Psychology New brothers need to watch the FAQ videos.


Jan 6, 2023
Okey I need to share this. It seems like many brothers are missing this, when they first find this forum.
This thread/post is a friendly suggestion for new members in this brotherhood.
Abbreviations I use in this post:
PE = Penis Enlargement.
MOS = Matters Of Size: The Forum.

The rest of the abbreviations in PE you will find here:
Penis Enlargement Related Abbreviations (follow link).
I see so many new brothers (newbies) come on here, and write one post. Then we help them with their questions, since this is what this brotherhood is all about.
But they never answer us back. They are just gone sometimes to never to be seen again. Maybe they come back a month later...but this approach is not wise in order to gain the fastest. You need to be active on the forum every day for PE to work optimally. In the beginning you need to put a lot of time in, and being active on the FORUM helps you with that. The more knowledge you have, the more you can incorporate this knowledge and gain as fast as possible.

When you are new to this you know nothing. I joined 6 Jan 2023, and I'm still learning new concepts and information. PE is not like building muscles in the gym, it's a completely different world, and you need to dig as deep as you can as fast as possible. Don't treat PE as a side gig, it needs to be incorporated in your daily life, and your routines if you want to be successful.

If you are not active on this forum, your learning curve will be slow. Also when being active on the forum, this will help you keep your discipline up.
This is also true! You don't need any other forum other then MOS. You will make all your gains while being a part of this amazing brotherhood.

I remember when I was new here. I knew nothing and it took me a while for me to get around this forum (understand the structure). It also took some time for me to find the MOS DVD. I remember that I read the Beginners manual penis enlargement guide/newbie routine (follow link), but I didn't understand how to perform the exercises until I found the MOS DVD (follow link).

All of this is much easier now. You can find the thread with all the videos for the MOS DVD pinned at the top of the Penis Enlargement Forum.
The best part is that you can watch all the exercises while still being logged in at MOS.

When you are active here on MOS, you will have the power of the brotherhood as support, and this will be a big factor if you will gain fast or slow.
This FAQ - 05. DLD Explains Mistakes People Make!!! (follow link), explains exactly how you need to approach PE when you are starting out. Maybe I'm still a newbie, but I followed this approach from the start (without knowing it), and it have worked out for me. I was really focused on PE, and I'm still are.
Here at MOS we want to help as may new brothers as possible as fast as possible. But my suggestion is to log in to MOS every day, this will help you in so many ways. If you have limited time, then 10 minutes of logging in every day can be enough if you know what to do outside of the forum to gain penis size.

But don't just log in, be a part of the threads, and the discussion here as well. It doesn't matter if you are a newbie, or have 10 years in doing PE. We can always learn new information and concepts. You learn so much more then "just" about PE. Personally this brotherhood have changed my life for the better. I think many men nowadays are missing a brotherhood in real life. You will not only gain penis size, you will gains so much more (about life, a sense of community/brotherhood, fitness, health... and more) when you are active on the forum.

My suggestion is to be really focused about PE, but to keep it balanced.

Important suggestions/guidelines for a newbie:
1. Read the entire: SRT, and under stand it fully. If you do not understand something, ask questions, or find a thread/post that explains it.
2. Watch all videos in the thread: FAQ's with DLD (doublelongdaddy).
3. Ask questions, as many as you like. You should never be afraid of this. We are always happy to encourage you and help you.
4. With time you will learn to relax into the reverse Kegel when you stretch. In the beginning I remember I could not relax fully into the stretch. The same concept are present when you are working on girth.
5. Figure out your best schedule for your PE, that fits your life and stick to that.
Don't make any exceptions. Like: - I feel tired today, I start it up tomorrow. If you have this mindset it will never work for you. It's okay to have rest days to heal the skin on your penis, but these rest days needs to be planned in advanced to be able to keep up the intensity. Otherwise if you compromise on the discipline to do the work. The risk for it to be a permanent vacation from PE is to great. Keep it consistent month after month, and finally you will be at your goal size. It will feel like magic, and this feeling will feel unreal. Do I have a big penis? What happened? šŸ™‚
6. Do Kegels all day.

The ā­ rule; Increase the intensity as you progress.
This is so important.

If you follow all this above. I will guarantee you that you will gain.
Also as stated in the FAQ - 05. by @DLD, you need to keep a logbook. I would suggest that you log this with pen and paper in an empty book.
To create a thread to log your progress, in the Routines and Progress Forum is also a good way to keep yourself on the right track.

Kind regards @squirt_inducer_man
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