
Mar 17, 2013
Ok so I have been shadowing this site for about 3 months now and this is my first post. I have started a Penis Enlargement regimen that incorporates at least 10 mins of manual stretching a day, about 20 minutes of 100% erect jelqiing mixing a little bit of edging in The reason i say a little edging is because after doing it for about 3 weeks i noticed no change in my stamina and my penis would burn at times. AFter the first month I gained about a half inch NBEL and MId Shaft girth but since then my gains have plateaued..I try to work out at least 5 times a week but I must admit my workouts are pretty inconsistent and aren't done for a long enough duration. Nonetheless sometimes i feel like I am going to cum while attempting to workout before I achieve 100% erection and my stamina still sucks to where i can only pump about 20 times while having sex with my girlfriend before i have to stop and gather myself. SOmetimes i have her so close to having an orgasm but mine seems to always come first. I take 1 pill of maca root and yohimbe a day because when i took 2 I would get random boners throughout the day while sitting down at work. I find that when I'm seated my penis tends to become engorged with blood but once I become the least bit active; even walking, my penis shrinks up embarrassingly small. I apologize for the long post but these are a few concerns I've had bottled up. I own both a penomet which I haven't seen much gain from and a size genetic extender. I am looking for any type of guidance or possible solution to help with both my short lasting sexual sessions and my shrinkage when active. I have done plenty of research(maybe not enough) and i kegel and do 100% eq resistance exercises daily but they haven't seem to work much, especially on my first "nut". I am willing to adopt a routine that someone thinks might help or any other advice. Thanks
Jeez 83 views and no advice?? Guess I'll just keep trying to grind it out!

Have you found a solution to the problems you talked about in your first power? It's been over a decade since you created this thread so I want to believe you have finally sorted the problem.
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