
Jun 10, 2016

Figured I would introduce myself to the community finally 😁
I've been lurking around reading and researching everything about PE that I could find and this is my go to spot for sure 👍🏻

To start I've had a BM Hercules for a couple of months now and have completed the first month break in period. I've started to combine with a bit of jelqing, maybe 10-15 minutes, before my BM session. I've been at this for probably 2-3 months now but I have yet to see any real gains other than better EQ and a lot more veins. I have myself to blame for this as I'm not nearly as consistent as I should be.

Girth is my main focus, I have a 6.5" BPEL and a 4.5" Girth ( erect ) Midshaft.

Anyone here have any advice on some awesome girth excercises? Ive read a few but am unclear on how to correctly perform them.

Also I just received my SG in the mail yesterday and I am super stoked about it. I'm hoping in addition to 1-2" of length, that this will help loosen the tunica for a more thorough girth workout.

I'm thinking 10-15 minutes of manual stretching followed by 4hrs (minimum) SG session, followed by 10-15 minutes of jelqing, followed by a 20min BM pump.
(Thinking of replacing jelq and BM with some DLD Girth Blasters if I have the time)

Does this seem effective? Should I do girth before length? Does it matter?

Anyway, sorry for the lengthy post, but I do look forward to joining this community and getting some good feedback from the awesome members here!

Thanks guys
Welcome to the Brotherhood Blu! I am happy you see this as you go to place for PE, we really are the authority on all things PE. I see that you are inspired to make some real gains and I think we can help you quite a bit. First I would like to say that with your BathMate and the SizeGenetics you can really take part in the SRT routine. As far as girth goes, the Girth program (SRT 5x5x3) BathMate/SlowSquashJelq is a girth miracle! You will gain tons of tissue growth with minimal retention. There are also many very important strategies in SRT that will help you design a workout that is perfect for you and you time. Please read through the first post in the SRT thread and get back to us on any questions or help you may need.

Ok, I'm about halfway through reading the SRT, that is a lot of information to digest.

I have already been using a cock ring after any BM session to help keep the pump for as long as possible, I've learned this method from different threads here and there. Cool to find out where it came from 👍🏻

After doing PE steadily for awhile now is it necessary to do the slow build up in intensity with the routine?

Also, I've been sleeping with the cock ring on (it's not super tight but tight enough to restrict a little blood) is it possible to combine a CR and uncle jims wrap? Or should it be one or the other?

Is switching back and forth between Girth first then length, ect, a good idea to keep hitting new angles and stretching different things?

Sorry for the confusion as I said before that's A LOT of information, but I'm digging it. Takes a lot of dedication and time to come up with something so complex and detailed! Kudos to you DLD!
Welcome to this zany/loving/insane/supportive group. I know, for me, the key is to always be upping the intensity...once it starts feeling 'comfortable' I know it's time to shake things up a bit. Everyone is different and PE is largely anecdotal, so my best advice would be to get a solid foundation of exercises and knowledge (DLD has mapped it on his signature), be acutely aware of how your body is reacting, (pain vs. sore, EQ vs. fatigue) and mod your BM w/The VacuVin :cool:
Big Schwanz Acht;713942 said:
Welcome to this zany/loving/insane/supportive group. I know, for me, the key is to always be upping the intensity...once it starts feeling 'comfortable' I know it's time to shake things up a bit. Everyone is different and PE is largely anecdotal, so my best advice would be to get a solid foundation of exercises and knowledge (DLD has mapped it on his signature), be acutely aware of how your body is reacting, (pain vs. sore, EQ vs. fatigue) and mod your BM w/The VacuVin :cool:
yes, extreme model or adding the wine vac is major key
Big Schwanz Acht;713942 said:
Welcome to this zany/loving/insane/supportive group. LOL we are just PE addicts lol
Welcome brother
Wine Vac?
acromegaly;713947 said:

I do this on some scale already when I'm pre jelqing for the BM, usually when I'm getting myself erect again In between jelqing sets I'll edge 2-3 times. As far as edging and then slamming the BM on, I don't think I could do this because I can never get a good seal with lube all over the place, so I have to wash off before hand. Which usually results in me not being able to get 100% erect, maybe only in the 75% range.

On a side note, I've started the new routine with the SG, I am currently 4 hrs in right now! I started with 5min of bundled stretches and 10 min of standard stretching.
First night so I'm hoping for a bit more expansion when I do the girth work!
TheBluJ;713936 said:
Ok, I'm about halfway through reading the SRT, that is a lot of information to digest.

I have already been using a cock ring after any BM session to help keep the pump for as long as possible, I've learned this method from different threads here and there. Cool to find out where it came from 👍🏻

After doing PE steadily for awhile now is it necessary to do the slow build up in intensity with the routine?

Also, I've been sleeping with the cock ring on (it's not super tight but tight enough to restrict a little blood) is it possible to combine a CR and uncle jims wrap? Or should it be one or the other?

Is switching back and forth between Girth first then length, ect, a good idea to keep hitting new angles and stretching different things?

Sorry for the confusion as I said before that's A LOT of information, but I'm digging it. Takes a lot of dedication and time to come up with something so complex and detailed! Kudos to you DLD!

I understand that it can be an overload of information so take you time and explore at your own speed. SRT is going nowhere so take all the time you ned to learn and master the methodology.
Welcome to the forum.
Weeelcome bro! Good luck and enjoy the journey! lots of success!
Welcome J, one thing i would deff add ,and it's kinda a pain in the ass, is the basic stretching every night, seriously, you might aswell maximize gains as a newb.
Also, try to get 600-1000 tight grip jelqs in everyday, this brought me length very quick in the beginning.
I know you want mainly girth, but the BM and squash jelqs will bring that, and you should research clamping, add that in 3-4 days a week.
jekyllnhyde360;714632 said:
Welcome J, one thing i would deff add ,and it's kinda a pain in the ass, is the basic stretching every night, seriously, you might aswell maximize gains as a newb.
Also, try to get 600-1000 tight grip jelqs in everyday, this brought me length very quick in the beginning.
I know you want mainly girth, but the BM and squash jelqs will bring that, and you should research clamping, add that in 3-4 days a week.

I do atleast a 15 min session of basic stretches everyday before I put on the SG.

For jelqing a kind of swap out the 5x5x3 with 10-15 of jelqing with 15 min of BM after.

Clamping though I haven't looked into it much at all, the idea was kind of off putting to me at first, but no need to be close minded. I'll look into it ASAP and see if I can fit it in anywhere! Thanks for the advice!
TheBluJ;714639 said:
I do atleast a 15 min session of basic stretches everyday before I put on the SG.

For jelqing a kind of swap out the 5x5x3 with 10-15 of jelqing with 15 min of BM after.

Clamping though I haven't looked into it much at all, the idea was kind of off putting to me at first, but no need to be close minded. I'll look into it ASAP and see if I can fit it in anywhere! Thanks for the advice!

Welcome Blu! Wow you already have a pretty decent routine going on i see you did some research! The gains will start coming in no time :)
TheBluJ;714639 said:
I do atleast a 15 min session of basic stretches everyday before I put on the SG.

For jelqing a kind of swap out the 5x5x3 with 10-15 of jelqing with 15 min of BM after.

Clamping though I haven't looked into it much at all, the idea was kind of off putting to me at first, but no need to be close minded. I'll look into it ASAP and see if I can fit it in anywhere! Thanks for the advice!

Ya forsure man! if clamping isn't your thing, no worries, the BM 5x5 will do you solid.
But i would up the stretching to 35-40 min every night and add 600 tight grip up-ward jelqs a day, 7 days a week, the reason im so adamant about this is because it brought me 3/4 of an in in my first 4 weeks, DLD really killed it with phase one, it fucking works, i held my stretches for 40 sec counts rather than 30, and i used baby powder for grip.
jekyllnhyde360;714723 said:
Ya forsure man! if clamping isn't your thing, no worries, the BM 5x5 will do you solid.
But i would up the stretching to 35-40 min every night and add 600 tight grip up-ward jelqs a day, 7 days a week, the reason im so adamant about this is because it brought me 3/4 of an in in my first 4 weeks, DLD really killed it with phase one, it fucking works, i held my stretches for 40 sec counts rather than 30, and i used baby powder for grip.

Wow man 3/4" in a month, that's impressive! I'll start uping my stretch and jelq times by 5 minutes every week or until I feel my member is ready for it until I reach the 30min mark. The 40 second stretches and baby powder is something I'm implement immediately though!

Before I got my SG, last Friday, I wasn't really into stretching much, my main and only goal then was girth, so I was doing only jelqing and BM. Even that wasnt daily. Ever since I heard stretching helps to obtain girth I added it to the routine, and only recently have been consistent with it how I should have been all along. Point is, I think I still have a nice little break in period to work through because the extra 15 min of stretching and 4 hrs of SG all of a sudden I feel is stressing my member a bit, so I'll give him some time to adjust.

All of this advice is great though guys! Keep it coming, it's greatly appreciated!
TheBluJ;714737 said:
Wow man 3/4" in a month

You can do the same thing!
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