
Nov 19, 2004
To begin with, I want to impress upon you that fact that this is not intended to be an incindiary thread, nor to likewise flame, blame or attack anyone. The entire point of this thread is simply to voice my fears and concerns about trends I'm noticing here on MoS. If you don't agree with what I say, feel free to discard my comments, or post your own. All I ask is that you present differing ideas as just that, an idea, or opinion, not an attack. We've all seen on these forums that attacking another individual does nothing more than create animosity.

Change is in the air, my friends. We all sense it. The seasons are changing and so is MoS, we're losing some old names: Kong hasn't posted in months, and I've seen two posts from Still in that time. New faces are emerging, like [P] and OCD and old friends are coming back, like Supra and German Stallion. Chage, however, without a doubt, causes concerns: Will those who don't change be left behind? Is this change for the better? Where are we going, anyway? For the most part the changes I've seen haven't been for the better. Somehow, in just the past few months, we've lost the joviality we used to have. If you go back in the forums it's not stange to see people joking around and having fun; sharing friendly jokes and insults, while still getting a lot accomplished.

It's seems today, however, we've all become hyperaware of everything that anyone is saying; and if it doesn't fit into our predefined sense of what is 'Okay' they become a troll or a spy from �other forum� or a general detractor. What brought this to my mind were recent posts by T-Baby and zabraman. For those who aren't familiar with their particular posts, T-Baby expressed his confusion as to Mike's actual size (Which I can't blame him, recently I've been getting confused as well) and zabraman spoke of his concerns as to the trends that are occuring in the Penis Enlargement community. Soon after they posted these comments they were flamed, being accused of being Doubters and Trolls.

Here in lies my concern: We're losing our freedom of speach here at MoS. Many of us find ourselves biting our tongue and holding back our true opinions for fear of the lables we may aquire, and this fear is not conducive to the growth or the general strength of MoS. What's more, doubt would seem to have become the enemy of everything on our forums. Unfortunatally, doubt is a natural part of being, and rather than being screamed at or ignored, the people who have doubts and concerns should recieve the most attention and the most sympathy, less they stay doubtful and become bitter at the same time. What's more, I would say that blind faith is just as dangerous as blind doubt, maybe more so. It's blind faith that forms cults, it's blind faith that allows people to kill themselves to get aboard the 'Mother Ship', it's blind faith that insighted the tragedys of World War II, Witch Burnings, 9/11 and a plethora of other terrible occurances. So yes, my friends, doubt is good.

I've also noticed a sad trend that we're all looking to the new while ignoring the old. Yes, innovation will always occur and should never be repressed, but it seems like we're getting newness for the hell of it. When I signed up for MoS there were manual exercises, hangers, constrictors and pumps. Now you've got the Size-Genetics ADS, The Bib Hanger, The Power Assist, The Power Assist 2, Vaccume Hangers, Penis Pumps, Penis Patches, Penis Pills, Jelqing Machines and a million and one rediculous exercises. If DLD has proven *anything* to us it's that we're capable of achieving anything we want without the use of any tools save your hands and a bottle of lotion. What's more, the usefulness of all of this is temporary: In two or three years when you have your 10" member, are you going to need an 'Electrostatic Reverse Osmosis Tunica Lengthing Device"? It's doubtful, though it would make an interesting paper weight.

It seems to me that as time passes we're getting farther away from our roots, and we're breaking down our community. There was a time when I could've said "I don't know if Hydro-Electric Blasters are so useful." and I would've gotten a kind response and an explanation for why they do work. Today if I said that I would quickly be catagorized as a hater, a troll and a spy, simply for disagreeing. Is this the type of community you want to participate in? One where everything's neat and clean and there's no room for disention?

I'm worried. I'm worried about what's going to happen to MoS when AB opens up. I'm worried about what's going to happen if we have a forum where no one can disagree or say no to anyone else. I'm worried that by forcing everyone to repress any negative feeling or emotion, we'll be postponing a necessary explosion.

Perhaps I'm mistaken in all of these regards, or perhaps I'm just too young or immature to appericate the necessity of everyone having the same or a similar opinion. I hope that I am, but everyday I feel a little more worry and a little more concern for the occurances that are happening here on MoS, and they don't seem to be fading.

I agree but I will also add something... in my opinion the amount of posting has gone way way down.. for a while there I was just reading everything.. But you know what I am going to start posting.. because I want to see the Post Numbers and The Views to be about equal.. Lets all put life back into MoS!! Don't just READ the forums.. apply YOUR opinion and POST!! When I joined there was all kinds of life!! people were always posting!! now it seems there are a select few who post including me and everyone else just reads everything else.. well that is going to change i am going to start posting anything i have an opinion on i am going to APPLY myself to these forums to put life back into them and if you guys want to help start POSTING like WILD!!!

WOOPS!! I ment that i am one of the ppl who rarely post and just read everything.. but like i said i and hopefully everyone else is going to change that!!!
Meh. Having just got here, and not really wanting to make my penis BIGGER, even though I want to improve absolutely every other element of it, I tend to not see much posting. If it really is that bad, then, ouch. Not sure what else to say aside from the fact that I'm real dedicated to fixing my member up nice and good.

I couldn't agree--with most of what you said--more! I am fairly new here, but when I first signed up this forum was hopping!! I admit I was one of those who because I was new didn't want to post anything that would seem 'against the grain' so to speak for fear of getting flamed.

I am slowly breaking out of my shell and becoming more active on here. I primarily post in the 'Newbie' section answering questions there and so forth. I figure, while still a newbie myself I can still help someone who joined just yesterday.

I think everything goes through it's phases. Life sometimes takes over and people have to put things by priority. Some of the 'old timers' that have been MIA for a few months I am sure will be back to say 'hello' every now and then. It is up to us 'new' guys to keep the life-blood flowing!

One thing that I think that some of the more experienced members on here could do is when a newbie or inexperienced Penis Enlargement'er askes a question---don't just tell him to 'use the search engine' or 'keep looking you'll find what you are looking for' I understand that it can become tedious answering the SAME question day in and day out--but at least say 'hi' to the new guy, or 'welcome to the forum' I was scared shitless to post anything until I spend my first 2 weeks reading until my eyes almost popped out :D

Overall, though I think this is an excellent forum! There are good people here, and it starts from DLD and works it's way down--good people will surround themselves with OTHER good people. It is up to each of individually to BECOME one of these good people and start helping our fellow Penis Enlargement'rs in whatever way that we can!

Agree with the original poster...

Some of the excercises I see are borderline rediculous. All of these "tools" are a little excessive.

I know DLD has a right to turn a buck but lets not sell our souls and what made us what we are.

Guaranteeing an inch in a day is probably the most rediculous of them all. Penis Pills coming in a close second.

Can't we just get back to our roots? (Pun intended.)
pecker said:
Can't we just get back to our roots? (Pun intended.)


I agree with you! I am assume that you are referring to 'just the basics' of stretching in their various forms, jelqing and kegels. Yes I think that you would be correct that those are the basics--and I believe erery single one of us on here would agree with you!

Let me ask you this: if you are married why would you rent a �naked people movies� with your wife? why would you buy dildos, massage oil etc.? Something new and different right? Break up the same old boring routine?

Well that is what the Power assist, Bib hanger etc. are to people doing Penis Enlargement. Noone has to buy this stuff if they do not want to! DLD has shown---for free--how all these contraptions can be made in the home. The reason they ARE available are to break up the normal routine for some people. And you know what? if DLD makes a buck or two here and there---he deserves it! He could have kept this all to himself if he wanted to. I, for one, am glad that he decided to share :)

makeherscream said:

I agree with you! I am assume that you are referring to 'just the basics' of stretching in their various forms, jelqing and kegels. Yes I think that you would be correct that those are the basics--and I believe erery single one of us on here would agree with you!

Let me ask you this: if you are married why would you rent a �naked people movies� with your wife? why would you buy dildos, massage oil etc.? Something new and different right? Break up the same old boring routine?

Well that is what the Power assist, Bib hanger etc. are to people doing Penis Enlargement. Noone has to buy this stuff if they do not want to! DLD has shown---for free--how all these contraptions can be made in the home. The reason they ARE available are to break up the normal routine for some people. And you know what? if DLD makes a buck or two here and there---he deserves it! He could have kept this all to himself if he wanted to. I, for one, am glad that he decided to share :)


Good points.

I don't have a problem with most of what has been developed. I also would throw hanging and the various advanced forms of Penis Enlargement into the 'basic' category.

Its the hole mashing your penis on the toilet and using your feet in the bathtub where I get lost.

Hey, it may work for people. I won't be one of them. I am a member and the site is very informative. The videos are well done. The more recent stuff, though, just seems like grasping at straws.
pecker said:
Good points.

I don't have a problem with most of what has been developed. I also would throw hanging and the various advanced forms of Penis Enlargement into the 'basic' category.

Its the hole mashing your penis on the toilet and using your feet in the bathtub where I get lost.

Hey, it may work for people. I won't be one of them. I am a member and the site is very informative. The videos are well done. The more recent stuff, though, just seems like grasping at straws.

I, and many others on here i'm sure, respect your views on the whole subject! Believe me I am still in Phase 1---LOL I haven't graduated to the 'penis toilet mashing stretch' yet! <---this was a joke for those who are ultra sensative ;)

Ifand when, hopefully, I get to Phase 3-4-5 maybe i'll say: hey you know what this WAS the natural progression of things :D

I have noticed the changes, but as long as a handful of reliable regulars remain active I think it'll be cool. It's possible this is a busy time of year for people outside of the forum as well. I've started posting a lot more now, and I'm glad I did, I like helping people. I know I've only been on the forum for like a year and half, but I've been Penis Enlargementing for like over 4 years so I do somewhat consider myself a relative veteran, so screw it - if I can help I will.
I joined about a year ago. I wasn't really even that interested in Penis Enlargement at that time. One of the main things that kept me coming back was the �naked people movies� Paradise section. And I think it attracted a TON of people. I remember week after week the number of online members grew and grew. Some of those dudes probaly just got involved with Penis Enlargement while they were here, even though the Paradise is what hooked them in the first place. I think that was a big part of the dropoff.

Another thing is that the old regulars have their routines and everything down pat by now. They really don't feel the need to come here day after day anymore, because they know what works for them.

As far as DLD's business ventures, they bother me sometimes because I question whether they are really THAT beneficial. In the end, you can make pretty much all the gains you want with your hands. The equipment just makes it easier. DLD has never claimed you NEED his equipment or anything else to make good gains. Some people just have limited time, and they'd like to spend the cash to make their life easier. DLD is just making money doing something he likes to do. He has helped people in the past and he continues to help people.

There's not as much good conversation lately, but you can always read old threads. Practically everything has been discussed before. Everything else you can research on your own and then post your findings here.

If the MOS staff really wants to bring in some new blood, bring back the �naked people movies� Paradise. I know it would be tricky because of the law and everything, but there's ways around it such as hosting the site outside the US. They could do it if they really wanted to. Since DLD's time is consumed with new projects, they could make me a moderator and I'll pick up DLD's slack as far as updating with new "content" everyday. LMAO
I will stick my neck out and answer this post. I disagree that MOS is about �naked people movies� Paradise. We are about Penis Enlargement. So, if that cranks your boat, then good for you, but if the drawing card is �naked people movies�, then why come to MOS for Penis Enlargement? One of the reasons we back off is many of you who are new to Penis Enlargement or to MOS have opinions or answer one another and your answers are not correct. Since you know it all, why bother to interject any answers. When we do give some advice we get put down, made fun of or in general ignored. We/I have had to work hard for the answers I got. Newbies come on the forum and want the answers, without the work of even using the search program. After while, it just gets old and we quit. Should not be that way, but it is. Often we do answer the question and the next post, asks the same questions. The person didn't even read what we wrote. Someone comes in and acts like an expert on something they know nothing about. On occasions, I have seen people who have been on here for a few weeks, or a month or two giving advice that they could not possibly give accurately. What do they know about it...nothing but they offer advice and what is more unbelieveable is that new members take it.

Posts are made and it is like a chat room, one word posts to respond to a comment and back and forth. Penis Enlargement is too serious for that kind of stuff. If you want a chat room, go find one, this forum isn't that kind of place. At least that is my take on it. If you make it that, people will leave.

As to limiting speech....say what you want. But don't offend or put another down or ridicule. That is my opinon. If you do, you ruin it for all. Read what has been said, is being said and don't ask questions about things that have been hashed over and over and over and over. REad and learn. I learned from �other PE site�, still do. I was there before MOS was. I still learn. I go there and use their search engine and use the one here too. But I don't mash and slash over there and try and cause trouble. So when a MOD says lay off or don't do that, they are just trying to limit the "amount of nonsense" that won't make MOS a profitable and learning experience.

Can you have fun...certainly and I hope you do. But have fun with respect and kindness. Have fun with encouragement. I don't speak for the other MODS, just for myself. Thanks for listening. GS
Kids should stick to kids, grown-ups to grown-ups.

If some newbe want to take advice from an 'expert' who is into Penis Enlargement for whole 2 or 3 months over advice of DLD, German Stallion, Red and other vets who cares. Let them make the same misteakes over and over again till they grow up.

Is DLD making money on Penis Enlargement? I would love him to become a millionaire from Penis Enlargement business because he simply deserves it. He made so many men aware of Penis Enlargement and add that many inches to many cocks that he should make money on it. It will be still only a small % of all the money made on penis surgeries, penis pills etc.

It is his forum so as a owner and a leader he can moderate that forum according to his rules.

So stop crying and start to work your dick hard or go to another forum when you can put endless stories how great your dick is and why you think others dicks are not so great.
I don't think MOS is about the �naked people movies� Paradise or that it ever was. I just think it drew a lot of people here in the first place. After seeing pics of __________ and others, they may have thought "Hmmmm.... maybe I should try this Penis Enlargement stuff so I can look like that."

MOS is all about Penis Enlargement, but that doesn't mean the Paradise wasn't what attracted a lot of people. I just think that's the main cause of the dropoff in activity.

Is it untrue that the participation has fallen since that forum was removed? I remember the number of active members online reaching over 1000 and more. Nowadays, it usually hovers around 200.
The "Tools" that Mike creates, invents, puts together and tests are of course for profit, but it isn't all profit i have watched him go crazy drawing, thinking, testing these instruments for days, not to mention the money it takes to build them and distribute them. Do these "Tools" not help us get a better grip help us stretch better when it feels like were doing it all wrong? I've done the A stretch and i've used the "FAKEARM" and i get a much better stretch, along with the power assist i get a feeling of stretching that feels like i could wake up the next morning with 4 inch gain.

I agree with a lot of you, people should not be afraid to hold back serious comments or questions. People should though hold back any negative if you have a doubt or a belief ask some body or search and try to research as much as possible before accusing anybody or trying to make a riot of cowboys and Indians. If you do get advice from somebody check up on them a little and see if there a valid source, Theses days a lot of people assume and in all actually have no view on reality.

If you are here for the �naked people movies� (or were) than that is your problem this is a place to become the �naked people movies� star with that huge dick so you can go out and fuck those same girls. On a different side a little �naked people movies� isn't bad to keep things flowing in the erection department. so if you guys wanna see more naked bitches post some pics in the right sections ie. sexyjens forum.

Something i like to do is periodically look at the newest member on the first page and i send them a PM saying welcome and offering my assistants i haven't gotten any responses yet but i would of liked it if someone would of done it to me and I'm sure it probably made them feel a little better.

P.S. i would like to ad if you see a question that was allready posted or if you saw it some where else post a link by clicking on the world with the paper clip underneth the color options.
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Nico, you're only 18 years old? Aren't you involved with DLD's business ventures somehow? What do you do and what are your qualifications?

Also, what is your size?

Sorry for all the questions. :p Just want to know a little more about you. :cool:
I can agree somewhat with the changes occuring. I have posted more than a couple times in the last couple months. MOS is DLDs' forum from day one. He can do with it what he likes. He started this forum because of his passion for Penis Enlargement and helping other men. So a business has sprung out of the forums as well. SO? DLD is living the American Dream. He's found something he's passionate about, and he's found a way to profit from doing so. Every other business in this country is founded on similar ideas. The forums and MOS are progressing. Progression is about developing new ideas along the way. If you just stay with the basics forever, you stagnate, new ideas never come along...old ideas keep getting recycled, and you eventually fade away into nothing. I think those of us who are serious about the future of the forums, and who find value in what MOS and DLDs' future ideas have to offer need to embrace whatever comes along. Nothing wrong with constructive criticism, but to simply criticise DLD whenever he comes up with a new product or idea we could all potentially benefit from...even if there is a monetary benefit for DLD ...that's just "wack" for lack of better term at the moment.
T Baby you are correct i am quite young, you are also correct in the fact that i am associated with mike and jaz in some form. My qualifications are that i am not stupid and i am trustful along with a few others, there is so much to do it is hard to be assigned only one position.

At the moment i am erect non bone press around 5.5". I started with about a 5", girth is 4.5". But for some reason maybe because i am still so young but my flaccid length is only like 2 to 3 inches and the same in girth for lack of a better word i call this shrinkage, it happens when ever i am not aroused at all that i go back down to about half of my fully erect length.

if anybody experiences the same thing or they have some answers on an age that you grow out of this. (literally) please post your response in my flaccid length poll!!!!!!!! i would love the input
Hey all,
I just want to reiterate that I am not quesitoning DLD as a Penis Enlargement pioneer. I have great respect for what he has accomplished and the sacrifices he's made.

I also think the vast majority of what he has invented is pure gold.

It really is just the last couple of months, starting with the change in the forums. When I couldn't access what I paid for for a few months, that's where it started.

DLD fixed it, I'm happy. I think will bow out now....
German Stallion said:
I will stick my neck out and answer this post. I disagree that MOS is about �naked people movies� Paradise. We are about Penis Enlargement. So, if that cranks your boat, then good for you, but if the drawing card is �naked people movies�, then why come to MOS for Penis Enlargement? One of the reasons we back off is many of you who are new to Penis Enlargement or to MOS have opinions or answer one another and your answers are not correct. Since you know it all, why bother to interject any answers. When we do give some advice we get put down, made fun of or in general ignored. We/I have had to work hard for the answers I got. Newbies come on the forum and want the answers, without the work of even using the search program. After while, it just gets old and we quit. Should not be that way, but it is. Often we do answer the question and the next post, asks the same questions. The person didn't even read what we wrote. Someone comes in and acts like an expert on something they know nothing about. On occasions, I have seen people who have been on here for a few weeks, or a month or two giving advice that they could not possibly give accurately. What do they know about it...nothing but they offer advice and what is more unbelieveable is that new members take it.

Posts are made and it is like a chat room, one word posts to respond to a comment and back and forth. Penis Enlargement is too serious for that kind of stuff. If you want a chat room, go find one, this forum isn't that kind of place. At least that is my take on it. If you make it that, people will leave.

As to limiting speech....say what you want. But don't offend or put another down or ridicule. That is my opinon. If you do, you ruin it for all. Read what has been said, is being said and don't ask questions about things that have been hashed over and over and over and over. REad and learn. I learned from �other PE site�, still do. I was there before MOS was. I still learn. I go there and use their search engine and use the one here too. But I don't mash and slash over there and try and cause trouble. So when a MOD says lay off or don't do that, they are just trying to limit the "amount of nonsense" that won't make MOS a profitable and learning experience.

Can you have fun...certainly and I hope you do. But have fun with respect and kindness. Have fun with encouragement. I don't speak for the other MODS, just for myself. Thanks for listening. GS
I would have to agree about the ridiculousness of newbs answering the questions of other newbs with their vast experience of a few weeks. There are some here that seem to have missed the part about newbie gains and think they have found the holy grail of routines. lol I think names might be coming to some of your minds. When I came to MOS i had already been Penis Enlargementing for a year, but I still didn't act like I knew something. There is so much you go through mentally while Penis Enlargementing over a long period of time. So many stages you just WON'T understand until you've been there, and some of the newbies aren't going to have the Where with all to glance and see how long this person who gives them these golden nuggets of wisdom has been around. I'm not hating on people who are new, I'm glad to have them here, I just dislike anyone who become know it alls as soon as they jump into something. Like those girls in High School who's friends started listening to a certain band so she goes home and reads up on them on the internet and becomes an overnight expert! Maybe not a great analogy but perhaps you can see where i'm coming from.
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