
Mar 11, 2013
Hey guys I just got my LG Hanger in the mail today and have just done a one hour set with it so far.

I bought the kit that has the hanger, silicone sleeve, protective tape, pump, wrap, 3 pound weight, and some extra wrap.

I am uncut. I have been doing PE for a bit less than a year now. Up till this point I have done jelquing, SG Extender, dry and wet pumping, and clamping. I have seen gains in both flaccid and erect measurements in both girth and length.

I have also lose 34 lbs in the past 3 1/2 months so that also helped with the fat pad reducing in size.

When I ordered the LG Hanger the company rep emailed me asking me for my glands coronal ridge and top of shaft measurements so they could give me a custom made hanger that would snuggly fit my glands and top shaft into.

They couldn't have made me a better fit hanger honestly. I put it on and it took up the whole space in the glands cover perfectly when suction pumped. I only had to do one pump on the vacuum gun to get it to securely and tightly fill the hanger.

Putting it on only took one minute and it is so comfortable it's crazy.
I have never hung before but I am pretty rough with my penis when I stretch, clamp, and pump. So saying that I was thinking the 3 lb weight the kit came with may be useless for me even as a beginner hanger because of how much abuse my penis can take from the other PE methods I use regularly.
Well I was very correct about that. I put the 3 lb weight on and I honestly couldn't even tell I had anything hanging from my penis. So I got a 5 lb dumbell and hung that for about 20 minutes and could still barely tell that was hanging off my penis so I got a 10 lb dumbell and hung that for another additional 40 minutes with absolutely no problem at all and with that amount of weight I could just start feeling it pull on my root by my pubic bone.
I AM NOT suggesting anyone new to hanging jump up in weight right away like I am. I am just giving my observations and explaining that if your penis is used to very intense PE exercises then you may also find the 3 lb weight much too light to start with.
And I just started this hanging today so you never know I may find I have started with too much weight after a few days of hanging but if that's the case I will keep you all posted.

The one concern I do have is that since this hanger is custom made; if I grow much more in glands and upper shaft girth then I will have to get another top hanger piece custom made again.
But saying that I am not planning on targeting any more girth gains for awhile unless my length growth needs more girth growth to catch up to. Currently I am 5" top of shaft girth flaccid and 5.25" girth base of shaft flaccid. And that is after not doing PE for 2 days to give myself a break in pump/clamp size before starting my hanging. My flaccid length BP is around 5" and erect BP length is around 6.5-7" Honestly I do a lot of pumping and clamping so those measurements change quite a bit.
I have gained around an inch in flaccid length and around an inch in erect length or bit more since starting PE and around the same in girth.
I am not anal about measurements but since getting the hanger I will start really monitoring my size increases.

Just love this hanger so far and I'll keep you all posted as the progress goes.

I'll also get some pictures up here when I get motivated to do that too.
Hi, how did you attach it being uncut? Did you pull the foreskin back or pull it over the glans? thanks
trying2getbiger;586693 said:
Hi, how did you attach it being uncut? Did you pull the foreskin back or pull it over the glans? thanks

Hey trying2getbiger I put the hanger on with my foreskin over the glands then put a piece of the tape stuff over the foreskin so that no skin would get sucked into the vacuum hole.
I did have some water retention in my foreskin after the hour hang so I am going to experiment with wrapping the whole foreskin over the glands with the sports wrap to see if that restricts the WR somewhat or also try it with the foreskin retracted before going in the hanger. It's a learning curve so I'll keep you guys posted what works best.
I'm used to pumping a lot so I usually pump till I get a bit of WR anyway so it's not too worrisome for me but It would be nice to do it without the WR if possible.
Did an hour set of 15 lbs today and I guess it may have been a bit much. I had a little bit of urine in the head of the hanger when I took it off and it had a little tint of orange to it so I assume that is a tiny bit of blood. I guess I stretched something a little too much but no pain at all and I got an erection afterwards to see if everything was ok and it feels fine.
I'm going to do another set in a few hours so I'll see how it goes with that. I'm not much for doing things slowly or increasing intensity in small intervals so I'll be disappointing if I can't keep hanging the heavier weight.

Another importance I have found is that I get less water retention if I put the hanger on as if I was circumcised. So if I pull my foreskin down, wrap the glands, go into the hanger, then pull the silicone sleeve down over the pulled down foreskin and shaft this doesn't allow excess skin into the hanger which is what causes the water retention.
I also think I may have vacuum pumped too much when I put the hanger on.
Bit of a learning curve to see what works best.

So the hanger held 15 lbs with no problem at all for an hour. I'm sure it's capable of holding much more than that. Time will tell, I'm going to see what the max is over not too much time hopefully.
Hung 15 lbs again for 2 sets of 20 minutes with no issues. I like breaking up the sets in 20 minutes rather than 1 hour straight better because I can check if there's any problems or water retention starting up. Also gives me a break for a couple minutes to take a piss, etc.
Didn't have time this morning to do the third set so will catch up later today with a longer session.

So this has only been 2.5 days of using the hanger so far and I have never hung with any device prior to this but the first thing I have to say I notice right away is that my flaccid hang is so much more relaxed and non turtling just after this short time of the hanging. I'm hanging quite a lot of weight right out of the gate so that probably has a lot to do with that but I've been really surprised by how noticeable that is.

Gotta say out of all the PE exercises I do, hanging is by far the one that makes my penis feel like a lot of intense positive stuff is going on when I do it. Don't get me wrong all the other PE stuff is great too but the intense hanging just feels like this is the holy grail of stretching a penis.
Wow you hung 15 lbs on your second day? That is crazy! You're lucky you didn't get any blisters. How comfortable was it hanging that much weight? How many hg did you need to pump in order to hold it?

I too am uncircumcised. What are you using in order to protect the glans?

You can send back your hanger to get it resized should you out grow for a small fee FYI. Looking forward to hearing more from you. Keep up the good work and stay safe.
Bryson;586899 said:
Wow you hung 15 lbs on your second day? That is crazy! You're lucky you didn't get any blisters. How comfortable was it hanging that much weight? How many hg did you need to pump in order to hold it?

I too am uncircumcised. What are you using in order to protect the glans?

You can send back your hanger to get it resized should you out grow for a small fee FYI. Looking forward to hearing more from you. Keep up the good work and stay safe.

Hey Bryson ya I went a bit too heavy. I did 3 sets today at 15 lbs too but I'm going to go down to 10 tomorrow cause my root of my penis was a bit sore today and yes I got a blister from one of my sets today too.

I have done several types of wraps so far. I'm still experimenting with it cause some times I get more water retention than other times. I think it also matters how much vac pressure you add too. Too much and the WR kicks in more. The best hang I did where I had no water retention and had a very good seal is where I pulled the foreskin back, wrapped the glands with sports tape, then folded that a bit over the top of the glands and held that in place with the sticky tape over the top of the glands.
The problem I am having is that it is very hard to get into the hanger with the tape on if my penis is swollen too much from other PE work. I love clamping and pumping so it's hard for me to give that stuff up but if I do it before hanging I can't get my penis in the hanger with any wrap on it.
I told myself to stop doing girth work with the pump and clamp but I have yet to stop doing those exercises.

I think I am at around 15-17 hg with most of my hangs. If you notice when you release the weight to hang freely that weight force pulls the hanger down and the hg pressure rises. So when I first put the hanger on I am at 10 to 12 hg but once the weight hangs freely that bumps the hg up to 15 to 17 hg.

I tried it today with less hg but it wouldn't hold the 15 lbs.

I think I may end up having to send my hanger gland cover back in to get a bit bigger one. It fits perfectly for my glands but once I wrap it up it is pretty tough to get in.
I wanted to do one last set today before I went to bed but couldn't because I did some clamping and pumping and my glands and shaft just under the glands was to swollen to get in the hanger. I will really miss clamping and pumping if I have to just stick to the hanging because of this.

I think too you will avoid getting blisters if you allow your glands to pull away a tiny bit from the vacuum hole when you hang the weight freely. This no part of your penis is touching that vacuum hole which is where the blister comes from. If I keep my eye on the glands chamber I can see if there is expansion going on in there causing a part of the penis to touch the vac hole. But if the whole glands and foreskin are covered with wrap then you can also avoid the blisters I would think.
Still a big learning curve for me. Any advice you can offer would be great. That is great news they can modify or make a new chamber if we send them back.
Thanks for the reply
The 15 lbs was too much to start off with. I put the 10 lb weight on today, wrapped as if I was cut by pulling the foreskin down, pumped to 10 hg then put the weight on and it felt great. I also put a strip of velcro around the silicone sleeve on my penis shaft and that gave an extra bit of security to it.

3 sets of 20 min broken up by 5 minutes of jelquing felt great. I'm going to see how a week of this feels before bumping the weight up.
Cool Beans! The amount of vacuum pressure needed to hold a weight seems to be approx. 1 hg/lbs of weight from what I have read.

Most people would advise against doing girth while going for length but if you are going to do it then you can just do it after you hang your sets so that it doesn't interfere with your length work I would think.

Keep it up. (no pun intended)
I just can't get away from doing my pumping and clamping with the hanging.

Fathers day today so didn't get to much PE time and the wife wanted to have sex after the PE so that was an added bonus!

Just did one set of 20 minutes today with the 10 lbs then did two sets of wet pumping in the shower followed by a clamping session. The wife gets very aroused when my penis is in it's full pump/clamped state. I keep a cock ring on after the pumping/clamping to keep it fully engorged. I wanted to see how the pills I have been taking were affecting my semen volume and shooting distance so I asked the wife if I could shoot it on her stomach after she had an orgasm with me inside her and she said sure. So after she came I pulled out, took the cock ring off and she jerked me off onto her stomach.
The last time I came was the day before yesterday so I though I should have a decent amount of cum built up but wasn't expecting a huge amount. Well I was right. It was a good amount and very, very warm but it wasn't a far shot of cum and it wasn't a bucket load. But the wife said she felt a bit hit her upper arm that I didn't notice.
I've read it can take up to two weeks for the supplements to really kick in to your body to produce more cum and farther shots so we'll see what happens next week. I'm going to wait 4 days or so too before cumming again to get a larger volume.
Just doing this for fun. I think big far shots of cum are a turn on and my wife agrees so I wanna keep this experiment up.
I'm taking Maca, a prostate stack with Pygeum, Ginsing, Lecithin and Zinc and doing lot's of kegels.

I was happily surprised when I was for the first time able to pump over 7.5" in the chamber. It was right around the 7.6 mark. Normally I pump around 7.25 when fully engorged. So I don't know what that is a reflection of exactly but I'm guessing it's a combo of a few things; the hanging which is giving me a much more relaxed hang and looser feeling penis, a combo of new pills I've been taking for a week now, and consistent weight loss.
ThickForSure;587162 said:
I just can't get away from doing my pumping and clamping with the hanging.

Fathers day today so didn't get to much PE time and the wife wanted to have sex after the PE so that was an added bonus!

Good to hear you had a momentous Fathers Day!
doublelongdaddy;587276 said:
Good to hear you had a momentous Fathers Day!

Thanks DLD yes it was great. :) The wife has been going through a horny spurt as of late. She doesn't want to admit it's because of the size increase (especially after clamping/pumping sessions) because she said she liked my penis before I started PE too but I know it is because of the size increase.
So much tighter going in and with the extra bit of length I have now I am hitting her cervix now with every stroke and I only did that before when we were both really pressing into each other.

Woke up this morning and did two 15 minute sets of clamping with 3 minutes of jelquing in between and three 5 minute sets of dry pumping with 3 minute sets of jelquing in between. I couldn't pump past 7.2" today which was surprising cause I pumped to 7.6" the other day. Goes to show how our penis acts a bit different day to day. Some days it's more stiff and some days it responds a lot better to PE work. I may have to ease off a little and give my self more recovery time before each new PE session.
I also did another three sets today of 20 minutes in the hanger but not all together. I did them broken up at three different times because I didn't have time to do them all at once. My glands is very hard to get into the hanger in the engorged state after clamping/pumping. I have to insert the glands totally flaccid but even at that I have to squish it in there and have to use less wrap so I get more water retention with less wrap.

I shouldn't have done my clamping/pumping first thing in the morning. I should have waited till later in the day when my hanging was done.

I may also have to look at the LengthMaster to hang with too because I just don't want to give up my clamping/pumping and having to wait till after hanging with the LG is pretty shitty.

With all of this PE equipment I've been buying I'm going to have to cut back on groceries for the family soon :)

I sure miss using my SG Extender too!! I ordered new cones cause they were slipping off. I really think a good hour or two of having the penis in the SG after hanging really helps to concrete the length work.

My penis is getting so nice and loose feeling. It's hanging much more free feeling and doesn't want to turtle any more like it did pre PE work.
Got home late today so didn't get to hang unfortunetely. Just did a couple clamping sets, some jelquing and a couple pumping sets as I laid in bed. Too tired to sit up or stand for the hang tonight. Will hit the hanging hard tomorrow before I do any girth work.

Another thing to note if anyone is following the supplement taking in order to increase sperm load volume and shot strength: So as I earlier mentioned I have started taking Maca, Lecithin, a Prostate stack, Zinc, Horny Goat Weed, and Siberian Ginsing. I had read it can take up to two weeks to start seeing a change and tonight was the night I noticed it. I jerked off after my clamp/pump session and the load size was increased a lot and the shot distance was increased a lot too. And it has been two days since I orgasmed last so that's the same gap in time as when I checked the load size and distance the last time.
Also the orgasm seemed quite a bit more powerful and fulfilling than normal.
Another thing to note is that normally during the day I take all of the supplements in the morning then I take the Maca and the Ginsing again in the late afternoon but the one day that I forgot to take the maca and Ginsing again in the afternoon I noted a big difference in my energy level that afternoon of not taking those. I had the same amount of sleep each day so it wasn't due to lack of sleep and my diet has been very healthy and consistent so it wasn't due to that either. I think it was the not taking the Ginsing cause when I take it every day twice I have tons of energy throughout the whole day.
Don't get me wrong this is by no means scientific evidence lol but I think it gives me a lot of energy boost.
ThickForSure;586685 said:
Hey guys I just got my LG Hanger in the mail today and have just done a one hour set with it so far.

I bought the kit that has the hanger, silicone sleeve, protective tape, pump, wrap, 3 pound weight, and some extra wrap.

I am uncut. I have been doing PE for a bit less than a year now. Up till this point I have done jelquing, SG Extender, dry and wet pumping, and clamping. I have seen gains in both flaccid and erect measurements in both girth and length.

I have also lose 34 lbs in the past 3 1/2 months so that also helped with the fat pad reducing in size.

When I ordered the LG Hanger the company rep emailed me asking me for my glands coronal ridge and top of shaft measurements so they could give me a custom made hanger that would snuggly fit my glands and top shaft into.

They couldn't have made me a better fit hanger honestly. I put it on and it took up the whole space in the glands cover perfectly when suction pumped. I only had to do one pump on the vacuum gun to get it to securely and tightly fill the hanger.

Putting it on only took one minute and it is so comfortable it's crazy.
I have never hung before but I am pretty rough with my penis when I stretch, clamp, and pump. So saying that I was thinking the 3 lb weight the kit came with may be useless for me even as a beginner hanger because of how much abuse my penis can take from the other PE methods I use regularly.
Well I was very correct about that. I put the 3 lb weight on and I honestly couldn't even tell I had anything hanging from my penis. So I got a 5 lb dumbell and hung that for about 20 minutes and could still barely tell that was hanging off my penis so I got a 10 lb dumbell and hung that for another additional 40 minutes with absolutely no problem at all and with that amount of weight I could just start feeling it pull on my root by my pubic bone.
I AM NOT suggesting anyone new to hanging jump up in weight right away like I am. I am just giving my observations and explaining that if your penis is used to very intense PE exercises then you may also find the 3 lb weight much too light to start with.
And I just started this hanging today so you never know I may find I have started with too much weight after a few days of hanging but if that's the case I will keep you all posted.

The one concern I do have is that since this hanger is custom made; if I grow much more in glands and upper shaft girth then I will have to get another top hanger piece custom made again.
But saying that I am not planning on targeting any more girth gains for awhile unless my length growth needs more girth growth to catch up to. Currently I am 5" top of shaft girth flaccid and 5.25" girth base of shaft flaccid. And that is after not doing PE for 2 days to give myself a break in pump/clamp size before starting my hanging. My flaccid length BP is around 5" and erect BP length is around 6.5-7" Honestly I do a lot of pumping and clamping so those measurements change quite a bit.
I have gained around an inch in flaccid length and around an inch in erect length or bit more since starting PE and around the same in girth.
I am not anal about measurements but since getting the hanger I will start really monitoring my size increases.

Just love this hanger so far and I'll keep you all posted as the progress goes.

I'll also get some pictures up here when I get motivated to do that too.

Great gains so far. Hanging will deff help. Add the LengthMaster and you are golden.
ThickForSure;587351 said:
Another thing to note if anyone is following the supplement taking in order to increase sperm load volume and shot strength: So as I earlier mentioned I have started taking Maca, Lecithin, a Prostate stack, Zinc, Horny Goat Weed, and Siberian Ginsing. I had read it can take up to two weeks to start seeing a change and tonight was the night I noticed it. I jerked off after my clamp/pump session and the load size was increased a lot and the shot distance was increased a lot too. And it has been two days since I orgasmed last so that's the same gap in time as when I checked the load size and distance the last time.
Also the orgasm seemed quite a bit more powerful and fulfilling than normal.
Another thing to note is that normally during the day I take all of the supplements in the morning then I take the Maca and the Ginsing again in the late afternoon but the one day that I forgot to take the maca and Ginsing again in the afternoon I noted a big difference in my energy level that afternoon of not taking those. I had the same amount of sleep each day so it wasn't due to lack of sleep and my diet has been very healthy and consistent so it wasn't due to that either. I think it was the not taking the Ginsing cause when I take it every day twice I have tons of energy throughout the whole day.
Don't get me wrong this is by no means scientific evidence lol but I think it gives me a lot of energy boost.

Think I'll try maca and ginsing to my supps. tried sunflower lecithin and gave me bad stomach pains. Strange as nothing has ever given me stomach pains like that.
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