is not what MOS is about.
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Hi again to everyone. Can someone send me a link so that I can see how to perform the exercises recommended here like the Jelq and stretch and how many of each to do? I feel like I need to start there before I ask about the srt method and the different things there since I searched here and couldn’t find a single thing clearly demonstrating how to do it. Like I saw someone say to ok grip around the base than simply press again the tip of glans of the dick but then I saw someone say to push against the glans while working the other hand toward the hand which is pressing against the glans in an almost regular Jelq fashion. I really need help. Like I’m so lost. Also would you guys just say to go for The SizeGenetics - Penis Traction Extender and Phallosan Forte or just the lengthmaster and Phallosan Forte. I appreciate everyone’s response so much. You guys are so helpful. I am so thankful.
Hi again to everyone. Can someone send me a link so that I can see how to perform the exercises recommended here like the Jelq and stretch and how many of each to do? I feel like I need to start there before I ask about the srt method and the different things there since I searched here and couldn’t find a single thing clearly demonstrating how to do it. Like I saw someone say to ok grip around the base than simply press again the tip of glans of the dick but then I saw someone say to push against the glans while working the other hand toward the hand which is pressing against the glans in an almost regular Jelq fashion. I really need help. Like I’m so lost. Also would you guys just say to go for The SizeGenetics and Phallosan Forte or just the lengthmaster and Phallosan Forte. I appreciate everyone’s response so much. You guys are so helpful. I am so thankful.

Welcome my brother and I’m glad he reached out for help. Red gave you great direction and I hope that really helped. As far as the tools are concerned I would go for the Lengthmaster and the Phallosan for your length work and the Bathmate for girth work. Since you have the willingness to get these tools I ask you to put them to good use by following the SRT routine. SRT is the fastest way to length and girth possible. I wish you the best and God bless you.
Welcome my brother and I’m glad he reached out for help. Red gave you great direction and I hope that really helped. As far as the tools are concerned I would go for the Lengthmaster and the Phallosan for your length work and the Bathmate for girth work. Since you have the willingness to get these tools I ask you to put them to good use by following the SRT routine. SRT is the fastest way to length and girth possible. I wish you the best and God bless you.
Thank you dld. Where can I find exact instructions including how to and everything for using these tools with srt? Thank you so much brother. As I said before. I’m so lost.
Thank you dld. Where can I find exact instructions including how to and everything for using these tools with srt? Thank you so much brother. As I said before. I’m so lost.

Let’s start with the SRT routine, what I want you to do is read through it and come back to me with any questions you might have. SRT in itself is a routine that you can use since you have all the equipment necessary but SRT also can act as a skeleton to add your own exercise or take away exercise. SRT also allows you to start out pretty easy and after two weeks things start to ramp up and made your games are made. So check through SRT, the exercises, the tools and timing and see what fits into your situation. I can help you write a routine but let us start first with you reading through SRT.
Did you read anything I wrote?
Did you read anything I wrote?
Yes I did red. I appreciate your response too. My main concern is that I actually do the exercises right and understand everything written there as I currently do not. Like many terms are vaguely familiar to me. Like it starts off by saying to do the bundled stretches for 5 min but does that mean just hold the bundle stretch for a whole 5 min and go on to the next part of the routine. It’s the most basic things like that which I’m unsure of. And I have never done a Jelq or stretch before so I am kinda nervous and want to know for sure I’m doing it exactly right.
Most stretches and other exercises will be linked by the word. So if you see bundled stretch click on that word and it will bring you to the thread explaining what it is.

Also try using the search window because it is very very good now and will find anything you’re looking for in a very organized fashion. So go and type in bundled stretches into the search engine and you’ll learn everything you need to know.

In addition the members video site that used to cost $65 apiece is now open to the public for free and you’ll see many exercises explained and videotaped in that site. You can find it at:
Thank you so much dld
No problem my brother be sure to check out the free paysite as there are hundreds of videos there. And if there’s anything you can’t find just let us know and I’ll get you a direct link to it.
Thank you dld. You are so kind. You really are wonderful. Thank you my friend
Thank you dld. You are so kind. You really are wonderful. Thank you my friend
Yes I did red. I appreciate your response too. My main concern is that I actually do the exercises right and understand everything written there as I currently do not. Like many terms are vaguely familiar to me. Like it starts off by saying to do the bundled stretches for 5 min but does that mean just hold the bundle stretch for a whole 5 min and go on to the next part of the routine. It’s the most basic things like that which I’m unsure of. And I have never done a Jelq or stretch before so I am kinda nervous and want to know for sure I’m doing it exactly right.

No worries, understood.
Hi again to everyone. Can someone send me a link so that I can see how to perform the exercises recommended here like the Jelq and stretch and how many of each to do? I feel like I need to start there before I ask about the srt method and the different things there since I searched here and couldn’t find a single thing clearly demonstrating how to do it. Like I saw someone say to ok grip around the base than simply press again the tip of glans of the dick but then I saw someone say to push against the glans while working the other hand toward the hand which is pressing against the glans in an almost regular Jelq fashion. I really need help. Like I’m so lost. Also would you guys just say to go for The SizeGenetics and Phallosan Forte or just the lengthmaster and Phallosan Forte. I appreciate everyone’s response so much. You guys are so helpful. I am so thankful.

I have bought PE equipment for over 3000 USD, and I'm not a rich guy I just am desperate for gains. I can say with most confidence that the best buy you can make is the Lengthmaster. It will double your gains from stretching. You also need a Silicone Sleeve so it will be comfortable to clamp down the lengthmaster.

You attach it to your penis and stretch for 20 minutes, then your penis needs a brake and new blood supply you can not use it for more than 20 minutes at a time. Do 2,5min bundled stretch to the right, 2,5 min bundled stretch to the left. 2,5 min straight down, 2,5min straight up, 2,5min bundled straight down, 2,5min Behind the cheeks. That's it! DO this every day and you will gain massive length.
I have bought PE equipment for over 3000 USD, and I'm not a rich guy I just am desperate for gains. I can say with most confidence that the best buy you can make is the Lengthmaster. It will double your gains from stretching. You also need a Silicone Sleeve so it will be comfortable to clamp down the lengthmaster.

You attach it to your penis and stretch for 20 minutes, then your penis needs a brake and new blood supply you can not use it for more than 20 minutes at a time. Do 2,5min bundled stretch to the right, 2,5 min bundled stretch to the left. 2,5 min straight down, 2,5min straight up, 2,5min bundled straight down, 2,5min Behind the cheeks. That's it! DO this every day and you will gain massive length.

I’m sorry my brother that you had to spend so much money on equipment that promise gains and did not deliver. I concur with you on the LengthMaster - Penis Bundle Stretcher & Weight Hanging, if someone is very serious about gaining length then the Lengthmaster is so important. Put away the money each week until you can get. There is nothing more powerful for length work then the Lengthmaster.
Ok guys. The only thing stopping me is that I simply don’t know how to perform any of the exercises. When I search elsewhere, the videos they have posted there seem different than what is described here. Also for example on this board, when I see bundles stretches and click it, it takes me to the lengthmaster. I can just blindly start doing Penile excercises based on written descriptions. It’s too hard to understand like that and I am afraid to hurt myself doing the exercise wrote . Even with the slow squash jelq, some seem to say to do the ok grip it the base. Jelq up an inch and then use your palm to Cause the incredible expansion. I have then seen others say that when doing the ssj as your pressing with your palm, you actually are Jelqing toward to the glands with the other arms almost like a typical jelq. At least that part of it. Is there any way that you guys can link me to video showing me how to do all these exercises? I’m having tounke finding tutorials on even the basic maneuvers. Please guys. I’m begging you to help me. Also on a side note, the members section doesn’t allow me to see the videos from my iPhone and my computer is barely running. I would be so forever greatful if you guys can help me. I would be so forever thankful.
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