
Jun 8, 2017
Despite this being my first post here I started PE in 2014. Ever since then I've been unsure of my growth despite the pics I've taken along the way because I can never achieve 100% erection. I don't know if my initial gains are to be attributed to better EQ or actual lengthening. And so, whenever I want to measure BPEL, I can't get a reliable figure because I can't get fully erect. I can achieve dry orgasms so I don't think lack of power is the issue here.

Regarding my committment to PE I've been religiously practicing for one year (Apr 2014 to 2015) and all my gains (1cm BPEL or 0.4in for you imperial heathens, starting at 15cm/6in BPEL), due to better EQ or not, have taken place in the first three months of PE. After that, nothing.

As life obligations took their toll on my PE time, my faith began to waver due to insecurity with regards to my technique and perceived lack of progress, my committment to the cause also began to falter, starting a vicious circle of not gaining because not committed enough <-> not committed enough because not gaining. From Apr 2015 to Jul 2016 I practiced PE intermittently and I can understand that if even full commitment is sometimes not enough, lack of consistency won't get me anywhere either. That's entirely my fault.

Also during this period I developed a couple lumps under my foreskin close to the corona. The urologist simply stuck a needle in and sucked the crap away. So now they're much more spongy (they felt like marbles before) but they're still there. They never caused pain but they prompted me to take a step back on PE for a while.

Anyway, I took a long hiatus from Aug 2016 to Apr 2017 to sort my life out and finally came back to PE once again. As I always wonder if I'm doing these exercises right I looked for something that you couldn't do in a wrong way, especially in terms of devices. So I bought a Phallosan and I've been wearing that since May 4, 6 days on, 1 off, plus bundled stretches every break or so. Well, questions arise again. Is the tension too low to see any gains? Should the glans be all the way inside the bell? Should I pump until all air is sucked out of the bell and the glans looks like a giant mushroom inside the bell? Is it normal that I don't feel a darn thing, not even a small stretch, and that my flaccid length stays more or less the same after one day's session? What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?

I know that PE is supposed to be a marathon, not a sprint. And I have my share of faults here in that I've been inconsistent for a long time. But this not knowing if you're heading in the right direction, coupled with the fact that I can't get a solid erection to measure if my life depended upon it, makes PE more like a marathon where you don't even know if you are actually running anywhere.

So there is my frustration. I don't know if I've ever gained and I can't find a way to properly know. Needed a post to vent out a bit and see if that helped. Any directions to head towards to are more than welcome.

For the record, I'm 27, fit, non-smoker, rarely drink.

And here's my PE history. Every routine starts from base reps then gradually moving up (X reps -> Y reps).

- 2014/04/10 - 2014/08/30, 3 days on, 1 off
Warm up
Basic stretches, all directions (5 min)
Jelq (200 -> 400)
Kegels (3x20 -> 3x50)
Warm down
- 2014/08/31 - 2014/11/28, 3 days on, 1 off
Warm up
Squeezes (5 -> 37)
Side-to-side streches (150 -> 280)
Erect kegels (5 secs each, 5 reps -> 10 reps)
Start-and-stop (10 min)
Warm down
- 2014/11/30 - 2015/03/21
Warm up
R jelqs (800 -> 2100, 40 minutes)
Kegels (3x50 -> 3x50, 5 secs each)
Start and stops (15 min)
Warm down
- 2015/03/22 - 2015/04/27 - NO PE
- 2015/04/28 - 2015/05/10
Warm up
R jelqs (2400/35 mins -> 4000/55 mins)
Standard kegels (3x50, 5 sec per rep)
Start-and-stop (15 min)
Warm down
- 2015/05/11 - 2015/05/28 - NO PE
- 2015/05/29 - 2015/06/10 - light PE
- 2015/06/11 - 2015/07/20 - NO PE
- 2015/07/21 - 2015/09/22
Warm up
Standard jelqs (40, 3s pe rep -> 275, 3s per rep)
Stretches (10s each direction -> 30s each direction)
Kegels (3x20, 5s each -> 3x50, 5s each)
Start and stops
Warm down
- 2015/09/30 - 2015/10/30
Experimented a bit with hangers without too much success (pain, discolouration and such)
- 2015/10/31 - 2015/12/19 - NO PE
- 2015/12/20 - 2016/01/22
Warm up
Jelqs (300 reps)
Stretches (all directions, 30s each)
Hard kegels (5x3)
Edging (10 minutes)
Warm down
- 2016/01/23 - 2016/01/31 - NO PE
- 2016/02/01 - 2016/03/11
Warm up
Stretches (20s -> 40s)
Hard kegels (3x5)
Start and stops
Warm down
- 2016/03/12 -> 2016/06/15 - NO PE
- 2016/06/16 -> 2016/08/03
Warm up
Jelqs (300, 3s each -> 400, 3s each)
Stretches (30s -> 50s)
Kegels (3x30 -> 3x50)
- 2016/08/04 - 2017/05/03 - NO PE
- 2017/05/04 - Present (6 days on, 1 off)
10h Phallosan (291h so far, high green tension)
Bundle stretches after a break (twice a day) - 5 directions outwards, 3 downwards, 3 upwards, 10 secs each direction

Finally, here's a visual representation of my not-so-commendable committment history:
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Welcome Q! PE is an elusive mistress which requires 100% commitment to not only the physical process, but mentally as well. Being skeptical is natural/expected in what seems to be a combination of anecdotal information and witch-doctory, but I can attest to the fact that it works...and works well. Many struggle due to the incremental nature of gains and the fact that your mind doesn't want to let-go of what it 'knows'...the best combatant is to use empirical data to refute what your brain doesn't want to accept. I have The Bathmate X40 and Goliath models which have a stuck-on measuring gauge, (although not 100% accurate) that I use to monitor my progress, (my initial session 2 1/2 years ago showed 6 3/4", now I'm reaching past the 8 1/2" mark) so as much as my stubborn noodle wants to argue, I have visual proof.
Intensity is another factor that I have found important...I need to impart as much force as I can withstand for the duration of my sessions in order to 'feel' like I've made progress. If I'm not at least a little bit tender/sore, then I've not used enough suction/pull/squeeze/twist/whatever and need to 'ramp-up' the exercise.
Lastly, you still have your sense of humor intact which helps keeping your mind positive...make this journey as fun/exciting as possible, making gains is a truly magical experience.
Best of luck and congratulations for having the courage to post
Love that consistency chart. Mine was GREEN for 10 years :) Sometimes I still get green :)

Awesome advise from Big too ^^^^^
PE is an elusive mistress which requires 100% commitment to not only the physical process, but mentally as well. Being skeptical is natural/expected in what seems to be a combination of anecdotal information and witch-doctory, but I can attest to the fact that it works...and works well.

I don't doubt that it works. There's so much anecdotal evidence that, even if it is not yet rigorously backed by scientific inquiry, to dismiss this much information as nonsense would be nonsensical indeed. The trouble starts when everybody and their cat seems to be growing except you. You think maybe it's a matter of time, give it some more, but what if you're doing something wrong?, maybe you're heading towards the wrong direction?, maybe I should try something different? and so on.

I have The Bathmate X40 and Goliath models which have a stuck-on measuring gauge, (although not 100% accurate) that I use to monitor my progress, (my initial session 2 1/2 years ago showed 6 3/4", now I'm reaching past the 8 1/2" mark) so as much as my stubborn noodle wants to argue, I have visual proof.

I'm getting a Bathmate too as it seems there is positive synergy between that and the Phallosan.

Intensity is another factor that I have found important...I need to impart as much force as I can withstand for the duration of my sessions in order to 'feel' like I've made progress. If I'm not at least a little bit tender/sore, then I've not used enough suction/pull/squeeze/twist/whatever and need to 'ramp-up' the exercise.

I remember experiencing some soreness at the beginning of my PE experience. Now all I get is an overly-sensitized glans from the Phallosan. I never felt sore or fatigued and I did make sure to ramp up the number of reps or the intensity of the exercises (stretching, jelqing mostly) I performed. Again, I don't really know what I'm doing wrong here.

Love that consistency chart. Mine was GREEN for 10 years

It actually helped me visualize how consistent I've been throughout my PE experience. I already knew the answer was "eh, not much" but that lets you quickly see by how much. And it may help to motivate, seeing all green from now onwards. All I need is a direction (currently Phallosan + bundle stretches + Bathmate soon) to stick consistently to for a decent amount of time before saying "this direction doesn't work". I gave manual PE a year, said "this doesn't work" and then struggled to keep my consistency up.
Quetzalcoatl;732936 said:
It actually helped me visualize how consistent I've been throughout my PE experience. I already knew the answer was "eh, not much" but that lets you quickly see by how much. And it may help to motivate, seeing all green from now onwards. All I need is a direction (currently Phallosan + bundle stretches + Bathmate soon) to stick consistently to for a decent amount of time before saying "this direction doesn't work". I gave manual PE a year, said "this doesn't work" and then struggled to keep my consistency up.

As it should!
I got my Bathmate X30 yesterday and I tried getting the hang of it. Went in full flaccid and only used it for a few minutes for fear of going overboard. Maybe I was overly cautious but I didn't notice anything afterwards. It's also unclear how many times I should pump as after a few pumps my unit felt funny and I released some pressure, again for fear of doing something wrong.

I think I'll now attempt this routine:

- 10h Phallosan, high green tension [6 days on, 1 off]
- Bathmate, starting at 0% erection / 3 sets of 3 minutes each (to ramp up over time), massage in between sets [every other day]
- Bundled stretches one full rotation (best I can do), 20 seconds per direction, each direction, before wearing Phallosan and after every break (so roughly 4 times a day) [6 days on, 1 off]

I would've liked to include some expressive stretching in but as I tried doing that manually I'm not sure if I'm doing that right, as I'm barely stretching anything that way. Doing that with the BM requires a high erection level and that would be risky to attempt now with me having used the BM only once in my life so far.

Do the PE gods here have any remark on this routine? I'm all ears.
Sneakystretcher;733107 said:
What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow? Fucking hilarious!!!&#128516;

I'm glad I'm not the only one that lost it at the Monty Python reference lol.
cladre60;733121 said:
I'm glad I'm not the only one that lost it at the Monty Python reference lol.

I do not recall that scene, which Monty movie?
Quetzalcoatl;733118 said:
I got my Bathmate X30 yesterday and I tried getting the hang of it. Went in full flaccid and only used it for a few minutes for fear of going overboard. Maybe I was overly cautious but I didn't notice anything afterwards. It's also unclear how many times I should pump as after a few pumps my unit felt funny and I released some pressure, again for fear of doing something wrong.

I think I'll now attempt this routine:

- 10h Phallosan, high green tension [6 days on, 1 off]
- Bathmate, starting at 0% erection / 3 sets of 3 minutes each (to ramp up over time), massage in between sets [every other day]
- Bundled stretches one full rotation (best I can do), 20 seconds per direction, each direction, before wearing Phallosan and after every break (so roughly 4 times a day) [6 days on, 1 off]

I would've liked to include some expressive stretching in but as I tried doing that manually I'm not sure if I'm doing that right, as I'm barely stretching anything that way. Doing that with the BM requires a high erection level and that would be risky to attempt now with me having used the BM only once in my life so far.

Do the PE gods here have any remark on this routine? I'm all ears.

You'll attain the best results by achieving as close to 100% EQ and then entering our BM...it's wise to let your body inure, so 3X3X3 is a good starting point
Holy Grail.


You'll attain the best results by achieving as close to 100% EQ and then entering our BM

I tried the 3x3x3 today and here are my observations:
- I could only attain around 75% EQ and that implied jerking off for a couple minutes prior to every BM set;
- I get better suction without the comfort pad;
- As I start pumping my glans hurts after the second or third pump;
- The erection is gone once I remove the BM;
- Flaccid seems same as before usage.

So yeah, maybe I'm not used to the pressure but seeing all the positive comments and reactions even after the first usage, I got a tad too optimistic. I'll keep using it hoping that my unit gets used to the feeling.
Quetzalcoatl;733185 said:

I tried the 3x3x3 today and here are my observations:
- I could only attain around 75% EQ and that implied jerking off for a couple minutes prior to every BM set;
- I get better suction without the comfort pad;
- As I start pumping my glans hurts after the second or third pump;
- The erection is gone once I remove the BM;
- Flaccid seems same as before usage.

So yeah, maybe I'm not used to the pressure but seeing all the positive comments and reactions even after the first usage, I got a tad too optimistic. I'll keep using it hoping that my unit gets used to the feeling.

You'll get used to the suction. The first few times I used it I could barely get to where the bellows were fully compressed. Months later the first few pumps are still a WOW moment but once that subsides everything feels fine. I'm starting to think about doing the Wine Vac mod for more suction.
Whoops, submitted post too soon....

You're gonna look all sorts of funky coming out of the Bathmate. I've had sessions where the base of my penis is like a super huge tree trunk, I've had some where from my circumcision scar to the glans was super puffy, I've had little red dots everywhere, you'll be flaccid but very large, all of these things can and will happen. You'll return to normal after a number of hours (sometimes it's taken 16 hours or so for me).
Clad's correct, The BM will feel very strange/tingly/intense as your body begins to get used to the forces placed upon it. After a couple of weeks of usage, you'll laugh at the amount you're able to withstand and start looking for ways to up-the-ante...this is where the wine-mod comes into play. Next you'll be looking to upgrade to a bigger pump :)
Big Schwanz Acht;733197 said:
Clad's correct, The BM will feel very strange/tingly/intense as your body begins to get used to the forces placed upon it. After a couple of weeks of usage, you'll laugh at the amount you're able to withstand and start looking for ways to up-the-ante...this is where the wine-mod comes into play. Next you'll be looking to upgrade to a bigger pump :)

Very good reply. Everything in PE, particularly the tools take time to master. Understand that many came before you who went through the same process. PE has a learning curve.
All your replies seem to underline the same concept, i.e. "you'll get used to it". Indeed it seems so, as I'm able to withstand a little more pressure now, so I guess that'll become the norm.

What I can't wrap my head around yet is the erection thing. Even provided you enter the BM fully erect, how do you keep it that way? Mine just goes flaccid after a few seconds.
Quetzalcoatl;733464 said:
All your replies seem to underline the same concept, i.e. "you'll get used to it". Indeed it seems so, as I'm able to withstand a little more pressure now, so I guess that'll become the norm.

What I can't wrap my head around yet is the erection thing. Even provided you enter the BM fully erect, how do you keep it that way? Mine just goes flaccid after a few seconds.

All of us had to "get used to it" and I, after 16 years, still need to get used to new tools or exercise. But, as I have myself, you will be able to master this.
Quetzalcoatl;733464 said:
All your replies seem to underline the same concept, i.e. "you'll get used to it". Indeed it seems so, as I'm able to withstand a little more pressure now, so I guess that'll become the norm.

What I can't wrap my head around yet is the erection thing. Even provided you enter the BM fully erect, how do you keep it that way? Mine just goes flaccid after a few seconds.

Keep thinking about sex.

Watch �naked people movies� (if you're okay with that, some people aren't).

I try to get at least halfway pumped really quick so the suction keeps me near erect. I do my kegels in the BM so I'm forcing and keeping blood in my penis. I did watch some �naked people movies� the other day during a BM session. If kept me fully erect, I was hitting a new length in the BM, and I was freaking HUGE when I got out of it. There was a lot of water retention in just a 15 minute session but still, I was damn big. I know Girth program (SRT 5x5x3) will help with the water retention but I'm rarely able to do that.
Erections are very easy with Viagra. Generic Viagra is very inexpensive now, about 70 cents per session.
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