
Aug 24, 2013
Hello fellow MOS brothers. Its been a while since ive been on here to update my progress. Although I am excited to share some gains! Last year I made some pretty steep goals. I was not able to meet them, but I made gains non the less. All that means is gains are on my side! Time... not so much. But happiness at the end will supersede all of it. SO... moving forward. Ive been doing PE for about 6-8 months, nothing routine, I try to at least jelq 10 minutes a day. I stretch about once a week, I also do a slightly modified 553 bathmate routine before each time I have sex, which is a couple of times a week. Now when I first started MOS, I was measurements as follows:

NBPEL: 5.9"
BPEL: 6.5"
MEG: 4.9"

Now with the basics that ive been doing I am...

NBPEL: 6.25"
BPEL: 6.75ish"
MEG: 5.1-2"

Now when I have sex, after BM exerciser, I am about 5.5-5.6" MEG, but its a sort of "squishy" 5.5. But the girl feels the difference for sure. Now I do lose a tiny amount of length when I do this, I think its because Im not getting 100% EQ. So I want to make some changes to my routine.

Im by no means fat or obese, but there is about 15lbs I can lose, which by the looks of my fatpad, will add about .1-.2" to my NBPEL. So time to get into a little better shape.

I have a very busy work schedule and am always on the run, so as much as Id like to spend a few hours a day in the sizegenics, I just dont see that happening. So im thinking of starting to hang for 20-30 min, while getting ready/showering in the AM and PM. Has hanging twice a day for that amount of time added noticeable EL to anyone on here? Is it worth doing? Im going to buy hanger, Im going to start at about 13-15lbs and move my way up weight wise accordingly. Does this sound like it will work?

Im also going to buy Thickermans clamp. Its just too cheap to say no. My plan is to put it on after a BM session. I want harden that 5.5" girth im getting. I dont want it to feel temporary. So im hoping this works.

If anyone has an opinion on how to cement some girth gains and add some more length, FEEL FREE TO HELP!

Thanks everyone.
You sir are naturally gifted when it comes to length! You stretch 1ce a week and still have 0.35 inches of gain (yes, jelqs are good for length as well, but with the "routine" you have followed- I am surprised you had such gains).

My personal advice to you is this:

Length- Start doing the SRT principle of PE- buy yourself some ADS (All Day Stretchers) to keep you elongated after the workout itself. Start stretching every day! If you want length- the more you work on it- the better. The way I see it- with your 1ce per week stretching you might have caused ligament toughening, which might make it harder to stretch and gain from now on. So now, when you want to hit length- give it almost no rest. If you can afford a hanger- buy one, not bad. You may then follow a routine similar to this- 1- Basic stretches in all directions (1-3 sets- depends on time, cause you say you are pretty busy,but know that- the more, the better) 2-Hanging (15-20 minute set) X as many sets as you can go for, 3- Put on SG to keep yourself stretched for as long as you can afford wearing the SG for, 4- Put on the ADS (xsleeve maybe) to keep you elongated all day long, this will cause no discomfort and you can calmly walk/run around with it.

Girth-Try doing more jelqsa day and maybe add some more intense exercises. Maybe something like this-1- BM pumping-SSJ Girth program (SRT 5x5x3) routine, 2- Putting on a cock ring for a few hours (take off every 20-30 minutes or so, resume circulation and go on) then maybe do some jelqs and put on the cock ring again. Add PC muscle exercises!

I think these are not bad to do- they cover what is important I think. Length- give it little to no rest, keep yourself extended following the SRT principle, reach a fatigue and then ride the wave not allowing the ligaments to toughen giving them too much rest.

Girth- Again, follow the SRT pronciple- do a good girth session and put on a cock ring, try to keep your expansion for as long as you can. PC muscle strength for better erections and better EQ quality during the girth sessions.

I think a routine similar to this one would be better than the one you are on now. I hope I helped :)
Was this a repeat post????
I posted about 2 weeks ago, but It seems to have never made it up
Your idea of hanging had worked for some members over in the Hardcore Hanging thread in the hanging forum, I believe the idea is to progressively start adding a lb of weight every week while you hang 2-3 sets of 20 minutes per day until you start getting up to the big time weights and noticing gains.
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Jaronimo;596028 said:
Your idea of hanging had worked for some members over in the Hardcore Hanging thread in the hanging forum, I believe the idea is to progressively start adding a lb of weight every week while you hang 2-3 sets of 20 minutes per day until you start getting up to the big time weights and noticing gains.

In order for hanging to be a gaining exercise it takes much time. Most see gains when they are training 4-5 sets daily of 20 minutes in progressive weight. I just could not put that much time in.
doublelongdaddy;596118 said:
In order for hanging to be a gaining exercise it takes much time. Most see gains when they are training 4-5 sets daily of 20 minutes in progressive weight. I just could not put that much time in.

Dashdeming and a couple of others have been making due with only 2-3 sets here and seem to be seeing results. I believe you have to be striving to add weight periodically but at a consistent rate. http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?4778-Hard-core-hanging/page28
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