
Mar 3, 2010
Hi all,

I've read so many things on this forum and �other PE site� that inspired and helped that I believe I am in debt of sharing my own story thus ending my lurking ways.

Ever since adolescence I've been in the awkward position of being a tall,well built man with desirable facial features-in one word a good looking bloke with a small penis-12 cm to be exact in length and what I think is average girth(my penis looks fat).Being circumcised the worse I look is when flaccid and the first time I've realized was when taking a shower after a football game when I was 14.

Of course I've suffered through insecurities that little by little made me resolute in not letting this issue from living my life.Thus I've decided I will always try to be with the girls I like without fearing the worst. Surprisingly I've had an unexpectedly good run..Until 18 I've already slept with 6 women,not 1 of them ever complained about my size.I'm sure I've manage to make at least 2 orgasm which to be honest wasn't half bad.
Afterward I've jumped into a more long term relationship with my ex girlfriend that lasted 1 year in which we had mad sex.5 times a day at times and I came to realization that what I've missed in size I made up for in amazing erection function,thus nature struck a balance.

Unfortunately,after I broke with her I had a bit of a depression fueled by my worse nightmare becoming through.One night I was quite a bit drunk and one of the more sluttier type of girls made a pass on me.I've stepped up to the challenge thinking it would be a great opportunity to have a rebound but disaster struck.While in bed,because of the alcohol I've had a floppy cock that really looks small she made a funny comment,night got ruined and then told of her girlfriends which put me in the most humiliating situation for a guy that looks like me that has the appearance of a stud.

Nontheless,I didn't let that be the end of me.Life went on,I've changed my image to a more funny guy making jokes about my penis size and making a point that I don't care-if both me and the girl I'm with can have fun that's great if not I'm taking what's mine and I'm gonna be happy with it.
But secretly I discovered this answer to my problem.It was supposed to be Penis Enlargement that just required me to be ambitious-something I'm really good at,a bit careful and will change my life completely.
I've noticed immidiate gains in girth which made me rocket through to the sky.Bought a Penis Enlargement extension device and starting hammering away.

In the end 6 months ago I was faced with a broken dick.Size gains went away after only 3 weeks of pause,had a little scar on my dick from the traction device,pubic hair advanced halfway through to my dick(from puling it everytime I've stretched maybe),had veins showing all over my cock and sensitivty was at an all time low a HUUUUUGE issue for circumcised penises,made me want to have only unprotected sex.It all culminating with me trying it with another girl and for the very first time in my life not achieving an erection!!!!!Boy did I feel fucked with only myself to blame.

This should be my story with the sad end with a worry that I may have broken a vessel in my dick that rendered me half-impotent.But it's not.After some research I decided to give one final try at getting my dick back to normal.

I've stopped watching �naked people movies�(made me get horny only at extreme hardcore sex).I've stopped masturbating.Started running,going to the gym,eating a very controlled diet with brocolli,grean tea,other vegetables and tea every single day.When I did masturbate I did it with a condom using only my imagination and pushed the limit of how little I could touch myself to make myself orgasm.I took 1/4 of an aspirin for 2 weeks to cure my thrombosed vein.
And guess what..In the end it WORKED.Nerves regenerated.I am back at 90% the erection levels I had before and can get a stiffy only by imagination.I am ready to have sexual intercourse again...
I guess everybody should take their own moral from this story,I'm not saying Penis Enlargement doesn't work or that it is dangerous but for me it made me stare at the edge of the cliff,almost ruining my life.
My storyis especially directed at the less then average bloke that fears to be judged by the world,I assure you sex can be had and women can thoroughly enjoy it.You can make up even for 3 inches less then a big dick by rock hard erection,endurance and care for your sexual partner!Don't consider yourself pushed into a corner by today's dick size obsessed society fueled by �naked people movies� that gives the impression every other guy has an 8 incher.

In fact I'm going to ask you guys if you think Penis Enlargement can be done in safe way with no sensitivity and erection level loss.I am tempted to try again with no traction devices(that I think was the worst it made my penis hurt and scarred it) just by jelqing,stretching and doing kegels.

Kind Regards,
First of all, thank you very very much for this thread! It was really good to read your story, I think you are a good example for people who don't want to take these "risks" - and that is awesome! I wouldn't say that size isn't important (otherwise I weren't here and working so hard on it), but it's like 5% of the whole man. More important is the character and how you handle your size, what do you want to do with a 10" penis if you can't get it hard, or if you always want to go "balls deep" ? It's worthless... I think Penis Enlargement is so much more than enlarging your penis (although it's called Penis enlargement) - or it's probably a "MOS thing", I can't tell you because I'm nowhere else registered ;) ) . It's more a mental thing, where you learn to control yourself and more about your penis.

In fact I'm going to ask you guys if you think Penis Enlargement can be done in safe way with no sensitivity and erection level loss.I am tempted to try again with no traction devices(that I think was the worst it made my penis hurt and scarred it) just by jelqing,stretching and doing kegels.
I believe that there isn't a safe or unsafe way to do a Penis Enlargement exercise. It's all about you. If you do the exercises intense, regardless what exercises you do, then it's good for you because you will gain fast and safe. If you do the exercises rough, by that I mean a. no warm-up b. very fast and jerky movements combined with unusual strength, you will probably injure yourself. You know, you have to give your penis time to grow, AND ALWAYS TAKE IT EASY! If you feel like you can't or don't want workout, then just don't do it, better no workout than an injury by carelessness.

About the sensitivity I also have a question. Is it better to stretch with the foreskin pulled back, like gripping the head directly from beneath, or to stretch with the foreskin? Because I have the feeling that if I grip directly from beneath, I get very fast sore and that might damage my nervs, but on the other hand, if I stretch with the skin the stretch isn't by far as intense as without skin. I know this might not answer your question, because you are circumcized and I'm sorry for this, but I didn't want to start a whole new thread for only one question :).

To get rid of that stretch mark shouldn't be a problem I think. DLD mentions a cream in a thread that helps to make it disappear. Don't know about the hair, some say you can pluck it, but only the thought of it makes me hurt "down there". I would suggest you to shave regulary in the pubic region and/or to laser it. If you don't want to laser it, then try a cream - that may also work.

If you want to start again with a good Penis Enlargement routine, then I highly recommend you the Basic Routine of DLD. I thank more than the half of my gains to it and I can reassure you, it's easy, healthy and you'll get a bigger penis very soon if you do the exercises on a regular basis.
Take care !
Good story, I'm glad you're ok now.
In my opinion, an extender can be a double-edged blade.
It can produce fast length gains combined with a possible risk of injuring the penis.
Therefore the user has to wear it with caution.
Believe me, not everyone will fully recover from injuries...
Thanks guys,

First of all I wish there would be a way to edit my first post to clear up the atrocious grammar-being a non native English speaker while also on the run makes one heck of a combination when trying to tell a story.
And I agree with both of you in saying it's up to me to avoid getting penis injuries.Indeed when I embarked on this journey,it was a very well thought decision taken only after exhausting all information I could gather.I knew it had some risks and it would be something that takes time and now I think I'm ready to try it again.

I'm sure I could do the jelqing and stretching for the rest of my life if that's what it takes to have an average penis.Back in the day I extended my productivity by reading,listening to audio books,music watching movies so it never got boring.As for the extender(I've used Penimaster),it's just to much of a hassle from my pov.It made me feel great,like I was improving my penis 24/7,I was pondering on ways to sleep with it as that would be the be all end all method of Penis Enlargement.But after staring at a limp dick for the better part of the last 3 months I'm never gonna risk doing that again.

Being circumcised is indeed a horrible thing.Sometimes my mind strays away and I start thinking maybe the penis trauma from the operation retarded my normal growth pattern.Or what am I missing from all those nerve cells that are gone on that foreskin.But they are foolish questions that serve no real purpose and at least I have my frenulum intact that feels pretty good to the touch.Sex overall feels great,I can go for ages sometimes thanks to my less sensitive dick while other times I can cum in 3 minutes and most importantly an orgasm is and always will be an orgasm.
For pubic hair that grows on almost 1/3 of my penis I always shave it.I hope that doesn't have another detrimental effect on sensitivity,think not since the base of the penis is the least important part.

And last of all believe me I thought I will NEVER recover from my injury.I could only get a hard on by watching hardcore �naked people movies� and felt next to nothing when masturbating ending in a bad orgasm to end that misery.After the no show with the girl I've told you about I wanted to slam my head to the walls as hard as I could believing I'm done.I've spent the next months,flirting with girls coming up with the craziest stories for not taking them home for a shag, even had a 2 week run with a girl that was a virgin-had to pretend I wanted to have sex with her.I can laugh at it now but back then it was just too sad.Right now as I've said I'm at 90% I get an imidiate hard on if I kiss a girl,can cum by masturbating with a condom on,I'm definately ready to get back in the game.And who knows with a great diet,by doing sports and taking good care of my Penis Enlargement habits I might achieve the much elusive "Average Dick".
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Your story sounds alot like mine and I let it cost me many many years off my love life due to the embarrassment of being a tall, muscular guy with a small one. I didnt break thru it until my early 30's. In my teens and 20's I turned down a lot of sex due to this embarrassment. It's been years of off and on work mostly in the last 3-4 yrs or so but I've managed to get myself to 6 1/4 and am on my way to at least 7". Prior to reaching even this size I've noticed the same thing. I've dated some pretty desirable women and all have been very understanding. Just be confident and most women will enjoy sex with you even if you feel you have less than adequate size.

You just cant let it hold you back and keep you from living your life like I did. I'm in my 40's now and know the following to be the case with women. Whatever your hang up about your physical appearance, there are a lot of women that just dont care as long as you display personality. They simply are not driven in the same way as men by physical appearance.

Your story struck a chord. Just thought I'd throw this out there for the younger guys struggling with this and other complexes.

My personal opinion on your Penis Enlargement is if you feel you want to try and grow, just go slow and steady. No need to push yourself to the point of injury. As you slowly grow the change in your confidence is well worth the effort. There are 50 and 60 year olds still working deligently on Penis Enlargement. Just think what you could accomplish by then.
Desant;373107 said:
Of course I've suffered through insecurities that little by little made me resolute in not letting this issue from living my life.Thus I've decided I will always try to be with the girls I like without fearing the worst. Surprisingly I've had an unexpectedly good run..Until 18 I've already slept with 6 women,not 1 of them ever complained about my size.I'm sure I've manage to make at least 2 orgasm which to be honest wasn't half bad.
Afterward I've jumped into a more long term relationship with my ex girlfriend that lasted 1 year in which we had mad sex.5 times a day at times and I came to realization that what I've missed in size I made up for in amazing erection function,thus nature struck a balance.

5 times a day... I remember those days (only been 2 yrs haha)... Now I go once and its like damn, I need a break

OK guys this is turning into some sort of a fairytale.Last Friday I got a phone call from a girl I knew a year before,said she'd be in my city for the weekend with some affairs to attend to.Asked me if we wanted to meet in a conversation that abounded with sexual innuendo.My brain melt, here she was-the test I needed,no strings attached golden opportunity to check my dick's progress.

So,after a night out of NO drinks other then a nice cup of tea,there she was lying in the bed-we're getting steamed up,I take extra care with the foreplay,had the condom waiting by the bedside but one shocking revelation surfaces : says she's on the pill.By that moment I'm gathering myself from the floor awe struck and bewildered,I notice that my erection just got even bigger,thus I lube my penis with a bit of saliva and start making sex in missionary.First thing I notice:I wanted to cum and fast!!I use some kegels to stop that from happening chance position and take some breaks.I still come pretty rapidly(which is an amazing feat for me,when my penis was broken I had to rub my nipples or something to achieve an orgasm).
During the span of the next 24 hours we had sex in virtually all position,I rejoiced by the fact that I can penetrate a skinny petite girl from any position AND she ORGASMED.I could feel her over my body as her heart was racing to presto tempo-I ever had.I had 2 orgasms,she had 3.Ohh and she said her last boyfriend made her hurt,which WAS the most OVERT compliment toward my less then average penis I had in my LIFE.
Took a shower together too,didn't mind my small flaccid one bit...
This was the coup de grace I've needed and here are my conclusions:
1.Circumcised sex can be amazing.Unprotected,it feels like the rightest thing in the world,like I'm not missing on anything and the fact that I can lost longer then the uncircumcised bloke makes it more likely I can pleasure my partner well enough.
2.Kegels are amazing for erections quality.I can attribute my newfound erections mostly to the kegels I did for a while.
3.Nutriton and sports are just as good.I'm hitting the gym,swimming,running eating at fixed hours the best meals I can afford,sleep 8 hours-and it makes ALL the difference.
4.�naked people movies� might be bad for erections(for me at least).It distorted my view of how sex is supposed to be,made it overly visual and violent(especially hard gonzo these days),instead of concentrating on the feeling and sensuality of shagging.
5.I'm going through with Penis Enlargement-ing.Taking it slow,trusting how I feel,all natural,loads of warming up-warming down.If I see anything going south erection level wise I will cease and desist immediately.

Gonna measure myself and keep this thread updated with the progress I make in my life in size and in bed.
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Good for you! The mind is so powerful and it looks like you are on your way to mastering it.
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