
Active member
Dec 1, 2014
When i began PE ...there was a time i only only did 30 mins of PE a day and nothing else not even a ace wrap but i was consistent and till today the girth gains of that 30 mins for 3 months has stayed till today and not lost any gain


5 min stretch
5 min- jelq
5 min- stretch
5 min-jelq
5 min - stretch
5 min - lazy ass stretch



1. i was doing length and girth same time
2. incorrect jelqing led to the bend...so girth above bend was thicker and below was less
3. i masturbated after 15 days
4. only did 60-70 % erect jelqs when my penis was soft
5. was consistent everyday as it was only 30 mins a day
6. my gains of that erect girth are still there....
7. gained some erect length but not as much as now after using devices and ace wrap....
8. although no flaccid gains which are the MOST important to me....
9. gaines ALOOOOT of skin at base and around glans.....base one cannot be fixed



10 mins- stretching including BTC
5 mins- rotary cranks
5 mins - DLD blasters
10 mins stretching again

girth work

5 min - BM
10 min -jelq and ss
5 min -Bathmate
7 min-jelq
3 min- BM

(timings of BM or jelqs can be changed as per your need )


1. gained length in erect
2. flaccid size was more
3. turtling was there ALOT
4. didnt gain girth at all....specifiaclly i wanted base girth below the bend to even it out...


well we always have thought of doing length and girth at different times.......like morning length and evening girth
how about we mix it up ??? for example


10 min-stretching
5 min- jelq
5 min- rotary cranks
5 min- jelq
5 min- DLD blaster

( if you want you can add 5-10 mins of more stetching )

then u get in ur devices - PF,SizeGenetics - Penis Traction Extender, ace wrap or whichever one you have....


5 min - stretching
5 min- bundled streches

5-10 mins- pump
5-10 mins- jelqs/ SSJ
5 mins - pump
10 mins- jelq/SSJ

then cockring.....

i am thinking of slowly starting this new routine cuz i am sick of the old one where its specifically for length or girth and it is demotivating me.........its better to do different things also and you can shuffle the exercises in this also....

your suggestions please...
Your routine sounds good but you need to be consistent with one...if you keep changing routines like mastermind , it will slow down your progress.Pick one --> stick with it --> gain :)
ChilDsh;659996 said:
Your routine sounds good but you need to be consistent with one...if you keep changing routines like mastermind , it will slow down your progress.Pick one --> stick with it --> gain :)
for sure
i think u guys misunderstood me.....

1. if my routine is de-motivating me then i think its hard to stick to it and hence "NO CONSISTENCY"
2. a routine is to make sure that u do what u have to do
3. but what u have to do in that time is upto u
4. if u compare the new and the current routine i havent made such changes that something is being left out....i have shuffled things around so i dont feel i am doing the same shit every single time.....
5. all the exercises target everything needed for growith BUT how i want to do it in the day....THATS WHAT WRITTEN IN THE ROUTINE....

trying to get rid of the monotony of PE with shuffling....
ChilDsh;659996 said:
Your routine sounds good but you need to be consistent with one...if you keep changing routines like mastermind , it will slow down your progress.Pick one --> stick with it --> gain :)

i hadent changed my routine so often.....i did the first routine for almost 3-5 months ...then i came to mOS and realzied i was doing nothing....then i started doing length work only as i strated training girth and length separately.. .....then i did morning and evening routine of girth and length which is my current routine......NOW i feel like changing a bit
Then change it man what's the big deal?
pogzee;660007 said:
i think u guys misunderstood me.....

1. if my routine is de-motivating me then i think its hard to stick to it and hence "NO CONSISTENCY"
2. a routine is to make sure that u do what u have to do
3. but what u have to do in that time is upto u
4. if u compare the new and the current routine i havent made such changes that something is being left out....i have shuffled things around so i dont feel i am doing the same shit every single time.....
5. all the exercises target everything needed for growith BUT how i want to do it in the day....THATS WHAT WRITTEN IN THE ROUTINE....

trying to get rid of the monotony of PE with shuffling....

I like the idea of swapping out exercises but keep a close eye on gains to be sure the new exercises are giving you similar results as the others. I would no over dose on exercises either, maybe keep 3 different routines on different days to keep it fresh.
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