
Jul 25, 2005
What I often hear and read through the Penis Enlargement forums is that rest is in some form is absolutely necessary to ensure healing. This is proven and makes sense.
The opinions on how long you need to rest differ:
Some propose a good night of sleep is enough, others use the 1on - 1off approach with variations like 5on 2off while others Penis Enlargement 2 weeks nonstop to take off a weekeal.

Many theorys about the workout and heal ratio are out there and they all do apply to some and make more or lesse sense.(SRT - Suppressed-Restricted-Transposition Theory, TGC..)
Everyone is different in how they react to workout and rest phases and I guess there cant ever be one approach that does it for everyone(as with food, muscles etc.)

There are also some absolutisms out in the Penis Enlargement community like never do girth before length etc.

The most common approach to Penis Enlargement seems to be to use one exercise or some exercises that targets one group, until it seems the tension/weight and time cant be extended further and people hit a plateu.
The penis reacts with growth, toughens and at some point you need insane amounts of time or force to change anything.
This is where many people say that a deconditioning break is necessary.

I'm a Penis Enlargement maniac and do Penis Enlargement all day everyday but I dont have maniac gains cause I think I'm too conditioned while I dont want to do super heavy exercises(got already injured once)
I want to put workout, healing and deconditioning now into one way/routine to go for it while not stopping Penis Enlargement at all.
I thought alot about this and want to share some of my thoughts with you.


My theory is now the following and I need your opinions on it:

Up to this point in Penis Enlargement history we have many exercises and tools to target our dick in different ways.(many of these exercises thanks to this forum)
These exercises can be adjusted in time and force(weight).
Together with time and force you can combine them together in indefinite ways.

I theorize now the following:
The dick is build from different parts who react to different exercises under a different time/force different. (Like the muscles are not just the muscles but you can differ them into leg muscles, arm muscles and so on..)
As an example:
3 days in a row a certain exercise that targets girth(e.g. clamping) targets the dick in a much different way then 3 days in a row an exercise that targets length(e.g. hanging).

This could mean:
Working the dick with exercise#1 on day#1 and stoping it on day#2 to use exercise #2 means that you are already healing from exercise#1 on day#2.

This could practicly mean in a simple way:
day#1: girth work with the use of clamping(exercise#1)
day#2: length work with the use of hanging(exercise#2). On day#2 the dick is already starting to heal from exercise #1(clamping)

Once the healing from day#1(girth-clamping) for the specific part(think of the cells that are affected) is over the deconditioning to that simulus starts.
Lets just assume that deconditioning starts at day#3(could also be day #13).

day#3: I add in simple pumping with a Bathmate that targets girth.
- On day#3 the dick is healing from the exercise from day#2(hanging).
- It is also still healing/deconditioning from the exercise on day#1(clamping). The pumping puts a workload/force onto the dick but in a much different way then the clamping.
The pumping on day#3 may affect the cells that were targeted by the clamping on day#1 too.
But in a much different way which accomplishes that the dick is not attacked/inflammed/forced in the same way again.

day#4: I add the extender which targets length.
- on day#4 the dick is healing/deconditioning from the exercises of day#1,day#2 and day#3. -> It were all exercises which targeted the dick in another way pushing the dick to react in a different way.

To summ it up as a example:
day#1: clamping
day#2: hanging (healing from clamping)
day#3: pumping (healing from clamping,hanging)
day#4: extender (healing/deconditioning from clamping,hanging, pumping)

The whole dick is now worked in 4 different ways. There is maybe some time(day,days,weeks) needed were we have no force at all to let it heal completely.
(Like we wont train our body muscles every day no matter how different cause it puts too muchs train on the system as a whole)

---> Adding now several different exercises to this helps to extend the periods of healing from the sligthly differnt exercises you did before.
While never stopping to push the dick to gain at a different part in different cells in a different way.

While all girth exercises target girth in some way its clear that they do affect the dick in different ways.
Pumping, clamping and bundled exercises all presumably target girth but in a different way with different results.

-> This is where I start to shove in cycling which makes it a bit more complex and difficult.

I do it to maximise the gaining possibilities of each exercise and the connected targeted cells. All while having any eye on the healing and deconditioning.

The way how the cycles are constructed is highly individual. But every cycle should include slowly increasing workload/time to the point of healing and deconditioning.
All that while mixing it up as much as posible to target different cells in different ways to gain the maximum possible without toughen and conditioning the dick.

This example ->2 days on 2 day off + pause every 7th cycling:

day#1: clamping 5 minutes
day#2: hanging 5 lb 10 minutes, clamping 10 minutes
day#3: Pumping 6 times 8 minutes low pressure, hanging 5 lb 10 minutes
day#4: extender 6 hours (900g), Pumping 6 times 8 minutes mid pressure
day#5: clamping 12 minutes, extender 6 hours (1200g)
day#6: clamping 16 minutes, hanging 5 lb 20 minutes
day#7: hanging 5 lb 25 minutes, Pumping 6 times 12 minutes mid pressure
day#8: Pumping 6 times 14 minutes mid pressure, extender 4 hours (1500g)
day#9: Edge 2 hours, Kegel 500 times,

Each cycle is designed for the specific exercise while it combines in each of its phases with other exercises to give the dick different workloads so it can never adapt.
Each cycle follows the idea of workload/healing time/deconditioning.

Every cycle can have different variables.
For example:
-> clamping:
- Increase the amount of time daily by 2 minutes until you clamp 20 minutes a day.(putting a workload on it)
- Pause every other day. (micro healing)
- Then decrease the amount of time daily by 2 minutes until you hit 0 minutes.( slowly decontion while inflicting growth)
- Do not clamp for the next week
- start again by increasing time daily by 2 minutes.

-> extender:
- Increase the amount of time daily by 30 minutes at 900g tension until you extend for 6 hours a day.
- pause every 3rd day.
- Once you extend for 6 hours a day at 900 g decrease the time daily by 30 minutes while increasing the tension to 1200g daily
- stop extending once you hit zero time for 5 days.
- start again.

- do hang for 10 minutes 10lb followed by 6 hours of extending at 900g
- do that every other day
- extend the time hanging everyday by 2 minutes.
- extend the weight every week by 1lb.

-> Pumping:
-> hanging:
- .....
- ....
-> jelqs:
and so on...

Then mix the exercises together while following the cycles.
For example start with clamping and add hanging the other day. You will end up with avery diverse and workout that has everyday different combiantions
Obviously there are some constrains as you cant use extender 16 hours a day and clamp 16 hours a day


I f you read that please chime in with ideas and questions so I can refine the approach.
I like the variation of your routine, this will keep things interesting and motivated. I also love the healing aspects you have implemented. If you have had a chance to read over SRT (my newest routine) much of the research is based in the healing stages of the process. Healing is as important as training and when we take advantage of the rest times to make additional gains things progress so much faster.
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