Jun 3, 2003
Penis Trauma and Erectile Dysfunction/The Penis Enlargement Link
Being so involved with the penis enlargement industry it would be easy to assume that I only deal with a clientele that is only interested in penis enlargement. For a short while this may have been true (in my early days in penis enlargement) but my involvement with men soon took on all aspects of male sexuality, mental and physical. Over the years many of my clients have sought out advice on issues having nothing to do with penis enlargement. The largest area of inquiry is erectile dysfunction. I think the connection of erectile dysfunction to penis enlargement is a size issue. Men who suffer from erectile dysfunction may see their penis size as being smaller than that of their youthful past.

The most common reason men have erectile dysfunction is some sort of trauma to the penis. Either physically (or mentally) some kind of trauma was experienced and it caused some sort of erectile dysfunction. If you have ever injured your penis you can relate to an immediate reaction that you may think your penis will never work again. I have injured myself and I , in different intensities, caused myself some kind of erectile dysfunction. The injuries I have experienced during my life have never caused any kind of "physical" dysfunction but my mind has created a dysfunction that is, non the less, dtysfunctioning.

Mentally you may have experienced some kind of penile trauma. Perhaps you had a sexual experience where your mate said something that belittled your penis, maybe you got made fun on in the locker rooms in high school, but whatever your trauma was mentally it still may result in penis, erectile dysfunction.

I reckon Viagra has a clientele where less than 1% really need the drug. Erectile dysfunction, in my experience with penis enlargement men, has been completely a psychological issue. In my 6 years in penis enlargement, I have never met a man who has not been able to cure erectile dysfunction trough penis enlargement (mental and physical). This may seem trivial to some but with a membership base of more than 110,000 people, I feel as though penis enlargement has given me the right to explore and advise on these issues.

Injuring the penis in some sort of permanent way is very difficult. Being made up of soft tissue with now bones, damage to the penis, is near impossible. Erections have little to do with the penis. The penis is only an awaiting bag, waiting to be filled with blood so it is able to become erect. The penis is only a recipient of this erection inducing blood, the true ability to getting an erection is found in the brain. We se, mell, hear or touch something sexy and our mind manifests this fantasy and the information is sent to the penis which fills with blood. Without some sort of sexual signal, the penis would not become erect. If the brain is responsible for an erection, 100% of the time, how likely would erectile dysfunction and penile trauma be?

I am not saying that physical erectile dysfunction does not exist but I am saying that physical erectile dysfunction is near impossible to happen. The penis, as stated above, is NOT independently wired to create it's own erection. The brain/penis signal is necessary to facilitate an erection. If the mind is not sexually aroused the penis will not become erect.

The human thought process is very quick. We can be thinking about one thing and in a slit second be thinking about something completely different. WHen we have a sexual thought(s) we deliver a electrical impulse to the penis and the penis response by become rigid. Now, if you think about the penis/mind connection as a highway and a car needs to get from point a (the brain) to point B (the penis) we can imagine a direct route between the 2. If there is a traffic jam on this highway it will take the car, traveling from point A to B, a greater deal of time. The jam may present the car from ever getting to it's destination. The same line of thought relates to the bodies ability to achieve an erection. A sexual thought needs a clear path to the penis for the penis to accept this data and create an erection. This brings us to psychological dysfunction.

All of the men, who have penis dysfunction, I have met through penis enlargement have told me that when they are having ED they are not thinking about sex but they are thinking about something else (much of the time ED) Even those who say they are felling extremely sexual say that a non-sexual thought come up which replaces the sexual one. This interfering thought is the traffic jam. When we are trying to get an erection and we allow negative thoughts manifest themselves, we are causing ED.

Penis Trauma and Erectile Dysfunction/The Penis Enlargement Link
So many men, or women who read this blog, may wonder what Penis Enlargement has to do with erectile dysfunction. My experience in the Penis Enlargement field has allowed me to discuss erectile dysfunction with a vast group of men. As I stated in the last thread, most of these men did not have any physical impotence, their lack of erections (or quality of) was more of a psychological issue.

Negative thoughts plague us from all directions. We fall victim to these negative thoughts and they prevent us from accomplishing many goals or hopes as we allow the power of the negative mind stop us from the good things in life, things we all deserve. Many men feel as though they don't deserve these good things and that is what prevents them from acquiring them. As cliche as this may sound, it is very true, if you believe you can have something you can. Whether it is a car, a house, a job, a relationship, and yes, a large penis that can become erect. These are all within the reach of those who desire them but their lack of belief keeps them inches away from our grasp.

In Penis Enlargement the mental piece is vital to making gains. The physical work is completely necessary but, in a sense, it is a result of the motivational factors of a positive outlook and a belief in the goal and ourselves. Dreaming of something is the first step but by itself things rarely manifest themselves. I have seen many men in Penis Enlargement fail because they believed this would happen even before they begin. I have also seen men come into Penis Enlargement and make insane gains because they believed they could, they believed they deserved them and they were motivated to do the work needed to make this happen.

I have often said "There is money all over the ground, all you need to do is pick it up." This has very little to do with monetary factors but more about taking what is rightfully yours. Everywhere in life there are opportunities, choices, different paths and infinite possibilities. We choose one when we make a choice. When we make a decision our choice becomes they reality we believe in. This is as scientific as it is philosophical. Read the poem I have quoted by Robert Frost, understand it and see it's application to this thread. It has helped me understand choices I have made and will make. It is a sort of anthem for those who need to believe in themselves and the choices they make.

"Two roads diverged in a yellow wood
and sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveller, long I stood
and looked down one as far as I could
to where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, as just as fair,
and having perhaps the better claim
because it was grassy and wanted wear;
though as for that, the passing there
had worn them really about the same,

And both that morning equally lay
in leaves no feet had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I --
I took the one less travelled by,
and that has made all the difference"

When we take a road less traveled, perhaps a change of attitude, we open up many wonderful revelations about ourselves. Just as in gaining in Penis Enlargement requires a positive outlook so does curing yourself from impotence. Erectile dysfunction, for many, is a choice. A decision that has created the necessary mental changes to make erections difficult. Changing this attitude is no small feat, it requires a strong, cognitive battle. A daily battle until we have become what we we want, what we deserve. The thoughts many men have about ED start pre-sex and manifest as sex progresses. A self defeatist dialogue may look like this:

I am feeling so sexual, I want to have sex with my girl.
But what if I can't get an erection?
Man, I hope I can get an erection and stay erect.
If I can't she will think I am such a loser.
Oh my goodness it is time for sex.
Come on, please work!
WHy is it not working *the hot flashes begin
What the fuck? Why is this happening?
*frustration sets in
This really sucks
This always happens.
She must think I am a loser.
I bet her old boyfriend never had this problem.
Fuck this, I will just stop having sex.
I never really deserved to have sex anyway
I have always been a loser
I hate myself.
etc., etc., etc.

Sound familiar? To many who have this psychological conversation may sound just like you. First we need to recognize the origin of this thought pattern to see where it began. It may have been an off night where you were not all there. Sex did not work and perhaps an argument ensued between your mate and you. Perhaps it was an injury you sustained that convinced you that your penis was "broke" somehow. Maybe it is a psychological trauma from a girl who may have belittled you as a man in some way. The reasons are numerous but it is important to find the origin of this thought pattern. Next thing I gather from the self conversation is a extreme tendency of irrationality. There are many definitive and judgmental term used. Things like "I can't", "This always happens" or "I hate myself". These terms leave no room for options. They are self accepted agreements that you wholeheartedly believe in.

There is also a tendency to make assumptions about the thoughts of your partner as stated in the dialogue as "She must think I am a loser." or "I bet her old boyfriend never had this problem." Assumptions are an agreement you make with yourself internally. Once an assumption is made we think and act on it as if we knew it were really true. Most of us have no idea how to read minds but we still become psychic when sex is involved. Many times, assumptions also lead to outward arguments with our partner. We may think "She must think I am a loser" and while in our frustrated state blurt out a remark to the affect of that assumption. In many ways we do this to affirm the negative thoughts about ourselves, it is almost as if we are looking for confirmation from our partner. When the argument ensues it usually leads to things being said that were not meant and trust being broken. I can understand this as the dialogue predicted it.

We can also get a picture of the human psyche, a picture that displays an addition to suffering. We, as humans, can become addicted to suffering just like any other habitual problems. It is much easier for us to fail than it is to succeed. We have been taught all our lives that we are not deserving of better things, we subscribe to the negative people around us, we validate our negative outlooks by the environment around us.

There is a strange phenomenon that is present in abusive relationships. Lets say a woman is being physically abused and leaves her man. In many cases she will repeatedly return to the relationship. Even though she is beat and abused she still returns. This has a lot to do with this discussion as she too is addicted. She has made an agreement with herself that this is what she deserves therefore she makes it a reality. This type of behavior is also present in any other form of self loathing where we allow the same thing to happen over and over even though it destroys us. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing again and again and hoping for different results. Of course they never happen but we think somehow they will.

We may hope that impotence does not happen but we still follow the same line of negative thinking hoping, somehow, it will change, get better or resolve itself. The same holds true in penis enlargement when men want to make gains so desperately but have already set themselves up to be the undeserving loser they believe they are. As sad as it is, it is true. When I first started penis enlargement I never allowed my thoughts to remain negative. I was constantly working on cognitive change and positive self affirmation. Penis enlargement for me was a snap. I believed in it, I believed I could gain doing it, I was motivated with a positive outlook, I was willing to work my ass off to get it and I got it. I left no room for failure, in my mind I had already accomplished my penis enlargement goals before I even started. The mental picture was clear and I only needed to become it...I did.

In erectile dysfunction the same approach need to be applied. As fake as it may seem we need to change the self dialogue and practice this mantra, of sorts, constantly until it sticks.

Lets look at the dialogue again with a complete positive outlook:

I am feeling so sexual, I want to have sex with my girl.
I can't wait, it is going to be so good?
Man, I can see myself thrusting with such power, such stamina, such virility.
She will be so impressed.
AWESOME! It is time for sex.
Let me start with some passionate foreplay and make my girl hot!
These hot flashes are so sexy, I love sweaty sex.
This is the best sex ever!
*eroticism continues
This is really incredible.
I am such a master of sex.
I know she thinks I am the man!
She's never had sex this good.
Fuck, I love having sex.
I deserve this so much!
I am such a winner!
I love myself.
etc., etc., etc.

This is the initial ticket to your way back to erections of fury. Physically you can add penis enlargement as one of the incredible side effects is much stronger erections and staying power. There is so much for you to discover as a positive person...there is so much money to pick up.
Oops I forgot :)

don't play around with things that dont belong to you , like for eg. this Forum ...Sorry I'm calmin down again

the wise people will get wiser the dumb will get dumber ANYWAYS and I don't need to be squashed inbetween...

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tbirdy;291961 said:
the wise people will get wiser the dumb will get dumber ANYWAYS and I don't need to be squashed inbetween...


Interesting quote, did you make it up?
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