
Sep 27, 2014
This is a concept that I've noticed dld uses to create some of his biggest hitters, and one that I used for a routine that got me an inch, girthwise, in about 10 weeks, which I went over in my progress thread in February but haven't posted here yet.

The concept of creating a bigger exercise out of several smaller exercises. Some examples of this being done; the __________ stretch (fulcrum stretch mixed with bundles), Dld blasters (kegels reverse kegels and a basic stretch), srt size blasters (edging, extreme base ulis, and erect stretches). All of these are made up of several distinct exercises, which is a concept you can use to make every effort and exercise into the most efficient use of your time and possibly give you a higher rate of gains, just like the above exercises.

What I did was take edging, kegels, ulis, ssjs, isolation squeezes, erect bends, and shoved it into a ridiculously brutal little exercise. Basically edge to max, uli at base, Kegel to above max, squeeze blood out of glans, hold, erect bends in all directions, ssj up an inch, kegel, hold, erect bends in each direction held, ssj up to mid shaft, Kegel, hold, more bends, Kegel, release hand that squeezed blood out of glans, Kegel, ssj to under glans, hold, and release. I called them freak slammers, because that's what they are. And they definitely worked and quite well.

If you can't follow that, don't worry, it took me weeks to actually develop the thing, and each rep took a good 5 minutes. The point is, you can make your exercises more effective by throwing in extra steps that you might as well opt into since you're already doing an exercise that makes it an option. And this is definitely not limited to girth work at all.

Instead of stretching, do bundled stretching. Instead of straight out bundles, go in all directions. And since you're doing that, use a fist grip and make them all bundled fulcrum stretches. Instead of just using one hand, try pushing the ligaments as you do the stretch. Now you have __________ stretching in all directions with a little boost to the ligament stretching with your alternate hand. You do that with a LengthMaster and that's going to be hard to top. And you can definitely add or remove aspects to the exercise to your preferences, hence Modular PE.

This is hardly a new concept either. Dld has crushed it with this concept for years. This is how the epic exercises get created. And anyone can jump in and throw together their favorite concepts or just go for the most all out ridiculous monster exercise and really hit it exactly how they want to. And if you already think that way, then why did you read this long ass post?

If this is new to you though, start small, and throw in steps one at a time until you feel like it's intense enough or until you just plain don't want to anymore. Hopefully you'll get farther along faster with this concept than without, but this is where manual work goes on the thinking level. Do it up.
This has to do with the burning we've been talking about. Red spoke of it as well it has to do with actually feeling your tissues stretched after the session. Basically if your measurements are greater post session, and you get that burning then it was a perfect session. You don't always need the burning, but its the target
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