
Jan 4, 2011
Hi Guys,

my name is Tobi and I am a german man of 20 years (so sorry for my bad english :s). I’m into the Penis Enlargement scene for a long time (maybe a year or so), but haven’t posted here yet.
I started my routine with the Jelqs and slowly incorporated Clamps, using a long, thin gasket ring, that I reverted two times.

Now my problem: maybe 10 - 12 weeks ago, I was clamping and wrapped the ring around my dick. As the pressure became to hard (but not painful !), I attempted to strip it off. It worked finally, but the thing is, that the gasket ring was stuck for a few minutes (maybe 2 – 3), so I couldn’t strip it any further towards the gland. This may sound dramatic, but I hadn’t any pain, bulge, discoloration, just a slight discomfort (as you can imagine >:().

Since this day, it seems to me, that I have a dent in my cavernous body (just were the ring was). Funnily enough, my left cavernous body is fine, maybe because it is / was a bit harder than the right one, bearing up the pressure of the ring better.
This part of my right cavernous body won’t get as stiff as it once was, since that day, giving my penis always a kind of “instability”. Only when I get a full erection, the cavernous body gets relatively hard (= maybe 90 % as it once was) again and the penis is relatively stable.
Anyhow, I don’t have any pain, albeit I feel a slight pain / discomfort since a few days. But I guess, that’s because I now worry serious about my penile health, always scanning the right cavernous body for noticeable problems etc. One can’t see the injury directly, but in my impression, I can feel, that something isn’t as it once was (but maybe I’m just getting nuts and imagine to feel something >:(). It is hard to describe, but it feels like a kind of scar in the cavernous body, but I am not sure, if that is normal, as I have it also on the left (healthy !) cavernous body.

To be honest, I currently have problems with my erection anyway, because of excessive �naked people movies� use / masturbation, single-life since 2 years etc. … (different topic). Maybe the whole problem was impaired due to violent and often masturbation (oftentimes with nearly flabby dick) and maybe, it would get better, if I go easy on my penis for several weeks (no �naked people movies�, no masturbation).

You may ask, why I don’t visited a doctor, since then. Well, first it was very embarrassing for me. Second, I didn’t considered it a serious problem and thought, the body would heal itself. Last not least, I was unsure, about the effect of my �naked people movies� addiction and the erectile dysfunction caused by it, on this issue.

Do you know similar cases ? What is your experience: is there any chance for betterment ? It may be, that the cavernous body got a little injury, which scarred, but otherwise, I could try some things, helping it to heal. Such as:

- reduced �naked people movies� use / masturbation
- pc muscle training (I only done it intermittent, so far)
- maybe exercises for the blood circulation, such as skipping etc.

My idea is, that the reduced �naked people movies� use / masturbation and the pc muscle training will dramatically strengthen my erection. As a result, the cavernous body would get better blood flow (nutrients, oxygen) and a better expansion, which maybe could lead to a effect similar to “bagging”.

What would be your suggestions in this case ? I would greatly appreciate any comments.

PS: at the latest in February, I’m gonna see a doctor, if it won’t get better.

Thanks in advance for your help and best wishes.

Hey Tobi, It sounds like you may be making more of this than it is. I can imagine the fear you may have had in this stressful experience and the mind, as a safety precaution, will most likely hold back a bit on the erection quality. Just realize you are ok and stick with normal jelqing and stretching for now until eq is returned to normal. The dent will work it's way back to normal.
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