
Jan 7, 2009
Long story short...

After a botched vasectomy, I experienced ED and left testicle shrinkage, a 50% drop in Testosterone. Now, I am faced with the situation of trying to decide to "repair" the damage done (which also left me with a varicoscele in the left testicle, which is still more sensitive/tender to touch).

Began a serious quest to improve my health, started supplements to regain Testosterone: Tongkat, Maca, Zinc, Magnesium, etc.

I am concerned that if take supplemental Testosterone, I might end up worse, because my natural T production will stop altogether, and I will be hooked/dependent on it for the rest of my life!

I am gaining body fat, losing muscle mass, and my mood swings drive me crazy sometimes. Exercise tolerance has dropped, endurance has dropped. I feel like shit some days. Other days, not so bad.

I am concerned that if I do another surgery, I might end up worse, in the sense that I might lose more sensation (lost a lot post-op) after which I was abstinent (by choice) for about 2 years. (another story)

Just looking for some objective guys opinions here, because this situation seems like it can spiral, because as you get fatter, you make less Testosterone, as you make less Testosterone, you get fatter, and the cycle continues, and then you are screwed...hello health risks.

What should I do? I am very much interested to hear any suggestions or opinions or advice, because it seems like a tangled mess... and sometimes I can't make sense of it.

Bought the ROP, have not tried it yet. Anything?
Ok man, heres my experience from using test. supplements, like you said the synthetic test basically tell your balls to shut down so you probally dont want to go that way. I would suggest going to a shop like GNC and talking to a professional about your situation. If you dont want to do that, than post this thread on a body building site where they will be alot more knowledgable about this subject. some place like I do know how you feel the stuff you do take gives off some shitty side effect such as the mood swings, Keep exercising!!!! I cannot stress that enough as that is the natural way beside supplements to increase your TEST. Concentrate on compound exercises. Such as bench presses, squats, deadlifts, you want to do excercises which stress your muscles out the most which would be these type because your using more than one muscle group. Hey Joing a GYM man you can never go wrong by doing that . Good Luck you my friend.
Yea working out is a good way 2 increase ur test count, i also take tongkat but i dont know if its the real deal or not i've been taking it 4 about 3 to 4 weeks now...Im 21 yo and i started experiencing premeture ejaculation about 3 to 4 months ago so that motivated me to do a lot of research on how to get ur sex drive back so i'll let u n on some of my insight

If ur 35 yo or older i would recommend taking DHEA about 50 to 100mg a day - its said to be able to restore ur sex drive back to when u were in ur 20's

There's also:

Panax Ginseng
Saw Palmetto
Horny Goat Weed

There's a lot others that will help with ur sex drive jus look at ingredients in those "penis enlargement pills" but as far as restoring ur test count i would go with DHEA, Tongkat, and Tribulus hope that helps
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