
Aug 24, 2006
Well, I have finally decided to take a serious try at ballooning from Dr. Lin. His site is Sexual Orgasm Reseach Center - the Lin Institute

This has been my second day of a thirty minute exercise. Unfortunately I have ejaculated at the end of both of them, but I know why. Dr. Lin says it's a big no-no to touch the "trigger zones" (http://actionlove.com/image/fig6-17b.jpg) which are basically the 3/4 upper part of the CC and the entire CS (underside of penis).

What you want to do is massage the very base of the penis, the "inner penis" on the SIDES ONLY, which stimulates only the lower part of the CC chambers. What I have been doing is using my forefinger and middle finger to massage these parts, as it is VERY easy to keep a hardon and VERY relaxing. I get bliss from meditating on my root chakra, what he calls "anal breathing."

I noticed that at the end of the session, I touched my "trigger zone", which is the CS, and IMMEDIATELY I shot off a load. When you are ballooning, your penis feels like it is expanding into a new "ghost shell" of a penis, which is much bigger than your current erection. It feels like it is actively growing into that size. It is unbelievable, I used to think this stuff was impossible or bullshit, now I realize it's neither. I will continue to do this every freakin day for a long time. This is one exercise I can truly never miss out on, 30 minutes a day, no lube, and I love meditating, so this is a great exercise for me.

I will no longer be touching my CS after I am done with the exercise, as both times I have immediately popped. It's amazing, you have a 100% erection like when you are JUST about to cum, only you can last forever with stimulating the non-trigger zones. It makes the body think it's going to cum but you never really have the urge, although you do have to stop for a few seconds now and then because it gets really intense.

After the exercise my inner penis feels really expanded and tingly. It feels like it has been literally blown up. Also, I get that pressure all in my internal penis, it's similar to clamping. This stuff is unreal, I can't wait to try tomorrow when I won't cum. I can't wait.
Interesting, Ive read Lin's stuff before but never really took the time to figure it out. Id really like to see how far you get with this balloning stuff!

Good work 10" !
So basically when your ballooning, you shouldn't clamp off around the upper shaft and head, but rather the base?

The site is alot of info, alot to digest in one sitting, something I'm definetly interesting in though.
blackice said:
So basically when your ballooning, you shouldn't clamp off around the upper shaft and head, but rather the base?

The site is alot of info, alot to digest in one sitting, something I'm definetly interesting in though.

You shouldn't clamp off at all. Just stimulate the sides of the extreme base (CC chambers).
hey man can you post a link to ballooning, or directions?
tried looking on his site and its a whirlwind of crap!!
thanks for the link. I checked it out and it was very good. I have been into edging but I have not been doing it quite right. I did it the way it talked aboiut here and oh man yes it was great. everytime I would almost come I would go limp then start again but everytime by cock was bigger. after the 5th time my shaft was almost as big as my head and my head is a lot bigger than my shaft normaly. I had no understanding of the hormone factor before and now I realise that you have to get close to comming if you want to make your penis bigger.
Yo 10inchadvantage,

That's amazing that you posted this because I looked into this a while back and never really settled into it. I decided to go ahead and purchase his book and supplements (Via Growth 3) after being impressed by how thorough the information he provides on his website is. When I first heard about the actionlove website, it was accompanied by a discouraging sentiment from one of the members here who said he didn't trust the info on the site. I didn't understand why this was the case, but I shortly found out why. After feasting on detailed info on the site for hours I came across a segment of info that almost made me loose my fuckin lunch. Allot of what Mr. Lin discusses has to do with the intricacies of biochemistry and physiology (which is why I loved the info so much) by using things found in nature to enhance/manipulate one's biochemistry with reference to sexual activity. Most of the things he mentions and recommends are herbs, however, you may stumble across a passage where he discusses receiving these things from animals. [This particular passage grossed me out and I didn't look at the website again for about a year. However, the more I thought about things and compared my knowledge of the subject with the info on the site, it was impossible for me to ignore how accurate the information was. I had to come to realize this major thing.... Some cultures (especially areas in the Orient, Africa, and Mountain Regions) have very taboo practices that Western cultures may find repulsive, however, these practices may be surprisingly effective (medical anthropology has documented many of these things).]

I decided to give things a go, because I realized that I may have overly masturbated my penis (just as many of us have) and not realized it. I also came understand the importance of erection angle with triggering vaginal orgasms. This is seen in �naked people movies�. I'm a fan of scenes where the girl has real orgasms, therefore I noticed the difference in the authenticity of the reactions from the girls who where with guys that had high erection angles versus those who where with the average guys in �naked people movies� (whose erection is parallel to the floor while standing).

Long-story-short, I got the supplements, practiced holding back my ejaculation to rejuvenate my penis, and practiced ballooning. I never got around to reading the entire book, which is very detailed, and got a bit to busy to stick with it. However, I noticed exactly what 10inchadvantage did when I was able to do the technique correctly. My member swelled tremendously (110%), but I always ended up ejaculating when I touched the sensitive areas (which felt great btw). I can attest for the efficacy of his ballooning method, however I didn't do things long enough to receive any sustainable gains. I'm quite sure this will result in them though, because the same thing is being done through supplementation and ballooning as is being discussed in the chemical pe threads here. I remember being alarmed because my erection swelled to the point where was I afraid of tearing the skin underneath my glans. I was absolutely amazed, and I had not really practice and meditated with the method much. My approach was definitely half-assed.

I plan on getting back at it, but I need to make sure I can stay serious with it. My biggest problem was with getting a spontaneous erections, and resisting the temptation to release myself and ejaculate because it felt so damn good!

10inchadvantage, how do you go about achieving a spontaneous erection (which is needed) when you balloon? Any detail would be greatly appreciated. I'll be checking back with this thread often because this is something that I'm excited about and have a bit of experience with.
I use my hand to get a "spontaneous" erection. I've been thinking of doing like a 10 minute warm up of ballooning, with 30 minutes of jelqing, with some more ballooning, then pumping, etc, just to see what happens.
Okay, 10...I have read the link and the data but as you said in a PM he doesn't give a detailed explaination of how to do the Balooning. Would you put it down the way you do it and are having the success.

Busyrand, you can chime in and give details too, so we will know how to get this 110% erection that will almost blow us. I believe also that there is great advantage in getting this super hard erection and holding it. This is where we might get through some plateau's we have made. So, help us out. Take some time and write it out in detail, please. Thanks. GS
German Stallion said:
Okay, 10...I have read the link and the data but as you said in a PM he doesn't give a detailed explaination of how to do the Balooning. Would you put it down the way you do it and are having the success.

Busyrand, you can chime in and give details too, so we will know how to get this 110% erection that will almost blow us. I believe also that there is great advantage in getting this super hard erection and holding it. This is where we might get through some plateau's we have made. So, help us out. Take some time and write it out in detail, please. Thanks. GS

Ditto. Please.
German Stallion said:
Okay, 10...I have read the link and the data but as you said in a PM he doesn't give a detailed explaination of how to do the Balooning. Would you put it down the way you do it and are having the success.

Busyrand, you can chime in and give details too, so we will know how to get this 110% erection that will almost blow us. I believe also that there is great advantage in getting this super hard erection and holding it. This is where we might get through some plateau's we have made. So, help us out. Take some time and write it out in detail, please. Thanks. GS

Ok, from my memory of reading through his crappy posts, I think you stimulate the bottom of the CCs, where the penis literally goes into the body. It's pretty deep down there in the ass area. You are supposed to meditate on the pleasure in this area, and not to focus on trigger areas (CS and glans, upper CC).

Just massage that area with two fingers, or a finger and thumb. You should feel hormones rush up your penis, it feels amazing, something I don't normally get during regular erections, feels like a kid again or something.

I really think that doing these can help lead to permanent growth from girth and length exercises. The problem is taking 30 minutes out of your day to do something with lesser known effects, whereas jelqing, etc, has been repeatedly proven.
No problem fellahs... It's important to understand a bit of theory so that you can make sense of what is really going on, and how ballooning is intended to work using Dr. Lin's model.

Here is the way I came to understand it (no pun intended... wait maybe a little bit:p ). When we become excited, a cascade of chemical signals are released into the penile chambers and glans to cause the penis to swell. One of the most important chemicals in that process is prostaglandin-1 (abbreviated as PGE-1). PGE-1 allows tissue to become relaxed, pliable, and thus enables expansion.

The instructions I saw stressed the importance of achieving a spontaneous erection (an erection that occurs without any physical stimulation [i.e. don't beat-off to get the woody]). The erection must be spontaneous in order to balloon the way Dr. Lin describes because PGE-1 is released into the penis at a high concentration when you achieve a spontaneous erection without touching the penis. [IMPORTANT: Understanding this was the turning point in my understanding of the efficacy of Dr. Lin's method. The erections that you achieve through physical manipulation are of a noticeably lesser quality than those erects that you achieve spontaneously. If you don't already know this just try a little experiment and achieve an erection through manipulation. Make sure you release the erection and get a good mental picture of it. Then, some other time put on some kinky, intense, �naked people movies� scene that you can never make it through and just sit there. Allow the erection to build naturally. Take a mental note of how much more engorged the spontaneous erection is. The glans and shaft will be much more engorged than before with the manipulated erection. You will notice this increased engorgement even when the erection level may not be as full as the manual erection. The difference in the engorgement has to do with fact that the spontaneous erection has a larger amount of PGE-1 present.] If you are unable to achieve a spontaneous erection (don't feel bad cuz I couldn't), this is likely because you either have an overly masturbated penis or may be experiencing some form of erectile dysfunction. This is why I purchased the supplements meant to rejuvenate the penis naturally, and laid off of wanking for a while.... it took some time but I got back to my teenage form and was able to get spontaneous erections again. I've seen issues of whether or not masturbation affects pe'ing, but I never chimed in with my opinion on the topic. From my own experience, masturbation accompanied by ejaculation negatively affects my penis size and erection level (this is also consistent with what is taught through Taoism and Tantra).

Once the spontaneous erection was achieved, I massaged the top of the penis at the base and sides to further excitation almost to the point of ejaculating. While doing this, I tightened my upper abs and breathed deeply (expanding my belly with each inhaled breath, forcing the breathe down into my pubic region... Just try inhaling deeply and holding/forcing that breathe into your pubic region till you feel as if you bladder is filling).

Do not let yourself ejaculate. You are essentially edging while only restricting touch to the areas mentioned above and in previous posts. The instant I held back ejaculation, my penis swelled greatly (the pressure build-up feels fantastic). I also noticed, after getting to this point, my glans and penis would expand as I inhaled deeply into my pubic area, and would lessen as I exhaled (pretty cool to witness).... it was kinda like blowing up a balloon.

The goal is to repeat this process, edging as described above for about 5 or more times continually.... I guess it would be anywhere from 15 to 30 minutes. Every time the penis reaches climax, and ejaculation is withheld, PGE-1 and other beneficial biochemical substances rush into the penis and allow for further expansion. When I did it right, I produced a beautifully engorged, sturdy erection. In fact, I got scared that I was going to tear my frenulum due to all of the sudden expansion.

I'm sure there is something that I left out, but that is the jist of what I did. As I said, I didn't dedicate as much consistent effort to this just yet so I am a long way away from being an authority on the matter. You guys should buy the book if you want to learn more... it's pretty cheap, around twenty bucks if I remember correctly (and it is jam packed with info... although the video files are pretty cheesy).

I'm interested in hearing more of a complete description from 10inchadvantage so I can see where to improve because I didn't fully understand what I was doing.

If I am correct, the method 10inchadvantage described did not involve getting a spontaneous erection. If you like what you've experience thus far, then try it with starting off with a spontaneous erection! You'll definitely see a difference!
Excellent work :clap: most important thing is that you get used to it as a every night session, not as work but more like penis massage and penis health exercises. Benefits are incredible, im doing it way before i discover Penis Enlargement. Well done
I'll try getting a spontaneous erection. I don't see why a manual erection wouldn't work, as both times when I did it for a full 30 minutes, meditating and such, it felt like my penis was going to explode. Something must be working either way, I guess.
You know what, I thought about that a bit and it is possible that you would still achieve the same or similar results after about 30 minutes or so because those chemical signals are showered into the penis whenever you hold back your ejaculation. I guess it would just be much more beneficial have those chemical signals in your penis from the start. It would probably also benefit the quality of erections you achieve on a daily basis too... just an educated guess.

Hey 10inchadvantage, you mind giving a detailed explaination of what exactly you do.

After not trying it for a while, I tried to balloon this morning and I kept loosing my erection. Does this happen with you? Does the erection level stay consistent or does it go up and down a bit? What exactly do you do when you meditate? Please explain "anal breathing", and does this help keep an erection? How to you stimulate the erection (what fingers, technique, specific areas you press)?

Thanx bro!
busyrand said:
You know what, I thought about that a bit and it is possible that you would still achieve the same or similar results after about 30 minutes or so because those chemical signals are showered into the penis whenever you hold back your ejaculation. I guess it would just be much more beneficial have those chemical signals in your penis from the start. It would probably also benefit the quality of erections you achieve on a daily basis too... just an educated guess.

Hey 10inchadvantage, you mind giving a detailed explaination of what exactly you do.

After not trying it for a while, I tried to balloon this morning and I kept loosing my erection. Does this happen with you? Does the erection level stay consistent or does it go up and down a bit? What exactly do you do when you meditate? Please explain "anal breathing", and does this help keep an erection? How to you stimulate the erection (what fingers, technique, specific areas you press)?

Thanx bro!

I find that I have to have complete concentration to do this correctly. When I go into a set I'm starting to think of this more as meditation, and not as an "exercise." I just finished my 30 minute set for the day, and my rod was once again as hard as it was when I was going through puberty in my early teens.

When I meditate to do this, everytime I breath I see and feel this glowing, crystal, electric energy shooting up from my anus area (root chakra) into my inner penis first, then my external penis, and I see and feel it exit when I exhale. The funny thing is everytime I breathe in I can feel a chemical rush from my body, it's very energizing. I also get a huge rush of energy up and down my spine from doing this correctly. I noticed that I started to get a headache about 20 minutes into it so I focused on channeling the energy to the ground to ground myself.

My penis isn't bigger than a normal erection necessarily, however, the "core" is much harder. It feels like a nice clamp on the penis. Also, I can feel the "inner penis" getting expanded. Right now that area is sore from the expansion. I touch the CCs chambers and brush the CS chamber from time to time just to see how my expansion is going. I think these erections are the only time my CS is actually functioning somewhat properly. It actually inflates pretty well, but there is still a lot to be desired.

This erection tends to be, at least to me, like those that are described by people using Chemical Penis Enlargement, such as PGE-1 and IGF and such, the quadmixes, all that jive. The erection is literally of steel and it feels like it's going to blow at any minute. I could never get this hard from just regular edging. To me, it does seem legit that a lot of PGE-1 and IGF flood the penis by using this technique, just based on the experiences of those who inject it manually. However, this seems to be the "natural" form of Chemical Penis Enlargement, if it is true that we flood our penises with these growth hormones. It seems like the same as injecting the chemicals into the penis, only it's a WHOLE lot of work, especially for those who don't meditate normally, which thankfully, I do. However, this is different than normal meditation because you have to work a body part constantly. A few times during the set I kept thinking "god damn this is so hard to concentrate on, I just want to quit." I just kept reinforcing that it is healthy and natural for my penis, and I was able to keep my concentration. I wonder if someone could do this for 2 hours a day for six months, would they gain the same as those people going to the Canadian Penis Enlargement doctor to get the injections? Just wondering.
Thank's for the info busyrand and 10inchadvantage.

I've read over Lin's site in the past and again last night after reading your posts. Alot of what he says makes sence, especially related to the prostaglandins and dht.

I've played around with the "ballooning" technique and I'm sure as with anything there is a learning curve to mastering the mind body connection.

I'm still a bit lost in understanding some of Lin's principles. He says not to masturbate, but how does one maintain the level of arousal required during "ballooning"? The way I'm understanding from his website is that the erection should be mentally achieved, which stimulates more hormonal activity, and additionally stimulate the dorsal, base of the penis to bring yourself close to orgasm. This high level of arousal and focus on ballooning up your penis should last for a minimum of 30 minutes, and hour or two being more benificial.

Am I close to understanding busyrand ?:(
...oh yeah, and of course 10inch advantage :)

by the way, is Lin's book a download or cd ??
Thanx for the compliments and feedback Sasquatch.

I actually have those same questions myself. I'm not going to settle down and concentrate on this for another month or so, but those are my same queries. When I did the method, I would loose some of the erection from time to time. I'm guessing though, that is why he recommends the supplementation that he offers to correct this. The western diet and lifestyle is very detrimental to penis, so maybe Eastern cultures that practice ballooning don't have the type of erectile issues that we have. I know it is normal for animals to maintain erections almost indefinitely. I wouldn't be surprised if we could essentially do the same.

His book is a cd-rom. It comes in the mail. As I meantioned earlier, you purchase it. It's a damn good read (information wise, especially once you are used to his writing style). The Taoist model is beautifully elegant and provides a fanstastic frame to explain everything he speaks of.
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