Jun 3, 2003
What is your opinion?

We are thinking of doing a convention in Miami on Penis Enlargement. The actual event will be billed as something that would cause men little embarrassment or insecurity to show up. I would love to talk to an audience of men and let them know exactly what is real and what is not....I have spent many years understanding this.

We plan on making this very similar to a "Girls Gone Wild" thing. We plan on making this event fun and sexy bringing many of the Bang Bros. Girls into the seminar along with other attractive features to bring men to the table. We also feel as though billing this as more of a "Large Penis Seminar" than a "Small Penis Seminar" will be a wiser choice.

I would love to hear feedback, ideas, suggestions and opinions on this event. I will be the main speaker along with a few of the more well known names in Penis Enlargement. The topics of discussion will span from size issues and male sexuality to penis enlargement and mental sexual change.

I have wanted to do this for a number of years. I also know how challenging this will be to bring an audience into a seminar where size is a topic. There are many very wise men here, please give any suggestions you can to make this a success. If it does become a positive event we plan on creating more seminars in other major cities throughout the US.

I think the best way to pursue this is through a party like atmosphere putting more emphasis on sex than Penis Enlargement itself. Once the audience is in attendance I plan on giving the facts to what is truly possible with Penis Enlargement.

Please, get involved and give your honest opinions on how to pursue this.
like i said in the other thread, i think its cooler if its kept secret. what is the point in telling the whole world about it or promoting it? why not just have all the info for people who seek it out like in this forum or whatever, rathe rhtna having a big promotion or whatever.

Im not sure about you guys but to me it seems like i mean, you wanna have a huge dick but do you really want all the girls to know you stretched it out and jelqued and all that? id prefer them to think its just all natural and that i dont atcually obsess over my dick and stretch it every chance i get :)
Sounds great, for those who already know about Penis Enlargement thing or two, life event for those who are 'deep' in Penis Enlargement, �naked person�, �naked people movies� actors, but majority of man willing to attend would be little scared to come cuz of 'if i come people will think i have small dick'..or 'if i come ppl will think im freak' SO must find a way, advertising with right words, letting people know that this is just another form of self improvement like BB or some sport, THAT must be in their minds when they first see advertisment for that event, to attract larger scale of man, not just young people. So i will put it this way 'if you can sell it to the grandpa without him felling bad about it, then all other 'level' of ages are definetly in ' . And b.d.d there is enough girls to go around...no matter what size we are...there is no reason to keep it secret because nobody can steel your big monster oversiezed dick :O just kidding :) . I wish you all the best DLD in this I would be there definetly, if i was US citizen...LMAO
I think its better kept the way it is. I like to Penis Enlargement and not let anyone know about it including the girls I talk to. If you decide to do this I think it would be hard to get men to come to seminars about size, especially the guys that actually need it.
I also like it being more secret but saying that most men wont stick to this anyway like most of us have and to me you must also be good sexually to be the all rounder so no worries with comp from me as I'm the 'wizard of the sheets' here in the UK ;)

Mike, I will help you ... sadly I aint in the USA otherwise I would have come to the shows with you.

Would like to write articles if you like? let me know what you want them on although as you know girth is my area.

Could be cool if you displayed some of the pix of me in a portfolio while on this tour ... proves to the crowd what you can get and I'm sure they will be like 'thats thick' how do I get one of those LMAO

Serious man, hit me up with more info.
Great, awesome a truly nice big fat step to success.

Who can hold the stretch the longest competition, Make a video out of it, or get it broad casted some how too. promote it on Bang brothers.
I like the idea of making it more of a "fest," and then using it as a forum to introduce P.E. That way, some of the faint of heart might be more likely to tune in--kind of give them a choice as to what to focus on.
I can go back and forth on this as my main concern is would it bring in enough people? I have a feeling there would be a fair amount of backlash, etc., let alone the feminist take on how lame we are especially having a convention on such unproven (medically speaking) techniques.
my humble opinion on this would be to have it stay as it is. Men who seek out knowledge will indefinately find it as is represented by the men in this forum.
Well I'd love to go just don't let my wife know about the bangbros girls or she will fucking ground my arse.LMAO
Before thinking that Penis Enlargement would lose its secrecy think of how many magazines, interviews and national TV and radio shows I have done. This has not changed the way Penis Enlargement is viewed by the public for one very good reason....most people are way too lazy to pursue Penis Enlargement.

Men would much rather take a pills than actually put effort into this. I have always been very public about Penis Enlargement because there are many men in the world who will never realize what can be done to help them. I am not talking about the larger men, I am talking about the men who are small and have tried all of the SCAM methods of penis enlargement and have never even realized what natural Penis Enlargement is.

I got news for you, the secret is out...it has been for a very long time but it still (being natural Penis Enlargement) is looked at as a last option for enlargement. I think it is my responsibility, as much as any other man who has reaped the benefits of Penis Enlargement, to allow the men who are willing and in need of Penis Enlargement to learn about it.

Have no fear that the worldwide average penis size will change, it hasn't in all my years in Penis Enlargement. No one has taken Penis Enlargement to the level I have, promotion wise, and it has been long argued that my openness and willingness to talk frankly about this would destroy the secrecy of this but it has not. We are a unique breed of people, we have motivation, determination, belief and patience...most people do not.

An event like this would not spread the reality of Penis Enlargement to those who are not cut out for this, it would allow the men who are in dire need of Penis Enlargement to learn about it. So many men will spend thousands of dollars to enlarge their penis through surgery. So many will fall victim to the scavengers playing on their insecurities. It is so important that we stop these SCAM artist and push NPenis Enlargement into the limelight. We suffer greatly at the hands of the SCAM artist. We are thrown into the pot of all bullshit penis enlargement when really we belong in our own realm.

The money men give to the dishonest parts of this industry is sad. I have never tried to sell Penis Enlargement, as a matter of fact I always give the option of psychological change before suggesting that a man should become involved with Penis Enlargement. Many men are searching for change by changing their penis size when in all reality they need to change the way they look at themselves...their penis never mattered. I think a seminar relating all this information will better NPenis Enlargement as a whole, not destroy it's secretive value.
DLD is right, there are those who would rather not do anything than believe they can help themselves. Example: The peyronies disease is something that affects a high percentage of men. I find men who would rather do nothing than something. They sit around and complain they have a bent penis or worse lots of "penile plaque" and rather than work to get rid of it they want to take pills and get shots. No, they won't listen to success but rather quit on their spouse and find fault with those who are trying to help them.

There are a few who want help and work to get it. Good for them! GS
This is a good concept in theory. However, I don't know if this would be a good investment unless you had about $100,000 to play with (in case it doesn't turn out to be nearly as good as you had hoped). I don't know if many men would come out just because it'll be open to the public, and people who know them might see them. However, if you're in Texas for anything give me a call and I'll definitely help with whatever.
i understand the idea of giving back what was given to you, and to tell people the truth about this kinda stuff.

in my opinion the way this could be a sucess is probably what you were thinking: make it more of like a "�naked people movies�" convention, but have a booth for your MoS stuff and do a talk about it too. that would probably go over somewhat better than a "make your dick huge" convention, but who knows. some peopel might be turned off by the �naked people movies� stuff.
If you use the idea of a booth and speaking thing, instead of having your own convention... you could just get a booth at say a "mens health" conbvention or body building convention.. hell even "body mod" and tattoo conventions, anything really. Then you wouldnt be the only focus and could meet a whole cross section of society and people rather than just people into �naked people movies�.
I would like to add...IF this turns to be success, and if people would accept this, there is no limits to the number of nus products that people would be willing to buy AFTER...just use your imagination. Basicaly everything and everywhere, you can put MOS with some pictures, then Matters of Size like here also with some pics, then you DLD in various combination....just use your imagination, if you really want to you can turn this in to world wide success in time of course...maybe would be wise to consult with some people who know what to do and how..
After reading the reply by DLD i concede that i have changed my tune. You are on the money with all your statements I just was a bit to narrow minded after reading the first post to see it for what it actually could be.
Neat idea. Big investment. Big business risk.

I would probably come if it were affordable and I had the time from work.
penguinsfan said:
Neat idea. Big investment. Big business risk.

I would probably come if it were affordable and I had the time from work.

This is a huge risk. I picture a auditorium with 2 people...it is very scary. I just feel as though the internet is nothing but a SPAM jungle...no one will ever belive the real. If I was able to touch these people on a real level, face to face, I really think I could help.
For real dude if Bang Brothers are backing you up, and their is gonna be Bang Brothers chicks, and some of the Bang Brothers are gonna be their, it is gonna be a good turn out. And maybe if you get some friends from the music industry to turn up, but no doubt this is what is happing anyway lol

And you must get Bang Brothers to advertise this festival on their web pages too.
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