
Aug 30, 2014
Hi, I just signed up in the Forum, I have been pumping in an out for 12 years or so. Since I was young, size was a concern for me. In my times I had not any knowledge of what the average penis size was, and was unaware of the fact that flaccid penis is a poor estimator of erect size. I am 57 yo now, my body have always been average, 6 feet tall, and in the last 20 years overweight, around 210 pound. When I had access to internet, started searching for the subject and gave a try to enlargement techniques, and found that pumping was for me a suitable way. Not having how to get a decent pumping gear available, I made it by myself with an acrylic tube. I will try to briefly tell my experience:

I started at 5 3/4 non bone pressed length, 5 1/4 girth and in one year of pumping three times a week with two sets of 20 min each, I went to 6 1/4 in lenght and 7 in girth. all this measures taken the day after I pump. half an inch in length seems to be a little, but that 1 3/4 in girth gain is really a huge difference in volume. an average penis has some 200 cubic centimeters in volume, my 6 1/4 x 7 has 378 cubic centimeters! almost twice! If you are in the mood, go to an online circle calculator for finding the radius from the girth, and a cylinder volume calculator for final volume. If you play with the numbers, will find the dramatic increase in volume for a single millimeter in radius.

It could be the middle age crisis, but I'm heading now for an 8 x 7 penis, which is the ideal for me. First and foremost, I'm on a diet, because I have a 2 inch fat pad in my pubic bone, and that alone will get me close to the goal.

I started pumping again after 8 months, and in three weeks I re-gained almost all the size, pumping 3 times a week 20 minutes each, wet pumping with a carefull warm up period.
A question for you guys. Taking my age into account, (57) would it be advisable to increase time/frequency of my sessions?
I'm willing to share experience with some members here. Please forgive my english, it is not my language. :)
Wow 7 girth is fantastic. That would be my dream number to hit but don't know if it's possible. I'd be very happy at 6.5, I'm 5.5 now
Gad to have you here and welcome to the Brotherhood. At 7" in girth you are among the biggest I have ever heard so I think you should put the majority of your efforts into length work. Getting to 8 inches would be ideal and would balance your penis symmetry-wise. with your fat pad being at 2" you could make the length gains you want by simply loosing weight. I guess my first question would be what are you doing for a routine right now?
My routine is very simple, I fill the bathtub with plenty of water as hot as I can tolerate, go in and relax, stretch a little, And go soft inside the tube, allowing a little water in the tube, and start pumping with the feeling of it as muy sole guide. I keep adding and draining water to keep it hot, and keep the cylinder below the water level. I stay there 20-25 minutes on mon, wed, and fri. I do not "do" anything more with my penis, but sex (and pee of course) what i mean is i do not masturbate or tease or get an erection because I consider it a "gain killer". It may seem counter-intuitive, but muy experience tells that's the way to go.
Hey Vet. Congrats on the gains bro. 7 inches of girth is awesome and is the thickness I'm trying to reach. So when you started pumping you gained 1 3/4 girth in just one year? That's amazing brother.

So your routine was 2 twenty minute sets 3 times a week.

How much vacuum pressure were you using during your pumping sessions?
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kingsnake;602576 said:
Hey Vet. Congrats on the gains bro. 7 inches of girth is awesome and is the thickness I'm trying to reach. So when you started pumping you gained 1 3/4 girth in just one year? That's amazing brother.

So your routine was 2 twenty minute sets 3 times a week.

How much vacuum pressure were you using during your pumping sessions?

Hi King,
Short answer to your question, MOSTLY YES, A YEAR OR A LITTLE MORE.
Now the long one.
I started pumping some 12 years ago, to give it a try. At first the issue was to find the pumping gear which was not available in my country, where I only found in sex-shops that devices that were more toy-like, which I found useless in time, so I decided to build a set by myself. It took a whole year an pehaps more of trial and error, where I gained some girth mostly. Then I came up with the DIY one, an acrylic tube 52mm (2 in) internal diameter. At that time I began to air pump as much as I can, being perhaps one hour in the tube sometimes, and then learning painfull lessons about over-pumping. Finally I came up with a pumping routine of two sets of 20 minutes each, air pumping, one day on, one day off. At that time began the "golden age" of my pumping. I started to record progress, and in six months or so, I moved to the next cylinder size I found, a 63 mm (2 1/2 in) internal diameter tube, which was too loose, sometimes one of my testicles being sucked (painfull !!!) so I started doing one set with the smaller and the second in the biger. In a month or so, I was able to do all the pumping in the biger one, and, as I recall, in five months I gained most of that girth. By that time too, discouraged by seemingly little gais in legth, I started to consider my penis not as a linear object but a 3D one, a cylinder, in terms of VOLUME, and there I realised what I was asking my penis to do. Having started with average length, and a little more than average in girth, which means a little more than 200 cubic centimeters, in a year or a little more I reached a volume of near 380 cubic centimeters, which is almost doubling its size! a very noticeable gain indeed. I started to receive compliments from ladies about my girth, and several complains about being too big, which I never take too serious at that time. I commited then to keep my size only, and found that two 20 min sessions of WET pumping a week were enough. It never was easy to find time and privacy to do my pumping sessions, an hour total for warm up, stretch, 20 min pumping, relaxing, "warm down". I was, and I am still, more concerned with warm up, relaxation, and mental attitude than with actual pumping. It seems you're curious about that gain in that time, which I took as normal, and I'm tryng to recall if I did anything else to increase girth. Perhaps, it could be that I began by that time to use a constrictor ring and never stopped to use it when I have sex, two-three times a week. My current partner is very "playfull", so I have to mantain an erection (I am 57 yo) for a couple of hours, and find that the ring does its job perfectly. It could be that using the ring a couple or more times a week, for a period of many years, with a full erection, could help to maintain the girth, but the ring alone never was enough for keeping the size, as I noticed in my last 8 month resting period.
But mental attitude and confidence are crucial for me, that's what I signed up in the forum. To keep myself motivated and in the mood. I'm quickly re-gaining my peak size, now with 3 sessions WET pumping 20-25 min each a week.
I never used a gauge to meassure the vacuum, it's a sort of "dialog" between my penis and me, I aim to feel TENSION but not pain, that's all.
I hope it helps to answer your questions, if not ASK AWAY !!!!
Vet;602582 said:
Hi King,
Short answer to your question, MOSTLY YES, A YEAR OR A LITTLE MORE.
Now the long one.
I started pumping some 12 years ago, to give it a try. At first the issue was to find the pumping gear which was not available in my country, where I only found in sex-shops that devices that were more toy-like, which I found useless in time, so I decided to build a set by myself. It took a whole year an pehaps more of trial and error, where I gained some girth mostly. Then I came up with the DIY one, an acrylic tube 52mm (2 in) internal diameter. At that time I began to air pump as much as I can, being perhaps one hour in the tube sometimes, and then learning painfull lessons about over-pumping. Finally I came up with a pumping routine of two sets of 20 minutes each, air pumping, one day on, one day off. At that time began the "golden age" of my pumping. I started to record progress, and in six months or so, I moved to the next cylinder size I found, a 63 mm (2 1/2 in) internal diameter tube, which was too loose, sometimes one of my testicles being sucked (painfull !!!) so I started doing one set with the smaller and the second in the biger. In a month or so, I was able to do all the pumping in the biger one, and, as I recall, in five months I gained most of that girth. By that time too, discouraged by seemingly little gais in legth, I started to consider my penis not as a linear object but a 3D one, a cylinder, in terms of VOLUME, and there I realised what I was asking my penis to do. Having started with average length, and a little more than average in girth, which means a little more than 200 cubic centimeters, in a year or a little more I reached a volume of near 380 cubic centimeters, which is almost doubling its size! a very noticeable gain indeed. I started to receive compliments from ladies about my girth, and several complains about being too big, which I never take too serious at that time. I commited then to keep my size only, and found that two 20 min sessions of WET pumping a week were enough. It never was easy to find time and privacy to do my pumping sessions, an hour total for warm up, stretch, 20 min pumping, relaxing, "warm down". I was, and I am still, more concerned with warm up, relaxation, and mental attitude than with actual pumping. It seems you're curious about that gain in that time, which I took as normal, and I'm tryng to recall if I did anything else to increase girth. Perhaps, it could be that I began by that time to use a constrictor ring and never stopped to use it when I have sex, two-three times a week. My current partner is very "playfull", so I have to mantain an erection (I am 57 yo) for a couple of hours, and find that the ring does its job perfectly. It could be that using the ring a couple or more times a week, for a period of many years, with a full erection, could help to maintain the girth, but the ring alone never was enough for keeping the size, as I noticed in my last 8 month resting period.
But mental attitude and confidence are crucial for me, that's what I signed up in the forum. To keep myself motivated and in the mood. I'm quickly re-gaining my peak size, now with 3 sessions WET pumping 20-25 min each a week.
I never used a gauge to meassure the vacuum, it's a sort of "dialog" between my penis and me, I aim to feel TENSION but not pain, that's all.
I hope it helps to answer your questions, if not ASK AWAY !!!!
Incredible info, thank you. What do you feel is the proper size tube in relation to your penis size? Meaning I'm 5.5 at the base, 5 at the middle and 5.25 around the head 7.25 bpel,What size tube would be best for me to gain girth?
It would be interesting to know if you are a pumper, but I'll answer as if you were not. As a rule of thumb, it is said that the cylinder must be 1/4 in diameter biger than your penis, at 5.5 you are 1.75 in diameter, so a 2 in tube would be enough to start with. I do not know how much you're willing to spend in PE, for me, if the money is not an issue, perhaps it would be better to start with an 1.75 tube, and move to the 2" one once you start to consistently packing the 1.75 tube. I think quality pumping gear is worth every dollar you pay, even if you do not make a big progress, as you gain in experience anyway. I never had access to quality pumping stuff, because in my country this market is inexistent, and to import is simply a pain in the ass. you would be surprised if you knew how much money I spent in developing/building a suitable cylinder, plus a humongous amount of time, it would have been infinitely cheaper to buy the most expensive factory made one. I whish I could get a "modulated" pump, one of those that changes the suction according to a program, I imagine it would give me a more pleasurable (and easy) way to pump.
If you're not experienced in pumping, a warning: TAKE IT EASY
It seems no matter how much we are told this, we end over pumping untill we suffer all those nasty effects. Done propperly, pumping is safe, the safer PE way I found. If you have a bathtub, do the WET pumping, it is even safer and time efficient. If you're thinking in buying pumping gear, be sure to get one that allows you to wet pump.
A last thought, ANYTHING I've said here is set in stone, that's the way I got results, but it does not means that it will work exactly the same for everyone else.
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Hey Vet. Thanks for the answers bro. So when you pump I noticed that you said you go in flaccid. In the pump do you try to stay as erect as possible or do you just let the pump do the work for you? Personally when I pump I look at �naked people movies� to try to stay as rock hard in the pump as possible. What's your opinion on keeping your natural erection in the pump by staying aroused vs just letting the pump do the work without being aroused?
Vet;602816 said:
It would be interesting to know if you are a pumper, but I'll answer as if you were not. As a rule of thumb, it is said that the cylinder must be 1/4 in diameter biger than your penis, at 5.5 you are 1.75 in diameter, so a 2 in tube would be enough to start with. I do not know how much you're willing to spend in PE, for me, if the money is not an issue, perhaps it would be better to start with an 1.75 tube, and move to the 2" one once you start to consistently packing the 1.75 tube. I think quality pumping gear is worth every dollar you pay, even if you do not make a big progress, as you gain in experience anyway. I never had access to quality pumping stuff, because in my country this market is inexistent, and to import is simply a pain in the ass. you would be surprised if you knew how much money I spent in developing/building a suitable cylinder, plus a humongous amount of time, it would have been infinitely cheaper to buy the most expensive factory made one. I whish I could get a "modulated" pump, one of those that changes the suction according to a program, I imagine it would give me a more pleasurable (and easy) way to pump.
If you're not experienced in pumping, a warning: TAKE IT EASY
It seems no matter how much we are told this, we end over pumping untill we suffer all those nasty effects. Done propperly, pumping is safe, the safer PE way I found. If you have a bathtub, do the WET pumping, it is even safer and time efficient. If you're thinking in buying pumping gear, be sure to get one that allows you to wet pump.
A last thought, ANYTHING I've said here is set in stone, that's the way I got results, but it does not means that it will work exactly the same for everyone else.
I have never used a pump besides the bathmate. I was looking into getting a traditional air pump and the one I was looking at had 1.75 and 2.25 tube. I was thinking that the 2.25 would be better because I hit 6inch girth in the bathmate now so I would fill a 1.75. The 2.25 is 7inchs so I'm thinking it would be the better choice?
Yes, I think you could experience some problems at the begining with the 2.25 one, but in no time you will manage the issue.
King, I go semi-flaccid in the tube. It makes sense to go hard to maximize the gains, but I'm sick tired of �naked people movies�. There is a reason for every choice in my routine: I choose wet pumping because my penis look (and feel) better after the pumping. I choose 20-25 minutes because from then on I start to develop a donut and I do not like it at all (I'm uncut). My primary goal is to have a top performance tool, not the size, in fact I went back to pumping because my erections improves greatly. Yes. But. Once I got back, I felt the temptation to grow lenght via reducing the fat pad, and maybe 0.5 from pumping. I've made the desicion of not going beyond the 2.5 tube, and I know for sure that with this routine I'm gaining quickly the size I used to have, and it does not matter how long it takes to reach 8 inches long or a volume of half a liter, more than a pint, an absolute no-no for most women as far as I know.
Vet;603014 said:
King, I go semi-flaccid in the tube. It makes sense to go hard to maximize the gains, but I'm sick tired of �naked people movies�. There is a reason for every choice in my routine: I choose wet pumping because my penis look (and feel) better after the pumping. I choose 20-25 minutes because from then on I start to develop a donut and I do not like it at all (I'm uncut). My primary goal is to have a top performance tool, not the size, in fact I went back to pumping because my erections improves greatly. Yes. But. Once I got back, I felt the temptation to grow lenght via reducing the fat pad, and maybe 0.5 from pumping. I've made the desicion of not going beyond the 2.5 tube, and I know for sure that with this routine I'm gaining quickly the size I used to have, and it does not matter how long it takes to reach 8 inches long or a volume of half a liter, more than a pint, an absolute no-no for most women as far as I know.

I too started PE to improve myself sexually, my goal was to regain solid erections and I went full force into accomplishing this. It was only after the first 6 months when I saw how much I has gained that it became a penis enlargement thing. Today I have the best of both worlds, a very healthy, well looking penis that functions at 100%.
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