
Jun 19, 2014
Hello there guys!
I am new to this forum and so it is mine first post.
I am 19 years old, I have starded PE at the beggining of this year, did exercises like jelqing, stretching, things like long shlong etc. for 3 months when a strange day came.
I was doing my routine training, but when I was doing an exercise called long shlong heli I guess I used a bit too much force and got a strange feeling near my penis base, all the blood wich was in penis backed up for 2 seconds and then everything came back to normal, I got bit scared but afterall I finished my routine traning. The next day after I woke up I felt that something is wrong with my dick. It didn't felt like previously it was, I lose some sensitivity and my erection have weaken. I stopped PE, and have saw a doctor after 2 weeks it happened. I told him about all the exercises, he actually said that it isn't possible to enlarge a penis with exercises like this, but now I am little bit confused becouse I saw pictures of MOS users gains etc. and it is a big doubt for me.
After 1 month and 2 weeks my penis is in better condition, but still it doesn't feel like in the past. I could get an erection with just work of kegels, now I can get hard easily too, but it is not like it was. Are there any advices or medicals that could help me? Also I would like to do some more PE becouse of gains I noticed, but I am affraid of damaging my penis.
I hope that some answers will pop up.

Also sometimes when I urine and I need to push the pee out with my kegels ( the last moments of urinating ) I have strange feeling at my penis base, it is like pain but it isnt something that hurts much, only feeling it for few seconds, and then it is fine.
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You may have strained a vein or a ligament but I can't be sure without knowing the exercise. Describe the exercise to me please.
Thanks for answer DLD! The exercise is called long shlong heli, it is a stretching exercise, it's done like this : you have to stand up and grab your penis just under your glans and stretch it in forward angle and keep that for 10 secs, do the same to the upwards angle, and then spin and stretch your penis like heli propeller for 5 seconds, this is one repeat.
If it is a strained vein or a ligament then what can I do to heal it as fast as possible?
kuraksi;587517 said:
Thanks for answer DLD! The exercise is called long shlong heli, it is a stretching exercise, it's done like this : you have to stand up and grab your penis just under your glans and stretch it in forward angle and keep that for 10 secs, do the same to the upwards angle, and then spin and stretch your penis like heli propeller for 5 seconds, this is one repeat.
If it is a strained vein or a ligament then what can I do to heal it as fast as possible?

To heal quickest use massage 3 times a day and be sure to go deep while you are flaccid to get to the root of the problem. Heat also will help, so long baths will also help along the injury.
kuraksi;587596 said:
What type of massage I should do?

Being totally flaccid, massage the penis between the thumb and the forefinger with deep intensity in circular motions. Be sure to get the entire shaft starting at the base and ending at the head.
Thanks again DLD! Sorry for asking so much questions, but how much time each massage should take and what is approximate time of getting recovered to the 100%?
kuraksi;587801 said:
Thanks again DLD! Sorry for asking so much questions, but how much time each massage should take and what is approximate time of getting recovered to the 100%?

5 minute massage is good, maybe 2-3 times a day until you feel 100% again.
Thanks again! Again I am sorry for so much questions, but what about sex? I will recover slower If I don't quit sex for some time or it doesn't matter?
kuraksi;588124 said:
Thanks again! Again I am sorry for so much questions, but what about sex? I will recover slower If I don't quit sex for some time or it doesn't matter?

Sex will not matter, just don't be too aggressive.
O, I forgot. There is also one more thing that I noticed after the injury. From time to time when I am flaccid my corpus cavernosum is hard like it is erect for 10 - 15 seconds, it becomes normal soft after. What is that?
Does your original post still stand? How is the nerve thing going (sensitivity)?

kuraksi;591967 said:
O, I forgot. There is also one more thing that I noticed after the injury. From time to time when I am flaccid my corpus cavernosum is hard like it is erect for 10 - 15 seconds, it becomes normal soft after. What is that?

What do you mean, "hard like it is erect for 10 - 15 seconds" and "it becomes normal soft after"? Is there something you do that causes this to happen?

There is a term for something similar called hard flaccid, but I doubt that applies to what you're referencing. You're probably just turtling it seems like.
Sensitivity is little more better since I started to do the massage that DLD proposed me. I also do some hot wraps and long baths, applying much heat to my penis, as I said its slightly better, but it is still not what I am looking for.
And I do nothing to get that hard flaccid state, its auto.
Nerve issues can take time/months to heal. If that is indeed what it is.

The issue w/ the doctor not believing in PE is to be expected. They don't want to recommend advice where you mess yourself up, I guess thinking it can come back to haunt them. Then again you didn't say you went to a urologist, just "doctor". Either way it's the same thing sort of. One might just paint it as incompetence if the doctor was indeed a urologist.

What did your doctor say (about the sensitivity thing)?

The harder flaccid thing only lasts for 10-15 seconds?
It was an urogolist, sorry for not stating that. About my injury he said that it is only a contusion of my penis.
Yep, this thingy lasts that much of seconds.
kuraksi;591974 said:
It was an urogolist, sorry for not stating that. About my injury he said that it is only a contusion of my penis.
Yep, this thingy lasts that much of seconds.

It's just sporadic? Sorry for not understanding.
Yep, it is sporadic, I think the way you said, that I am turtling, any way to prevent that?
kuraksi;592021 said:
Yep, it is sporadic, I think the way you said, that I am turtling, any way to prevent that?

Use an ADS(extender), silicone sleeve, or Uncle Jim's Wrap
Aggressively you could use the SizeGenetics to hold your stretch at a medium setting but Uncle Jim's Wrap will also completely eliminate shrinkage. In either case be prepared to return good circulation to your penis between the sets.
I will get one uncle jim wrap, how much time will shipping take? I live in Europe. Aslo I have one more question - I would like to see how this wrap looks :)
One more thing - I think I know what is wrong with my penis - when I stopped doing PE my blood cells started to shrink to its original size, I kept them at the bigger size becouse of often erections and erect kegel work, since 1.5 week I had no erections, no ejaculations, no sex, nothing in due to healing process, so it started to shrink harder, so I need to get a wrap :)
About the sensitivity - I guess that my sensitivity became lower becouse of more foreskin on my penis and blood cells getting smaller, is it right or wrong?
Have to order a wrap and come back to PE, will also later buy a membership here :)
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