
Mar 13, 2015
Hey brothers. So here it is. I decided to make myself accountable by starting a Sizegenetics log like so many other members have done. Just so you know, I am also using the Bathmate (sometimes X30 and sometimes X40) because I own it (them). I just picked up a Bib Hanger and the Lengthmaster, but have not had time to incorporate them. I am trying to keep my PE simple, and when time permits, I will get in some of the Newbie Routine, but this is not always possible. At a minimum I do 25-50 rotary cranks whenever I take off or put on the SG, except when I am at work. I must tell you guys that I may not post everyday, and it is in fact unlikely that I will for good reason. I have so many other things going on in my life, it is amazing that I have time for PE to begin with. I am a full-time law student and I also work full-time. This is in addition to being a proud father of a 20 month old son. As far as SG use, I have limited time to get in my hours. Mostly in small blocks of time. A couple of hours at work, a couple of hours before class, and a couple of hours after class while I am reading cases until 1 a.m. or later. Generally I can get anywhere from 4-6 hours in Monday-Thursday, and I try my best to get in 10-12 hours each day on Saturday and Sunday.

I am using my SG with the Comfort Strap, foam piece, and rubber band-looking thing which secures the rubber sheet the SG comes with. Any modifications I make, I will let you guys know. I WILL NOT BE ABLE TO ANSWER EVERY QUESTION/AND OR RESPOND BECAUSE I DO NOT HAVE THE TIME. Sorry, I simply don't, but I will respond if I do have the time. I have already been using the SG for a few weeks but have kept a poor record of my use. I have not measured my flaccid length, but will do that when I have time. I am not measuring until around May 10th-right before I go to Russia on May 16th until approximately June 3rd, which may require me to take a break from all PE (regretfully).

Current stats:
NBPEL 5.65"
EG 5.25"


Short term goal:
EL 7.5"
EG 6"

Long term goal:
6.25" (6.5" is ideal)

March 9, 2015
5 hrs (1 hour at work; 2 hours afternoon and 2 hours at night)
20 min. BM

March 10, 2015
2 hrs (at night)
20 min. BM

March 11, 2015
3.5 hrs (1.5 afternoon and 2 hours at night)
20 min. BM (and a couple of sets of BM Hardcore Stretches)

March 12, 2015
5.0 hrs (1 hour at work; 2 in afternoon and 2 hours at night)
20 min. BM (some BM stretches)
I'm back guys. Things are getting real-law school finals are approaching. Also, you will note that I have changed my date format to the shorthand, numeric version.

4 hrs
BM session

5 hrs

5 hrs
2 sets of BM stretches (full power)

7 hrs

NOTE: I just received X4 comfort straps, headpiece and comfort straps. I think they are cheaper than the SG version. From my experience, it holds much, much, much better. I plan on using the X4 setup from here on out, but am still using my SG extender. I highly recommend the X4 strap system. Velcro has not worked for me, and I cannot even imagine the noose system. I am still on full tension in all of my extending. Once in a while I get that scrotum discomfort that others have complained of. To mitigate this I will usually jam a piece of toilet paper on the bottom-side of the extender base. It is hit and miss, but more often than not, it helps.

6 hrs
BM (one set of stretches)

6 hrs

8 hrs
Ok guys, I am back. Finished law school finals (did very well thank God), and returned from Russia (btw, I cannot begin to explain the sheer number of beautiful women. They blow beautiful Los Angeles women out of the water). The result was missing a ton of time in the SG during May. I made some changes to my routine. I now use a 2” cloth wrap with the comfort strap. I think I got that idea from J1L. He was right, no slippage at all. Thank you J1L. I also am not sure whether I am going to continue with the BM at this phase since my main goal is length at this time. The jury is still out on whether it tightens ligaments so as to hinder length. Any thoughts?

When I was doing the Newbie Routine with the BM, I made the 1/4-1/2 gain. I should point out out that I am not exactly sure if I made a 1/4 or 1/2" gain. When I measured months ago (before starting PE), it was not bone pressed, and I came up with roughly 5.65-5.75 in length. Maybe, maybe 6” pushing it. But for all practical purposes, let’s say 5.7” and split the difference.

My brothers, I am sure you will want to know my erect gains during the course of the log. However, I plan on either taking measurements at 500 hrs or 1,000 hrs. I am not sure yet, but I will not measure before 500 hrs at a minimum. Again, if any of the brothers here have any input (from personal experience) whether BM hindered their SG length gains, I would greatly appreciate it. I love using my BM. One last thing I have decided is to start count of my hours from 3/9/15 in totaling up my hours. Well, time to update this log. Here we go!
0 hrs

11 hrs

8 hrs

300 Jelqs
BM stretches (1 set)

7 hrs

3 hrs

3.5 hrs

2 hrs

3 hrs

12 hrs

9 hrs

6 hrs

3/31/15 5 hrs

126 hrs for March

5.5 hrs

0 hrs

3 hrs

7 hrs

5 hrs

4 hrs

6 hrs
Bib hanger-5 lbs 2 sets of 20 min

3 hrs

6 hrs

6 hrs

8 hrs

8 hrs

5 hrs

5 hrs

7 hrs

2 hrs

1 hr
BM (only 10 min. instead of the normal 20 min.)

0 hrs

6 hrs
200 Jelqs
BM (5 min. x 4 sets w/ Jelqs in between)

4 hrs

2 hrs (began Velcro method)

6 hrs
400 Jelqs

7 hrs
400 Jelqs
BM (getting back to 6.2-6.5 expanded girth)

15 min BM

4/25/15 (started J1L’s cloth wrap-added the smallest bar)
BM 15 min.

8 hrs

7 hrs

8 hrs

0 hrs

8.5 hrs

145 hrs for April

BM 16 min

11 hrs

8 hrs
500 Jelqs


0 hrs

0 hrs

0 hrs

0 hrs

7.75 hrs

7 hrs

5 hrs

2 hrs

5 hrs

45.75 hrs for May

May has been a rough month for SG use. Law school finals, and a break due to traveling in Russia. I am getting back on the horse and will post the total hrs at the end of June. I want that 1” damnit, and I refuse to give up. I will make gains, and I will get that 7.5” or more.

I must point out that I gain girth easily like there’s no tomorrow, but I do not want that or BM use to impede my length goals. I hope enough brothers chime in to inform me that it has not impeded their length progress at all. When I was doing manuals and BM religiously, my flaccid hang was great. It was actually better than without it. The girth gains were rocking my girl’s world too. So you know what answer I am looking for—Bathmate won’t impede. Let’s see what the brothers have to say based only upon personal experience please. Thanks again brothers.
Great update and I think your routine looks good. I also can appreciate your desire to hold off on measuring and I look forward to when you do. Mainly I want to congratulate you on doing well in your LAW exams! That is amazing and you should be very proud. Love having you active here again and I hope to see big things in your future.
doublelongdaddy;648652 said:
Great update and I think your routine looks good. I also can appreciate your desire to hold off on measuring and I look forward to when you do. Mainly I want to congratulate you on doing well in your LAW exams! That is amazing and you should be very proud. Love having you active here again and I hope to see big things in your future.

DLD, thank you for the congratulations and compliment/response. It means a lot coming from you. Can you answer a SG question for me please? It is critical to gains I think. I see many guys state that they gain most at 600-900 grams tension. Well, I've managed to get a ridiculous amount of stretch with the cloth wrap. Probably above and beyond manuals. It is intense! For about an hour at a time (which was normal even at low tension for me). I stretch SOOOOOOOOOOOO hard, then secure into the SG (two long bars), then apply moderate tension. In fact my springs never decompress after securing my penis. It is intense, but holds very well thanks to the cloth wrap (thanks J1L).

Now, my question is: do you think I am better off with 600-900 and shortening my bars a bit? The prior bar setup required to extend fully to the point where threads were near being exposed. Personally, I see my super stretch as a constant, intense manual stretch in a way. What do you think? Better gains? Worse gains? No gains? I am looking for the optimum condition/setting for gains. Your input is more valuable than gold.

Also, any SG experienced gainers, feel free to chime in. Thanks my brothers.
Stretching at max tension is the best way to go and also increase the tension in every 30mins in a 1 hour session. I wear my SG for 4hours daily. 50mins or 40mins at a time and I increase the tension after 20mins in every 40mins session or after 25mins in every 50mins session. I have gained half inch in a month back in 2014 February. I have a progress log which you can checkout for motivation.
No wayyyyy! Wow! A half inch from only 120 hours. That is simply incredible. What else were you doing for your routine? I am on max tension, and do increase about the same-after 20 min or so. It's strange because my strapped in tension is so gnarly that the springs never expand out again. I still tighten though and get even more tension. Do you think that's ok? I am not really able to measure how many grams of tension, but I am getting one hell of a stretch!!!! If you made gains based on the same principle, I won't worry about grams. And If I don't gain in a month proportional to the time, I think I will drop a bar down and focus on tension grams. Now I need to check out your log for inspiration and learn from any subtle nuances. Thanks for the advice, it is greatly appreciated.
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Hey brothers, I’m dropping by again. Just to stay active on MOS and show some pics. Normally I would not even consider such a thing, but it will give a visual to my question about extending super hardcore upon fastening before tension is applied, and the issue or (hopefully) non-issue of my springs not retracting before applying tension. All in all I get an amazingly powerful stretch even before applying traction due to the cloth wrap. It looks a bit sloppy, but I was being lazy. A long day at the office. So to reiterate my question, what is the consensus on a very tight stretch vs. being concerned with a possible lesser stretch, but with spring tension lines showing or not showing? Meaning, you see that I am applying traction, but there is no real indication as to how much because no spring retraction after securing. In fact my dick looks spaghettified! Haha! A new term for the PE lexicon. I suppose that is why I provided a nearly erect photo. To save face and mitigate any thoughts about my temporary spaghettification.
Perhaps I am overly concerned with spring tension and only need to be focused on stretching. Without measuring my current erect length or flaccid, you can see my current stretch is about 7.25”, then 7.5” or more with traction applied. The last erect measurement I took was about 6” (I believe NBP) with my trusty soft measuring tape. What do you think guys? Impediment to gains? Or who gives a shit and stretch that cock HARD and gains will come?
Also, my X40 is sitting in the closet and I LOVED using it. My prior gains of approximately 1/4-1/2” I attribute to the Newbie Routine and my X-40. The X40 is not being used because I fear impeding my current aim of gaining length. I want your opinions brothers! Should I get back on the X40 horse? Even if for the sole purpose of BM Hardcore Stretches? Yes? No? Experienced gainers please respond. Despite the appearance of spaghettification, my girth is not at a bad starting point at approximately 5.25-5.5” depending on my level of stimulation. If I resume the BM, I know I can easily get to 6” girth in a short period of time. However, as mentioned herein, I DO NOT want to impede length gains in any way. Please opine on this issue if you have experience. I greatly appreciate it. Hell! I appreciate all of my brothers here anyways. MOS is the best!!!!!!!!!!!
As a token of my appreciation, I have attached an ass photo of one of the beautiful women I fucked in Russia. At least two of them were so fucking tight that it took some time to get in there. So awesome! She is platinum blonde with those beautiful Russian blue eyes you only see in Russians (and probably Ukrainians). You’ll note upon cursory research that most Russian girls are somewhere between 5’2” and like 5’7” maybe, and somewhere in between 110-140 lbs. No fat bitches like here in America that think their shit doesn’t stink and their vagina is made of gold. I mean literally I could not go more than two minutes without seeing another beautiful woman (usually multiple). The men there do not even bother to turn around and drool over them. I suppose they are desensitized to the overabundance of remarkably beautiful, sexy women. If you get a chance, go there, but travel with someone who speaks Russian, or know enough Russian to communicate adequately as in my case.They are so damn sexy with their accents. I taught this particular one to say big dick, but when she pronounced it, she said “beeg deeke.” When she was getting fucked, she would make this face that is hard to explain, but the positioning of her teeth kind of gave her this Claudia Schiffer look. I would ask her “do you like it?” She would reply “I lahv yure beeg deeke.” I don’t know how, but I fucked these Russian girls like 5-6 times a day. Perhaps it is the absence of GMO’s in their food and all the walking I did. By the way, DO NOT believe all the media BULLSHIT you see in the news. Lies, lies and more lies. Pure greed and politics. I digress, but trust me, I was there for work and my level of expertise is solid.
Anyways here are the pics. I will update my hours at the end of June.
dongswing;648769 said:
No wayyyyy! Wow! A half inch from only 120 hours. That is simply incredible. What else were you doing for your routine? I am on max tension, and do increase about the same-after 20 min or so. It's strange because my strapped in tension is so gnarly that the springs never expand out again. I still tighten though and get even more tension. Do you think that's ok? I am not really able to measure how many grams of tension, but I am getting one hell of a stretch!!!! If you made gains based on the same principle, I won't worry about grams. And If I don't gain in a month proportional to the time, I think I will drop a bar down and focus on tension grams. Now I need to check out your log for inspiration and learn from any subtle nuances. Thanks for the advice, it is greatly appreciated.

I was experiencing a very bad depression at that time and even when I was eating fatty food I still lose so much weight and reduced my fat pad so much. I didn't do any cardio exercises but my food intake was extremely minimal. My springs don't move as much as it used to do in the previous SG I had and I think it is because the new SG has a tension of 2800. After increasing the tension during the session, it's good to tighten the noose as it also increase tension as well, that's a good one there. I don't believe mainly in the tension gram, I believe the harder the stretch the more gains we will make. I believe in stretching at very high tension. And as each week goes by I increase the tension even further than the previous week. If you follow my technique, you will gain with the SG faster than following tension grams but my technique do come with discomfort though but no pain no gain.
huge-girth;648834 said:
I was experiencing a very bad depression at that time and even when I was eating fatty food I still lose so much weight and reduced my fat pad so much. I didn't do any cardio exercises but my food intake was extremely minimal. My springs don't move as much as it used to do in the previous SG I had and I think it is because the new SG has a tension of 2800. After increasing the tension during the session, it's good to tighten the noose as it also increase tension as well, that's a good one there. I don't believe mainly in the tension gram, I believe the harder the stretch the more gains we will make. I believe in stretching at very high tension. And as each week goes by I increase the tension even further than the previous week. If you follow my technique, you will gain with the SG faster than following tension grams but my technique do come with discomfort though but no pain no gain.

Thanks for the reply huge! Ok ok, sounds great. I will continue on my max stretch routine. My stretch is very, very intense. You might want to give the cloth wrap a try just to see if you like it, if nothing else. I do re-tighten the comfort strap too. My sessions are about an hour at a time. 95% of the time stretched downward, but I started alternating a set or two straight out and upward. I am looking forward to gains soon. Any advice on BM use during this length phase?
dongswing;648755 said:
DLD, thank you for the congratulations and compliment/response. It means a lot coming from you. Can you answer a SG question for me please? It is critical to gains I think. I see many guys state that they gain most at 600-900 grams tension. Well, I've managed to get a ridiculous amount of stretch with the cloth wrap. Probably above and beyond manuals. It is intense! For about an hour at a time (which was normal even at low tension for me). I stretch SOOOOOOOOOOOO hard, then secure into the SG (two long bars), then apply moderate tension. In fact my springs never decompress after securing my penis. It is intense, but holds very well thanks to the cloth wrap (thanks J1L).

Now, my question is: do you think I am better off with 600-900 and shortening my bars a bit? The prior bar setup required to extend fully to the point where threads were near being exposed. Personally, I see my super stretch as a constant, intense manual stretch in a way. What do you think? Better gains? Worse gains? No gains? I am looking for the optimum condition/setting for gains. Your input is more valuable than gold.

Also, any SG experienced gainers, feel free to chime in. Thanks my brothers.

Going an hour at that great intensity is the way to go. If you take a break every hour and continue with additional sets you will gain very quickly. The only time you should seek a lighter setting is during healing states after you have trained for gains. So after all the heavy work is done put on your SizeGenetics with a light setting to help you heal in an extended position. There are many other healing methods that can be found in the SRT is very smart to study that thread as it will give you a great education.
doublelongdaddy;648858 said:
Going an hour at that great intensity is the way to go. If you take a break every hour and continue with additional sets you will gain very quickly. The only time you should seek a lighter setting is during healing states after you have trained for gains. So after all the heavy work is done put on your SizeGenetics with a light setting to help you heal in an extended position. There are many other healing methods that can be found in the SRT is very smart to study that thread as it will give you a great education.

I definitely will. The only difference is I will be utilizing my Stealth instead of the UJW. Until now I was so preoccupied with the tension issue. But thinking about the SRT and your solid promise as to gains, I am going back to using X-40 and doing the Newbie Routine and LM for stretching as much as possible with my limited time. Thanks again DLD. You're the man!
dongswing;648844 said:
Thanks for the reply huge! Ok ok, sounds great. I will continue on my max stretch routine. My stretch is very, very intense. You might want to give the cloth wrap a try just to see if you like it, if nothing else. I do re-tighten the comfort strap too. My sessions are about an hour at a time. 95% of the time stretched downward, but I started alternating a set or two straight out and upward. I am looking forward to gains soon. Any advice on BM use during this length phase?

Do you have a link to where I can see a photo or an explanation about the cloth wrap?
Definitely! Look at the photo attachments given above on my posting made at 10:17 p.m. There's a bonus ass photo and Russian pussy story.
dongswing;648882 said:
Definitely! Look at the photo attachments given above on my posting made at 10:17 p.m. There's a bonus ass photo and Russian pussy story.

I've tried opening the attachment but they are not working.
huge-girth;648921 said:
I've tried opening the attachment but they are not working.

Hey Big! That's odd because they opened for we on my work computer. Unfortunately I deleted these photos from my phone soon after posting them. Here is the description, which I basically followed based on J1L's description. It's pretty straightforward. Get a cotton t-shirt. I used a plain white Hanes t-shirt. Cut a strip of it about 2" wide and 18" length. Wrap that puppy around your penis just below the glans. Let me know what you think after you try it. In my opinion, it is the best wrap yet. No slippage, none, zilch, nada, null...
dongswing;649409 said:

Whose ass is that in your avatar?
dongswing;649409 said:
Hey Big! That's odd because they opened for we on my work computer. Unfortunately I deleted these photos from my phone soon after posting them. Here is the description, which I basically followed based on J1L's description. It's pretty straightforward. Get a cotton t-shirt. I used a plain white Hanes t-shirt. Cut a strip of it about 2" wide and 18" length. Wrap that puppy around your penis just below the glans. Let me know what you think after you try it. In my opinion, it is the best wrap yet. No slippage, none, zilch, nada, null...

Thanks, I create my own wrap with a thick towel and I no longer experience slippage. Thanks man.
doublelongdaddy;649447 said:
Whose ass is that in your avatar?

Honestly, I do not know. I think I searched Google Images for like "big butt latin milf," or something like "big butt milf." I wish it were one of the asses I was tagging lately. Them big butt milfs with the curvy hips are kinda my thing. Ooooh and those hips! They're kind of a distance indicator of the ass that is on the other side. If I do run into extras of any girls like this, I'll send them your way DLD. Lol.
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